[LLVMdev] Linearscan allocator bug?

Vladimir Prus ghost at cs.msu.su
Tue Jun 22 09:03:02 PDT 2004

I'm running into something which looks like a bug in linearscan allocator. Of 
course I can't be 100% sure it's not some unobvious mistake on my part, so 
I'd like to hear your opinion.

First, I attach two files -- LLVM asm and the asm for my target. The problem 
with assembler is: on line 171 it uses register gr2, which is copied from gr6 
above, on line 161. The only predecessor of this basic block is jump on line 
90. The problem is that gr6 is not initialized in the interval from the 
function entry till the jump.

I also attach the debug dumps from my backend. 

The basic block in question is shortcirc_done.1 (line 198 in the log). It 
starts with:

    %reg1060 = phi %reg1032, mbb<shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selectcont,

The predecessor is at line 155 and the register 1032 is assigned a value on 
line 140 (in shortcirc_next.0.selectcont): 

    %reg1032 = move %reg103

After register allocation the code in shortcirc_done.1 is (line 334):

    %gr2 = move %gr6

the predecessor in at line 285 and the code in shortcirc_next.0.selectcont is 	   
(line 268)

    %gr4 = move %gr2

while I'd expect destination register should be gr6.

In fact, gr6 is first used here (line 289):

        if <>0 goto %disp(label shortcirc_done.1)
	%gr2 = move %gr4
	%gr5 = move %gr1
	%gr6 = move %gr4
	%gr1 = move %gr1

So, it's possible that jump goes to shortcirc_done.1 which then uses gr6 and 
gets back results. 

Any ideas?

- Volodya
-------------- next part --------------
target endian = little
target pointersize = 32
%.str_1 = internal constant [32 x sbyte] c"Boolean Not: %d %d %d %d %d %d\0A\00"		; <[32 x sbyte]*> [#uses=1]

implementation   ; Functions:

declare int %printf(sbyte*, ...)

void %testBooleanNot(int %A, int %B, int %C, int %D) {
	%tmp.3 = setlt int %A, 1		; <bool> [#uses=2]
	%tmp.4 = cast bool %tmp.3 to int		; <int> [#uses=2]
;	br bool %tmp.3, label %shortcirc_done.0, label %shortcirc_next.0
        br label %shortcirc_next.0

shortcirc_next.0:		; preds = %entry
	%tmp.9 = setlt int %C, 1		; <bool> [#uses=2]
	%tmp.111 = cast bool %tmp.9 to int		; <int> [#uses=2]
	%tmp.132 = setlt int %B, 1		; <bool> [#uses=1]
	%tmp.143 = cast bool %tmp.132 to int		; <int> [#uses=2]
	br bool %tmp.9, label %shortcirc_done.1, label %shortcirc_next.1

;shortcirc_done.0:		; preds = %entry
;	%tmp.13 = setlt int %B, 1		; <bool> [#uses=1]
;	%tmp.14 = cast bool %tmp.13 to int		; <int> [#uses=2]
;	%tmp.16 = setlt int %C, 1		; <bool> [#uses=1]
;	br bool %tmp.16, label %shortcirc_done.1, label %shortcirc_next.1

shortcirc_next.1:		; preds = %shortcirc_next.0, %shortcirc_done.0
	%tmp.11.0 = phi int [ %tmp.111, %shortcirc_next.0 ]		; <int> [#uses=1]
	%tmp.14.0 = phi int [ %tmp.143, %shortcirc_next.0 ]		; <int> [#uses=1]
	%tmp.19 = setlt int %D, 1		; <bool> [#uses=1]
	%tmp.215 = cast bool %tmp.19 to int		; <int> [#uses=1]
	%tmp.08 = call int (sbyte*, ...)* %printf( sbyte* getelementptr ([32 x sbyte]*  %.str_1, long 0, long 0), int %tmp.4, int %tmp.11.0, int 0, int %tmp.14.0, int 0, int %tmp.215 )		; <int> [#uses=0]
	ret void

shortcirc_done.1:		; preds = %shortcirc_next.0, %shortcirc_done.0
	%tmp.11.1 = phi int [ %tmp.111, %shortcirc_next.0 ]		; <int> [#uses=1]
	%tmp.14.1 = phi int [ %tmp.143, %shortcirc_next.0 ]		; <int> [#uses=1]
	%tmp.0 = call int (sbyte*, ...)* %printf( sbyte* getelementptr ([32 x sbyte]*  %.str_1, long 0, long 0), int %tmp.4, int %tmp.11.1, int 0, int %tmp.14.1, int 0, int 1 )		; <int> [#uses=0]
	ret void

