[LLVMdev] CFE debug info progress

Michael McCracken michael.mccracken at gmail.com
Sun Oct 24 13:32:50 PDT 2004

Hi, I've got the cfe debug info to the point where it outputs correct
function info, stoppoints for statements (but not for declarations
anymore) and region ends at the beginning of the return block. So this
is about as far as I wanted to go with it.

However, there's one last big problem that I need some advice on. Running :
gcc -g -S -o foo.ll
llvmas foo.ll

produces bytecode that works under lli -force-interpreter on OS X (JIT
not working on my system)
and llvm-db can list sources and functions.


gcc -g -o foo 

llvm-db foo.bc

doesn't see any debug info.

Worse, it doesn't work:

that's a JIT error, OK, so:

% lli -force-interpreter loops.bc 
Tried to execute an unknown external function:  __main
Loops begin:
failed assertion `isa<X>(Val) && "cast<Ty>() argument of incompatible

That's not good.
Any advice on debugging this?


Michael McCracken
UCSD CSE PhD Student
San Diego Supercomputer Center

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