[LLVMdev] patches and problem...

Paolo Invernizzi paolo.invernizzi at srlabs.it
Tue Sep 28 06:47:46 PDT 2004

Here I am again...
I missed that in the previous diff, they are the usual missing 
<algorithm> and the std:: namespace missing in sort, find, make_pair.
Alkis can you please give them an eye when you have time?

The next major problem is that VC has only

int rand(void)
void srand( int seed )

So I donno how to compile the 
ExecutionEngine/Interpreter/ExternalFunctions.cpp that refers to the 
drand48 srand48 lrand48 etc series...
For now I hacked them, like

double drand48(void) { return (float) rand() / (float) RAND_MAX
and so...

Is it 
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not more portable if the rand functions are moved in the System stuff?
Paolo Invernizzi

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