[LLVMdev] Cygwin build is still broken

Reid Spencer reid at x10sys.com
Sun Jan 9 20:02:23 PST 2005

On Sun, 2005-01-09 at 19:23, Oleg Smolsky wrote:

> > http://llvm.cs.uiuc.edu/docs/GettingStarted.html#hardware
> > 
> > noting that the 2.15.91 version of as that comes with Cygwin 
> > is broken and that you need to use just 2.15.
> I've also tried 2.15.94 (which is currently the latest) but it generates
> the same problem. How did you acquire just "2.15"? I hope you didn't
> compile binutils.... If you did, don't gcc/ld/as get out-of-sync if you
> build them separately from each other? As for gcc newer than 3.4.1 - did
> you build that too?

Yes, I compiled 2.15 from the source on cygwin. Because I built it on
Cygwin it has a high likelihood of being correct. As for compatibility
with the GCC 3.4.3 that I used, it just seemed to work.
> AFAIK 2.15.xx are just different builds of the same code. Cygwin libs
> are different between these builds of course.....
> Also, it would be concerning if building llvm and cfrontend required
> building binutils and gcc. Probably putting cygwin-compatible
> executables on the site would be a lot easier... The only problem would
> be keeping track of cygwin.dll versions...

Well, we're into some new territory. When I figure out exactly what the
compatibility issues are, I probably will post a "you need version XYZ
of this and ABC of that". If those aren't regularly available, I'll
provide the binaries. But, I'm hoping to get this into "standard"
packages. I have no idea why Cygwin is the way it is, just that after
mucking around for a few days I found a combination that works (bin
utils 2.15 and GCC 3.4.3 both compiled on Cygwin). 

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