[LLVMdev] Area for improvement

Chris Lattner sabre at nondot.org
Mon Feb 21 22:01:51 PST 2005

On Mon, 21 Feb 2005, Jeff Cohen wrote:
> I noticed that fourinarow is one of the programs in which LLVM is much slower 
> than GCC, so I decided to take a look and see why that is so.  The program 
> has many loops that look like this:
>   #define ROWS 6
>   #define COLS 7
>   void init_board(char b[COLS][ROWS+1])
>   {
>     int i,j;
>     for (i=0;i<COLS;i++)
>           for (j=0;j<ROWS;j++)
>             b[i][j]='.';
>                         for (i=0;i<COLS;i++)
>           b[i][ROWS]=0;
>   }
> This generates the following X86 code:
>       imull $7, %ecx, %edx
>       movl %eax, %esi
>       addl %edx, %esi
>       movb $46, (%esi)
>       imull $7, %ecx, %edx
>       movl %eax, %esi
>       addl %edx, %esi
>       leal 1(%esi), %edx
... (many many copies of this, see the end of the email for full output) 

> The code generated by GCC is much faster.  LLVM does unroll the loop, which 
> GCC does not do, but the addressing code is a constant repetition of these 
> three instructions:
>       imull $7, %ecx, %edx
>       movl %eax, %esi
>       addl %edx, %esi

Yup, this is an issue of simple "peephole expansion" of the getelementptr 

> All but the first occurrance do nothing but put the same address into %esi 
> that was already there to being with, and does it with an expensive multiply 
> at that.  GCC correctly creates a suitable induction variable and strength 
> reduces the multiplication down to addition.

This is called loop strength reduction.

> It turns out that using the new selection dag code generator, the outer loop 
> is unrolled also and nothing is left but a bunch of movb instructions.  Much, 
> much faster.

For the record, instead of the ugly code above, the new isel generates:

         mov %EAX, DWORD PTR [%ESP + 4]
         mov %ECX, 0
.LBBinit_board_1:       # loopexit.1
         imul %EDX, %ECX, 7
         mov BYTE PTR [%EAX + %EDX], 46
         mov BYTE PTR [%EAX + %EDX + 1], 46
         mov BYTE PTR [%EAX + %EDX + 2], 46
         mov BYTE PTR [%EAX + %EDX + 3], 46
         mov BYTE PTR [%EAX + %EDX + 4], 46
         mov BYTE PTR [%EAX + %EDX + 5], 46
         inc %ECX
         cmp %ECX, 7
         jne .LBBinit_board_1    # loopexit.1
.LBBinit_board_2:       # return
         mov BYTE PTR [%EAX + 6], 0
         mov BYTE PTR [%EAX + 13], 0
         mov BYTE PTR [%EAX + 20], 0
         mov BYTE PTR [%EAX + 27], 0
         mov BYTE PTR [%EAX + 34], 0
         mov BYTE PTR [%EAX + 41], 0
         mov BYTE PTR [%EAX + 48], 0

This code is almost "perfect" with the exception of the multiply by 7 
inside of the loop.  Loop strength reduction would transform this into an 
add like GCC produces.

> But still, the optimization passes shouldn't be leaving so much 
> garbage around for instruction selection to clean up.  At first, I thought 
> all that was needed was to another round of basic block optimizations after 
> the loop was unrolled, until I saw the actual LLVM bytecodes:

There are two issues here.  First, LLVM code is NOT designed for trivial 
peephole code generation.  This is *possible*, but not going to give you 
good quality code (see above ;-) ).  The new isel uses an extremely 
light-weight DAG-based optimizer that both simplifies instruction 
selectors and optimizes the code before selection.  LLVM code is meant to 
be a host to mid-level and interprocedural optimizations, and I think it 
does that job well.

> Now the problem is obvious.  A two dimensional array access is being 
> performed by a single instruction.  The arithmetic needed to address the 
> element is implicit, and therefore inaccessible to optimizations.  The 
> redundant calculations can not be eliminated, nor can strength reduction be 
> performed.  getelementptr needs to be broken down into its constituent 
> operations at some point.

Actually strength reduction can be trivially done with getelementptr 
instructions, that was part of their design.  Part of the problem is that 
we have an induction variable canonicalization pass which UNDOES strength 
reduction to make loop analysis simpler, but we don't have strength 
reduction to redo it.   Thus if you compile a loop like this (complex 
double chosen to show a size that X86 can scale "for free"):

#include <complex.h>
void test(unsigned N, complex double *P) {
   for (; N != 0; --N)
     *P++ = 0;

We compile it to this LLVM code:

void %test(uint %N, "complex long double"* %P) {
         %tmp.15 = seteq uint %N, 0              ; <bool> [#uses=1]
         br bool %tmp.15, label %return, label %no_exit

no_exit:                ; preds = %no_exit, %entry
         %indvar = phi uint [ %indvar.next, %no_exit ], [ 0, %entry ]            ; <uint> [#uses=3]
         %tmp.4 = getelementptr "complex long double"* %P, uint %indvar, uint 0          ; <double*> [#uses=1]
         store double 0.000000e+00, double* %tmp.4
         %tmp.5 = getelementptr "complex long double"* %P, uint %indvar, uint 1          ; <double*> [#uses=1]
         store double 0.000000e+00, double* %tmp.5
         %indvar.next = add uint %indvar, 1              ; <uint> [#uses=2]
         %exitcond = seteq uint %indvar.next, %N         ; <bool> [#uses=1]
         br bool %exitcond, label %return, label %no_exit

return:         ; preds = %no_exit, %entry
         ret void

Note the accesses to P are using P[indvar].{real|imag}, not incrementing 
P.  Compile this to X86, and you get this loop (using the simple 
instruction selector):