int %main() {
	call void %__main( )
	call void %testBooleanNot( int 1, int 2, int -3, int 5 )
	ret int 0

declare void %__main()
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target endian = little
target pointersize = 32
%.str_1 = internal constant [32 x sbyte] c"Boolean Not: %d %d %d %d %d %d\0A\00"		; <[32 x sbyte]*> [#uses=3]

implementation   ; Functions:

declare int %printf(sbyte*, ...)

void %testBooleanNot(int %A, int %B, int %C, int %D) {
	%tmp.3 = setlt int %A, 1		; <bool> [#uses=1]
	br bool %tmp.3, label %entry.selecttrue, label %entry.selectcont

entry.selecttrue:		; preds = %entry
	br label %entry.selectcont

entry.selectcont:		; preds = %entry.selecttrue, %entry
	phi bool [ true, %entry.selecttrue ], [ false, %entry ]		; <bool>:0 [#uses=1]
	%tmp.4 = cast bool %0 to int		; <int> [#uses=2]
	br label %shortcirc_next.0

shortcirc_next.0:		; preds = %entry.selectcont
	%tmp.9 = setlt int %C, 1		; <bool> [#uses=1]
	br bool %tmp.9, label %shortcirc_next.0.selecttrue, label %shortcirc_next.0.selectcont

shortcirc_next.0.selecttrue:		; preds = %shortcirc_next.0
	br label %shortcirc_next.0.selectcont

shortcirc_next.0.selectcont:		; preds = %shortcirc_next.0.selecttrue, %shortcirc_next.0
	phi bool [ true, %shortcirc_next.0.selecttrue ], [ false, %shortcirc_next.0 ]		; <bool>:1 [#uses=2]
	%tmp.111 = cast bool %1 to int		; <int> [#uses=2]
	%tmp.132 = setlt int %B, 1		; <bool> [#uses=1]
	br bool %tmp.132, label %shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selecttrue, label %shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selectcont

shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selecttrue:		; preds = %shortcirc_next.0.selectcont
	br label %shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selectcont

shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selectcont:		; preds = %shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selecttrue, %shortcirc_next.0.selectcont
	phi bool [ true, %shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selecttrue ], [ false, %shortcirc_next.0.selectcont ]		; <bool>:2 [#uses=1]
	%tmp.143 = cast bool %2 to int		; <int> [#uses=2]
	br bool %1, label %shortcirc_done.1, label %shortcirc_next.1

shortcirc_next.1:		; preds = %shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selectcont
	%tmp.11.0 = phi int [ %tmp.111, %shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selectcont ]		; <int> [#uses=1]
	%tmp.14.0 = phi int [ %tmp.143, %shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selectcont ]		; <int> [#uses=1]
	%tmp.19 = setlt int %D, 1		; <bool> [#uses=1]
	br bool %tmp.19, label %shortcirc_next.1.selecttrue, label %shortcirc_next.1.selectcont

shortcirc_next.1.selecttrue:		; preds = %shortcirc_next.1
	br label %shortcirc_next.1.selectcont

shortcirc_next.1.selectcont:		; preds = %shortcirc_next.1.selecttrue, %shortcirc_next.1
	phi bool [ true, %shortcirc_next.1.selecttrue ], [ false, %shortcirc_next.1 ]		; <bool>:3 [#uses=1]
	%tmp.215 = cast bool %3 to int		; <int> [#uses=1]
	cast [32 x sbyte]* %.str_1 to sbyte*		; <sbyte*>:0 [#uses=1]
	%tmp.08 = call int (sbyte*, ...)* %printf( sbyte* %0, int %tmp.4, int %tmp.11.0, int 0, int %tmp.14.0, int 0, int %tmp.215 )		; <int> [#uses=0]
	ret void

