[LLVMdev] Fix for non-standard variable length array + Visual C X86 specific code
Morten Ofstad
morten at hue.no
Mon Oct 18 06:47:09 PDT 2004
Paolo Invernizzi wrote:
> There was a similar problem some time ago, and was resolved with alloca.
> I think it's a better solution to use the stack instead of the heap...
I tend to agree, but the constructors won't get called if it's an object
array -- anyway, this particular case there was no objects, just
pointers and bools so alloca should be fine. I'll leave it to Chris
Lattner to decide if my patch goes in or not...
To reduce the number of mails, I also include my next patch -- X86
specific code and inline assembly for Visual C, unfortunately I had to
use the nasty IncludeFile trick again to get the linker to work..
-------------- next part --------------
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