[LLVMdev] The configure script seems to strip some / from path

Henrik Bach henrik_bach_llvm at hotmail.com
Sat Jun 18 01:32:58 PDT 2005

Hi LLVMers,

The root of my SRC_DIR is: /home/hb/projects/src/llvm-1/llvm/
and the root of my OBJ_DIR is: /home/hb/projects/build/FC1/llvm-1-1.

However, the configure script seems to have stripped some of the / from the 
Makefile.common:63: /home/hb/projects/buildFC1llvm-1-1/Makefile.config: No 
such file or directory
Makefile.common:69: /home/hb/projects/srcllvm-1/Makefile.rules: No such file 
or directory

My system is Fedora Core 1:
[hb at fc1s050612 llvm-1-1]$ uname -a
Linux fc1s050612 2.4.22-1.2115.nptl #1 Wed Oct 29 15:42:51 EST 2003 i686 
i686 i386 GNU/Linux

[hb at fc1s050612 llvm-1-1]$ cmlog.sh --logfile my_configure.log 
~/projects/src/llvm-1/llvm/configure --prefix=/home/hb/llvm/ 
hb at fc1s050612 llvm-1-1]$ cmlog.sh --logfile my_make_tools-only.log make 
tools-only -k ENABLE_OPTIMIZED=1
Makefile.common:63: /home/hb/projects/buildFC1llvm-1-1/Makefile.config: No 
such file or directory
Makefile.common:69: /home/hb/projects/srcllvm-1/Makefile.rules: No such file 
or directory
make: *** No rule to make target 
make: *** No rule to make target 
make: Failed to remake makefile 
make: Failed to remake makefile 
make: *** No rule to make target `all', needed by `tools-only'.
make: Target `tools-only' not remade because of errors.
[hb at fc1s050612 llvm-1-1]$ pwd
[hb at fc1s050612 llvm-1-1]$ ls /home/hb/projects/src/llvm-1/llvm/
autoconf     docs      LICENSE.TXT      Makefile.config.in  runtime  utils
configure    examples  llvm.spec        Makefile.rules      support  win32
CREDITS.TXT  include   Makefile         projects            test
CVS          lib       Makefile.common  README.txt          tools
[hb at fc1s050612 llvm-1-1]$

Henrik Bach
LLVM Open Source Developer

e-mail: henrik_bach_llvm at hotmail.com
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