shortcirc_done.1:		; preds = %shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selectcont
	%tmp.11.1 = phi int [ %tmp.111, %shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selectcont ]		; <int> [#uses=1]
	%tmp.14.1 = phi int [ %tmp.143, %shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selectcont ]		; <int> [#uses=1]
	cast [32 x sbyte]* %.str_1 to sbyte*		; <sbyte*>:1 [#uses=1]
	%tmp.0 = call int (sbyte*, ...)* %printf( sbyte* %1, int %tmp.4, int %tmp.11.1, int 0, int %tmp.14.1, int 0, int 1 )		; <int> [#uses=0]
	ret void

int %main() {
	call void %__main( )
	call void %testBooleanNot( int 1, int 2, int -3, int 5 )
	ret int 0

declare void %__main()
Instruction: 	phi bool [ true, %entry.selecttrue ], [ false, %entry ]		; <bool>:0 [#uses=1]
Instruction: 	phi bool [ true, %shortcirc_next.0.selecttrue ], [ false, %shortcirc_next.0 ]		; <bool>:1 [#uses=2]
Instruction: 	phi bool [ true, %shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selecttrue ], [ false, %shortcirc_next.0.selectcont ]		; <bool>:2 [#uses=1]
Instruction: 	%tmp.11.0 = phi int [ %tmp.111, %shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selectcont ]		; <int> [#uses=1]
Instruction: 	%tmp.14.0 = phi int [ %tmp.143, %shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selectcont ]		; <int> [#uses=1]
Instruction: 	phi bool [ true, %shortcirc_next.1.selecttrue ], [ false, %shortcirc_next.1 ]		; <bool>:3 [#uses=1]
Instruction: 	%tmp.11.1 = phi int [ %tmp.111, %shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selectcont ]		; <int> [#uses=1]
Instruction: 	%tmp.14.1 = phi int [ %tmp.143, %shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selectcont ]		; <int> [#uses=1]
Processing 	br bool %tmp.3, label %entry.selecttrue, label %entry.selectcont

Processing 	br label %entry.selectcont

Processing 	br label %shortcirc_next.0

Processing 	br bool %tmp.9, label %shortcirc_next.0.selecttrue, label %shortcirc_next.0.selectcont

Processing 	br label %shortcirc_next.0.selectcont

Processing 	br bool %tmp.132, label %shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selecttrue, label %shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selectcont

Processing 	br label %shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selectcont

Processing 	br bool %1, label %shortcirc_done.1, label %shortcirc_next.1

Processing 	br bool %tmp.19, label %shortcirc_next.1.selecttrue, label %shortcirc_next.1.selectcont

Processing 	br label %shortcirc_next.1.selectcont

Code after instruction selection
# Machine code for testBooleanNot():
  <fi #-4> is 4 bytes fixed at location [SP-80]
  <fi #-3> is 4 bytes fixed at location [SP-76]
  <fi #-2> is 4 bytes fixed at location [SP-72]
  <fi #-1> is 4 bytes fixed at location [SP-68]

entry (0x8065970, LLVM BB @0x805fde8):
	%reg1024 = load <fi#-1>
	%reg1025 = load <fi#-2>
	%reg1026 = load <fi#-3>
	%reg1027 = load <fi#-4>
	%reg1028 = move 1
	setcc %reg1024, %reg1028
	if v< goto %disp(label entry.selecttrue)
	%reg1071 = move 0
	goto %disp(label entry.selectcont)

entry.selecttrue (0x80659d0, LLVM BB @0x80639b0):
	%reg1070 = move 1

entry.selectcont (0x8065a30, LLVM BB @0x80638b0):
	%reg1030 = phi %reg1070, mbb<entry.selecttrue,0x80659d0>, %reg1071, mbb<entry,0x8065970>
	%reg1029 = move %reg1030

shortcirc_next.0 (0x8065a90, LLVM BB @0x805ffc8):
	%reg1031 = move 1
	setcc %reg1026, %reg1031
	if v< goto %disp(label shortcirc_next.0.selecttrue)
	%reg1073 = move 0
	goto %disp(label shortcirc_next.0.selectcont)

shortcirc_next.0.selecttrue (0x8065af0, LLVM BB @0x8063bb0):
	%reg1072 = move 1

shortcirc_next.0.selectcont (0x8065b50, LLVM BB @0x8063b08):
	%reg1033 = phi %reg1072, mbb<shortcirc_next.0.selecttrue,0x8065af0>, %reg1073, mbb<shortcirc_next.0,0x8065a90>
	%reg1032 = move %reg1033
	%reg1034 = move 1
	setcc %reg1025, %reg1034
	if v< goto %disp(label shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selecttrue)
	%reg1075 = move 0
	goto %disp(label shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selectcont)

shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selecttrue (0x8065bb0, LLVM BB @0x8063db0):
	%reg1074 = move 1

shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selectcont (0x8065c10, LLVM BB @0x8063d08):
	%reg1036 = phi %reg1074, mbb<shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selecttrue,0x8065bb0>, %reg1075, mbb<shortcirc_next.0.selectcont,0x8065b50>
	%reg1035 = move %reg1036
	%reg1037 = move 0
	setcc %reg1033, %reg1037
	if <>0 goto %disp(label shortcirc_done.1)
	goto %disp(label shortcirc_next.1)

shortcirc_next.1 (0x8065c70, LLVM BB @0x8060278):
	%reg1046 = phi %reg1032, mbb<shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selectcont,0x8065c10>
	%reg1050 = phi %reg1035, mbb<shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selectcont,0x8065c10>
	%reg1038 = move 1
	setcc %reg1027, %reg1038
	if v< goto %disp(label shortcirc_next.1.selecttrue)
	%reg1077 = move 0
	goto %disp(label shortcirc_next.1.selectcont)

shortcirc_next.1.selecttrue (0x8065cd0, LLVM BB @0x8063fb0):
	%reg1076 = move 1

shortcirc_next.1.selectcont (0x8065d30, LLVM BB @0x8063f08):
	%reg1040 = phi %reg1076, mbb<shortcirc_next.1.selecttrue,0x8065cd0>, %reg1077, mbb<shortcirc_next.1,0x8065c70>
	%reg1039 = move %reg1040
	%reg1042 = move <ga:.str_1>
	%reg1041 = move %reg1042
	%ar7 = + %ar7, 8
	%reg1043 = - %ar7, 1
	store %reg1043, %reg1041
	%reg1044 = - %ar7, 2
	store %reg1044, %reg1029
	%reg1045 = - %ar7, 3
	store %reg1045, %reg1046
	%reg1047 = - %ar7, 4
	%reg1048 = move 0
	store %reg1047, %reg1048
	%reg1049 = - %ar7, 5
	store %reg1049, %reg1050
	%reg1051 = - %ar7, 6
	%reg1052 = move 0
	store %reg1051, %reg1052
	%reg1053 = - %ar7, 7
	store %reg1053, %reg1039
	call <ga:printf>
	%ar7 = - %ar7, 8
	%reg1054 = move %gr7

shortcirc_done.1 (0x8065d90, LLVM BB @0x8060320):
	%reg1060 = phi %reg1032, mbb<shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selectcont,0x8065c10>
	%reg1064 = phi %reg1035, mbb<shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selectcont,0x8065c10>
	%reg1056 = move <ga:.str_1>
	%reg1055 = move %reg1056
	%ar7 = + %ar7, 8
	%reg1057 = - %ar7, 1
	store %reg1057, %reg1055
	%reg1058 = - %ar7, 2
	store %reg1058, %reg1029
	%reg1059 = - %ar7, 3
	store %reg1059, %reg1060
	%reg1061 = - %ar7, 4
	%reg1062 = move 0
	store %reg1061, %reg1062
	%reg1063 = - %ar7, 5
	store %reg1063, %reg1064
	%reg1065 = - %ar7, 6
	%reg1066 = move 0
	store %reg1065, %reg1066
	%reg1067 = - %ar7, 7
	%reg1068 = move 1
	store %reg1067, %reg1068
	call <ga:printf>
	%ar7 = - %ar7, 8
	%reg1069 = move %gr7