.LBBtest_1:     # no_exit
         mov %ESI, %EDX
         shl %ESI, 4                       --> scale by sizeof(complex double)
         mov %EDI, %ECX
         add %EDI, %ESI
         mov DWORD PTR [%EDI], 0
         mov DWORD PTR [%EDI + 4], 0
         mov %ESI, %EDX
         shl %ESI, 4                       --> scale by sizeof(complex double)
         mov %EDI, %ECX
         add %EDI, %ESI
         lea %ESI, DWORD PTR [%EDI + 8]
         mov DWORD PTR [%ESI], 0
         mov DWORD PTR [%ESI + 4], 0
         inc %EDX
         cmp %EDX, %EAX
         jne .LBBtest_1  # no_exit

Now, if you disable the -indvars pass, you'll get this loop instead (note 
the pointer increment of P is retained):

void %test(uint %N, "complex long double"* %P) {
         %tmp.15 = seteq uint %N, 0              ; <bool> [#uses=1]
         br bool %tmp.15, label %return, label %no_exit
no_exit:                ; preds = %no_exit, %entry
         %P_addr.0.0 = phi "complex long double"* [ %inc, %no_exit ], [ %P, %entry ]             ; <"complex long double"*> [#uses=3]
         %N_addr.0.0 = phi uint [ %dec, %no_exit ], [ %N, %entry ]               ; <uint> [#uses=1]
         %inc = getelementptr "complex long double"* %P_addr.0.0, int 1          ; <"complex long double"*> [#uses=1]
         %tmp.4 = getelementptr "complex long double"* %P_addr.0.0, int 0, uint 0                ; <double*> [#uses=1]
         store double 0.000000e+00, double* %tmp.4
         %tmp.5 = getelementptr "complex long double"* %P_addr.0.0, int 0, uint 1                ; <double*> [#uses=1]
         store double 0.000000e+00, double* %tmp.5
         %dec = add uint %N_addr.0.0, 4294967295         ; <uint> [#uses=2]
         %tmp.1 = seteq uint %dec, 0             ; <bool> [#uses=1]
         br bool %tmp.1, label %return, label %no_exit
return:         ; preds = %no_exit, %entry
         ret void

which codegens to this loop (simple isel again):

.LBBtest_1:     # no_exit
         lea %EDX, DWORD PTR [%ECX + 16]
         mov DWORD PTR [%ECX], 0
         mov DWORD PTR [%ECX + 4], 0
         mov DWORD PTR [%ECX + 8], 0
         mov DWORD PTR [%ECX + 12], 0
         dec %EAX
         test %EAX, %EAX
         mov %ECX, %EDX
         jne .LBBtest_1  # no_exit

I think you'll agree that this loop is much nicer, though there is some 
wierd register shuffling going on between ECX and EDX.  This is the code 
we would generate if we did loop strength reduction on the LLVM level. 
Note that on X86, this isn't a HUGE problem in all cases: it can scale by 
2,4 and 8 for "free".  The problem is much worse on RISC targets.

> Or am I missing something?  Is this breaking down and reapplying 
> optimizations part of the selection dag process?  I am somewhat surprised 
> that using it affected what loops got unrolled.

I'm not sure what you mean.  The LLVM code input to the selection dag isel 
is exactly the same as that input to the simple isel, and it does no loop 
unrolling.  The full code produced by the simple isel (for Jeff's example) 
is attached below for reference.  Contrast this to the pattern isel output 
at the top.

         sub %ESP, 4
         mov DWORD PTR [%ESP], %ESI
         mov %EAX, DWORD PTR [%ESP + 8]
         mov %ECX, 0
.LBBinit_board_1:       # loopexit.1
         imul %EDX, %ECX, 7
         mov %ESI, %EAX
         add %ESI, %EDX
         mov BYTE PTR [%ESI], 46
         imul %EDX, %ECX, 7
         mov %ESI, %EAX
         add %ESI, %EDX
         lea %EDX, DWORD PTR [%ESI + 1]
         mov BYTE PTR [%EDX], 46
         imul %EDX, %ECX, 7
         mov %ESI, %EAX
         add %ESI, %EDX
         lea %EDX, DWORD PTR [%ESI + 2]
         mov BYTE PTR [%EDX], 46
         imul %EDX, %ECX, 7
         mov %ESI, %EAX
         add %ESI, %EDX
         lea %EDX, DWORD PTR [%ESI + 3]
         mov BYTE PTR [%EDX], 46
         imul %EDX, %ECX, 7
         mov %ESI, %EAX
         add %ESI, %EDX
         lea %EDX, DWORD PTR [%ESI + 4]
         mov BYTE PTR [%EDX], 46
         imul %EDX, %ECX, 7
         mov %ESI, %EAX
         add %ESI, %EDX
         lea %EDX, DWORD PTR [%ESI + 5]
         mov BYTE PTR [%EDX], 46
         inc %ECX
         cmp %ECX, 7
         jne .LBBinit_board_1    # loopexit.1
.LBBinit_board_2:       # return
         mov BYTE PTR [%EAX + 6], 0
         mov BYTE PTR [%EAX + 13], 0
         mov BYTE PTR [%EAX + 20], 0
         mov BYTE PTR [%EAX + 27], 0
         mov BYTE PTR [%EAX + 34], 0
         mov BYTE PTR [%EAX + 41], 0
         mov BYTE PTR [%EAX + 48], 0
         mov %ESI, DWORD PTR [%ESP]
         add %ESP, 4



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