[LLVMdev] Error building llvm-gcc under CygWin - makeinfo cpp.info not building

Aaron Gray angray at beeb.net
Mon Feb 21 07:30:03 PST 2005


I have been trying to make llvm-gcc under CygWin and am getting a makeinfo error.

I have tried it on the command line :-

makeinfo --split-size=5000000 --force -I /usr/src/llvm-gcc/gcc/doc -I /usr/src/llvm-gcc/gcc/doc/include -o /usr/src/llvmgcc/gcc/doc/cpp.info /usr/src/llvm-gcc/gcc/doc/cpp.texi

And get the resulting output :-

$ makeinfo --split-size=5000000 --force -I /usr/src/llvm-gcc/gcc/doc -I /usr/sr
c/llvm-gcc/gcc/doc/include -o /usr/src/llvm-gcc/gcc/doc/cpp.info /usr/src/llvm-
' in @synindex.cc/gcc/doc/cpp.texi:49: Unknown index `vr' and/or `op
/usr/src/llvm-gcc/gcc/doc/cpp.texi:4124: warning: @strong{Note:} produces a spur
ious cross-reference in Info; reword to avoid that.
/usr/src/llvm-gcc/gcc/doc//cppopts.texi:133: warning: @strong{Note:} produces a
spurious cross-reference in Info; reword to avoid that.
/usr/src/llvm-gcc/gcc/doc//cppopts.texi:341: warning: @strong{Note:} produces a
spurious cross-reference in Info; reword to avoid that.
/usr/src/llvm-gcc/gcc/doc/cpp.texi:3203: Cross reference to nonexistent node `St
 Predefined Macros' (perhaps incorrect sectioning?).
/usr/src/llvm-gcc/gcc/doc/cpp.texi:1405: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Ar
 Prescan' (perhaps incorrect sectioning?).
/usr/src/llvm-gcc/gcc/doc/cpp.texi:1063: Cross reference to nonexistent node `On
 Headers' (perhaps incorrect sectioning?).
/usr/src/llvm-gcc/gcc/doc/cpp.texi:577: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Dif
 from previous versions' (perhaps incorrect sectioning?).
/usr/src/llvm-gcc/gcc/doc/cpp.texi:572: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Inc
 Operation' (perhaps incorrect sectioning?).
/usr/src/llvm-gcc/gcc/doc/cpp.texi:230: Cross reference to nonexistent node `Tra
 Mode' (perhaps incorrect sectioning?).

I have gnu makeinfo version 4.7.

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