[LLVMdev] question about compile path [patch adding .cc support]

Vladimir Merzliakov wanderer at rsu.ru
Thu Feb 3 08:25:36 PST 2005

> Doing it this way
> allows you to re-use the LLVM build system, as opposed to building your
> own set of Makefiles.
I have pre-LLVM projects in C++ with often used at Unix C++ source file 
extention .cc
I modify LLVM build system (original LLVM Makefile.rules already partly 
support .cc extention,
for example, in Sources and FakeSources make vars setup code).

Is attached patch acceptable?

Also I have in Makefile.rules (but not include in patch) some modification 
for simplify used common Makefile.rules in LLVM projects and non-LLVM 
project (guarding some LLVM specific parts by ifdef 

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