# End machine code for testBooleanNot().

Code after register allocation
# Machine code for testBooleanNot():
  <fi #-4> is 4 bytes fixed at location [SP-80]
  <fi #-3> is 4 bytes fixed at location [SP-76]
  <fi #-2> is 4 bytes fixed at location [SP-72]
  <fi #-1> is 4 bytes fixed at location [SP-68]

entry (0x8065970, LLVM BB @0x805fde8):
	%gr0 = load <fi#-1>
	%gr1 = load <fi#-2>
	%gr2 = load <fi#-3>
	%gr3 = load <fi#-4>
	%gr4 = move 1
	setcc %gr0, %gr4
	if v< goto %disp(label entry.selecttrue)
	%gr0 = move 0
	%gr0 = move %gr0
	goto %disp(label entry.selectcont)

entry.selecttrue (0x80659d0, LLVM BB @0x80639b0):
	%gr0 = move 1
	%gr0 = move %gr0

entry.selectcont (0x8065a30, LLVM BB @0x80638b0):
	%gr0 = move %gr0
	%gr0 = move %gr0

shortcirc_next.0 (0x8065a90, LLVM BB @0x805ffc8):
	%gr4 = move 1
	setcc %gr2, %gr4
	if v< goto %disp(label shortcirc_next.0.selecttrue)
	%gr2 = move 0
	%gr2 = move %gr2
	goto %disp(label shortcirc_next.0.selectcont)

shortcirc_next.0.selecttrue (0x8065af0, LLVM BB @0x8063bb0):
	%gr2 = move 1
	%gr2 = move %gr2

shortcirc_next.0.selectcont (0x8065b50, LLVM BB @0x8063b08):
	%gr2 = move %gr2
	%gr4 = move %gr2
	%gr5 = move 1
	setcc %gr1, %gr5
	if v< goto %disp(label shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selecttrue)
	%gr1 = move 0
	%gr1 = move %gr1
	goto %disp(label shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selectcont)

shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selecttrue (0x8065bb0, LLVM BB @0x8063db0):
	%gr1 = move 1
	%gr1 = move %gr1

shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selectcont (0x8065c10, LLVM BB @0x8063d08):
	%gr1 = move %gr1
	%gr1 = move %gr1
	%gr5 = move 0
	setcc %gr2, %gr5
	if <>0 goto %disp(label shortcirc_done.1)
	%gr2 = move %gr4
	%gr5 = move %gr1
	%gr6 = move %gr4
	%gr1 = move %gr1
	goto %disp(label shortcirc_next.1)

shortcirc_next.1 (0x8065c70, LLVM BB @0x8060278):
	%gr1 = move %gr2
	%gr2 = move %gr5
	%gr4 = move 1
	setcc %gr3, %gr4
	if v< goto %disp(label shortcirc_next.1.selecttrue)
	%gr3 = move 0
	%gr3 = move %gr3
	goto %disp(label shortcirc_next.1.selectcont)

shortcirc_next.1.selecttrue (0x8065cd0, LLVM BB @0x8063fb0):
	%gr3 = move 1
	%gr3 = move %gr3

shortcirc_next.1.selectcont (0x8065d30, LLVM BB @0x8063f08):
	%gr3 = move %gr3
	%gr3 = move %gr3
	%gr4 = move <ga:.str_1>
	%gr4 = move %gr4
	%ar7 = + %ar7, 8
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 1
	store %ar4, %gr4
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 2
	store %ar4, %gr0
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 3
	store %ar4, %gr1
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 4
	%gr0 = move 0
	store %ar4, %gr0
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 5
	store %ar4, %gr2
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 6
	%gr0 = move 0
	store %ar4, %gr0
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 7
	store %ar4, %gr3
	call <ga:printf>
	%ar7 = - %ar7, 8
	%gr0 = move %gr7

shortcirc_done.1 (0x8065d90, LLVM BB @0x8060320):
	%gr2 = move %gr6
	%gr1 = move %gr1
	%gr3 = move <ga:.str_1>
	%gr3 = move %gr3
	%ar7 = + %ar7, 8
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 1
	store %ar4, %gr3
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 2
	store %ar4, %gr0
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 3
	store %ar4, %gr2
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 4
	%gr0 = move 0
	store %ar4, %gr0
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 5
	store %ar4, %gr1
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 6
	%gr0 = move 0
	store %ar4, %gr0
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 7
	%gr0 = move 1
	store %ar4, %gr0
	call <ga:printf>
	%ar7 = - %ar7, 8
	%gr0 = move %gr7

