[LLVMdev] Area for improvement

Jeff Cohen jeffc at jolt-lang.org
Mon Feb 21 19:17:32 PST 2005

When I increased COLS to the point where the loop could no longer be 
unrolled, the selection dag code generator generated effectively the 
same code as the default X86 code generator.  Lots of redundant 
imul/movl/addl sequences.  It can't clean it up either.  Only unrolling 
all nested loops permits it to be optimized away, regardless of code 

Jeff Cohen wrote:

> I noticed that fourinarow is one of the programs in which LLVM is much 
> slower than GCC, so I decided to take a look and see why that is so.  
> The program has many loops that look like this:
>     #define ROWS 6
>     #define COLS 7
>     void init_board(char b[COLS][ROWS+1])
>     {
>       int i,j;
>       for (i=0;i<COLS;i++)
>             for (j=0;j<ROWS;j++)
>               b[i][j]='.';
>       for (i=0;i<COLS;i++)
>             b[i][ROWS]=0;
>     }
> This generates the following X86 code:
>         .text
>         .align    16
>         .globl    init_board
>         .type    init_board, @function
>     init_board:
>         subl $4, %esp
>         movl %esi, (%esp)
>         movl 8(%esp), %eax
>         movl $0, %ecx
>     .LBBinit_board_1:    # loopexit.1
>         imull $7, %ecx, %edx
>         movl %eax, %esi
>         addl %edx, %esi
>         movb $46, (%esi)
>         imull $7, %ecx, %edx
>         movl %eax, %esi
>         addl %edx, %esi
>         leal 1(%esi), %edx
>         movb $46, (%edx)
>         imull $7, %ecx, %edx
>         movl %eax, %esi
>         addl %edx, %esi
>         leal 2(%esi), %edx
>         movb $46, (%edx)
>         imull $7, %ecx, %edx
>         movl %eax, %esi
>         addl %edx, %esi
>         leal 3(%esi), %edx
>         movb $46, (%edx)
>         imull $7, %ecx, %edx
>         movl %eax, %esi
>         addl %edx, %esi
>         leal 4(%esi), %edx
>         movb $46, (%edx)
>         imull $7, %ecx, %edx
>         movl %eax, %esi
>         addl %edx, %esi
>         leal 5(%esi), %edx
>         movb $46, (%edx)
>         incl %ecx
>         cmpl $7, %ecx
>         jne .LBBinit_board_1    # loopexit.1
>     .LBBinit_board_2:    # return
>         movb $0, 6(%eax)
>         movb $0, 13(%eax)
>         movb $0, 20(%eax)
>         movb $0, 27(%eax)
>         movb $0, 34(%eax)
>         movb $0, 41(%eax)
>         movb $0, 48(%eax)
>         movl (%esp), %esi
>         addl $4, %esp
>         ret
> The code generated by GCC is much faster.  LLVM does unroll the loop, 
> which GCC does not do, but the addressing code is a constant 
> repetition of these three instructions:
>         imull $7, %ecx, %edx
>         movl %eax, %esi
>         addl %edx, %esi
> All but the first occurrance do nothing but put the same address into 
> %esi that was already there to being with, and does it with an 
> expensive multiply at that.  GCC correctly creates a suitable 
> induction variable and strength reduces the multiplication down to 
> addition.
> It turns out that using the new selection dag code generator, the 
> outer loop is unrolled also and nothing is left but a bunch of movb 
> instructions.  Much, much faster.  But still, the optimization passes 
> shouldn't be leaving so much garbage around for instruction selection 
> to clean up.  At first, I thought all that was needed was to another 
> round of basic block optimizations after the loop was unrolled, until 
> I saw the actual LLVM bytecodes:
>     void %init_board([7 x sbyte]* %b) {
>     entry:
>         br label %loopexit.1
>     loopexit.1:        ; preds = %loopexit.1, %entry
>         %indvar14 = phi uint [ 0, %entry ], [ %indvar.next15,
>     %loopexit.1 ]        ; <uint> [#uses=7]
>         %tmp.10 = getelementptr [7 x sbyte]* %b, uint %indvar14, int
>     0        ; <sbyte*> [#uses=1]
>         store sbyte 46, sbyte* %tmp.10
>         %tmp.10.1 = getelementptr [7 x sbyte]* %b, uint %indvar14, int
>     1        ; <sbyte*> [#uses=1]
>         store sbyte 46, sbyte* %tmp.10.1
>         %tmp.10.2 = getelementptr [7 x sbyte]* %b, uint %indvar14, int
>     2        ; <sbyte*> [#uses=1]
>         store sbyte 46, sbyte* %tmp.10.2
>         %tmp.10.3 = getelementptr [7 x sbyte]* %b, uint %indvar14, int
>     3        ; <sbyte*> [#uses=1]
>         store sbyte 46, sbyte* %tmp.10.3
>         %tmp.10.4 = getelementptr [7 x sbyte]* %b, uint %indvar14, int
>     4        ; <sbyte*> [#uses=1]
>         store sbyte 46, sbyte* %tmp.10.4
>         %tmp.10.5 = getelementptr [7 x sbyte]* %b, uint %indvar14, int
>     5        ; <sbyte*> [#uses=1]
>         store sbyte 46, sbyte* %tmp.10.5
>         %indvar.next15 = add uint %indvar14, 1        ; <uint> [#uses=2]
>         %exitcond16 = seteq uint %indvar.next15, 7        ; <bool>
>     [#uses=1]
>         br bool %exitcond16, label %return, label %loopexit.1
>     return:        ; preds = %loopexit.1
>         %tmp.19 = getelementptr [7 x sbyte]* %b, int 0, int 6        ;
>     <sbyte*> [#uses=1]
>         store sbyte 0, sbyte* %tmp.19
>         %tmp.19.1 = getelementptr [7 x sbyte]* %b, int 1, int 6       
>     ; <sbyte*> [#uses=1]
>         store sbyte 0, sbyte* %tmp.19.1
>         %tmp.19.2 = getelementptr [7 x sbyte]* %b, int 2, int 6       
>     ; <sbyte*> [#uses=1]
>         store sbyte 0, sbyte* %tmp.19.2
>         %tmp.19.3 = getelementptr [7 x sbyte]* %b, int 3, int 6       
>     ; <sbyte*> [#uses=1]
>         store sbyte 0, sbyte* %tmp.19.3
>         %tmp.19.4 = getelementptr [7 x sbyte]* %b, int 4, int 6       
>     ; <sbyte*> [#uses=1]
>         store sbyte 0, sbyte* %tmp.19.4
>         %tmp.19.5 = getelementptr [7 x sbyte]* %b, int 5, int 6       
>     ; <sbyte*> [#uses=1]
>         store sbyte 0, sbyte* %tmp.19.5
>         %tmp.19.6 = getelementptr [7 x sbyte]* %b, int 6, int 6       
>     ; <sbyte*> [#uses=1]
>         store sbyte 0, sbyte* %tmp.19.6
>         ret void
>     }
> Now the problem is obvious.  A two dimensional array access is being 
> performed by a single instruction.  The arithmetic needed to address 
> the element is implicit, and therefore inaccessible to optimizations.  
> The redundant calculations can not be eliminated, nor can strength 
> reduction be performed.  getelementptr needs to be broken down into 
> its constituent operations at some point.
> Or am I missing something?  Is this breaking down and reapplying 
> optimizations part of the selection dag process?  I am somewhat 
> surprised that using it affected what loops got unrolled.
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