[LLVMdev] patches and problem...

Reid Spencer reid at x10sys.com
Tue Sep 28 19:02:54 PDT 2004

OIC .. I was wondering what the heck the Interpreter was doing with random 
number generation. "hmm, should we execute this function or not? .. let's toss 
a coin" ;>


Chris Lattner wrote:

> On Wed, 29 Sep 2004, Reid Spencer wrote:
>>>On Tue, 28 Sep 2004, Paolo Invernizzi wrote:
>>>>The next major problem is that VC has only
>>>>int rand(void)
>>>>void srand( int seed )
>>>>So I donno how to compile the
>>>>ExecutionEngine/Interpreter/ExternalFunctions.cpp that refers to the
>>>>drand48 srand48 lrand48 etc series...
>>I guess I need a sys::Math::getRandom() function that uses a "good" random
>>number generator on the given platform. I'll make a note of this and tuck it
>>away for future implementation.
> No, LLVM has no need for random numbers.  The methods in
> Interpreter/ExternalFunctions.cpp are just wrappers around system
> functions of the same name (to avoid having an FFI).  In reality, these
> things can just be removed without too much lossage, but Brian would be
> the person to ok that.
> -Chris

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