[LLVMdev] LLVM IR immediately from frontend

Umar Janjua Umar.Janjua at cl.cam.ac.uk
Sat Nov 6 17:19:07 PST 2004

Perhaps I am missing some link. Need a bit clarification.

For the C language,
I want to access the LLVM code immediately generated by 
llvmgcc(cfrontend/bin/gcc) before it undergoes any further transformation or 

1) Are there any libraries that enable me to parse   C code and create the 
Module instance.

2) If answer to 1) is no, then is there some other way to create Module 
instance from C code than issuing llvmgcc -S command in my program, then 
parsing the output through Asmparser, and then creating Module instance as a 

I believe there should also be a directory frontend  in the llvm source, that 
provides libraries for parsing different source languages and translating 
these into LLVM bytecode.

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