# End machine code for testBooleanNot().

Code after prolog/epilog generation
# Machine code for testBooleanNot():
  <fi #-4> is 4 bytes fixed at location [SP-80]
  <fi #-3> is 4 bytes fixed at location [SP-76]
  <fi #-2> is 4 bytes fixed at location [SP-72]
  <fi #-1> is 4 bytes fixed at location [SP-68]
  <fi #0> is 4 bytes at location [SP]
  <fi #1> is 4 bytes at location [SP+4]
  <fi #2> is 4 bytes at location [SP+8]
  <fi #3> is 4 bytes at location [SP+12]
  <fi #4> is 4 bytes at location [SP+16]
  <fi #5> is 4 bytes at location [SP+20]
  <fi #6> is 4 bytes at location [SP+24]
  <fi #7> is 4 bytes at location [SP+28]

entry (0x8065970, LLVM BB @0x805fde8):
	push %ar6, %gr6
	%ar6 = move %ar7
	%ar7 = + %ar7, 2
	%ar6 = + %ar6, 12
	store %ar6, %gr0
	%ar6 = - %ar6, 12
	%ar6 = + %ar6, 13
	store %ar6, %gr1
	%ar6 = - %ar6, 13
	%ar6 = + %ar6, 14
	store %ar6, %gr2
	%ar6 = - %ar6, 14
	%ar6 = + %ar6, 15
	store %ar6, %gr3
	%ar6 = - %ar6, 15
	%ar6 = + %ar6, 16
	store %ar6, %gr4
	%ar6 = - %ar6, 16
	%ar6 = + %ar6, 17
	store %ar6, %gr5
	%ar6 = - %ar6, 17
	%ar6 = + %ar6, 18
	store %ar6, %gr6
	%ar6 = - %ar6, 18
	%ar6 = + %ar6, 19
	store %ar6, %ar4
	%ar6 = - %ar6, 19
	%ar6 = + %ar6, -5
	%gr0 = load %ar6
	%ar6 = - %ar6, -5
	%ar6 = + %ar6, -6
	%gr1 = load %ar6
	%ar6 = - %ar6, -6
	%ar6 = + %ar6, -7
	%gr2 = load %ar6
	%ar6 = - %ar6, -7
	%ar6 = + %ar6, -8
	%gr3 = load %ar6
	%ar6 = - %ar6, -8
	%gr4 = move 1
	setcc %gr0, %gr4
	if v< goto %disp(label entry.selecttrue)
	%gr0 = move 0
	%gr0 = move %gr0
	goto %disp(label entry.selectcont)

entry.selecttrue (0x80659d0, LLVM BB @0x80639b0):
	%gr0 = move 1
	%gr0 = move %gr0

entry.selectcont (0x8065a30, LLVM BB @0x80638b0):
	%gr0 = move %gr0
	%gr0 = move %gr0

shortcirc_next.0 (0x8065a90, LLVM BB @0x805ffc8):
	%gr4 = move 1
	setcc %gr2, %gr4
	if v< goto %disp(label shortcirc_next.0.selecttrue)
	%gr2 = move 0
	%gr2 = move %gr2
	goto %disp(label shortcirc_next.0.selectcont)

shortcirc_next.0.selecttrue (0x8065af0, LLVM BB @0x8063bb0):
	%gr2 = move 1
	%gr2 = move %gr2

shortcirc_next.0.selectcont (0x8065b50, LLVM BB @0x8063b08):
	%gr2 = move %gr2
	%gr4 = move %gr2
	%gr5 = move 1
	setcc %gr1, %gr5
	if v< goto %disp(label shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selecttrue)
	%gr1 = move 0
	%gr1 = move %gr1
	goto %disp(label shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selectcont)

shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selecttrue (0x8065bb0, LLVM BB @0x8063db0):
	%gr1 = move 1
	%gr1 = move %gr1

shortcirc_next.0.selectcont.selectcont (0x8065c10, LLVM BB @0x8063d08):
	%gr1 = move %gr1
	%gr1 = move %gr1
	%gr5 = move 0
	setcc %gr2, %gr5
	if <>0 goto %disp(label shortcirc_done.1)
	%gr2 = move %gr4
	%gr5 = move %gr1
	%gr6 = move %gr4
	%gr1 = move %gr1
	goto %disp(label shortcirc_next.1)

shortcirc_next.1 (0x8065c70, LLVM BB @0x8060278):
	%gr1 = move %gr2
	%gr2 = move %gr5
	%gr4 = move 1
	setcc %gr3, %gr4
	if v< goto %disp(label shortcirc_next.1.selecttrue)
	%gr3 = move 0
	%gr3 = move %gr3
	goto %disp(label shortcirc_next.1.selectcont)

shortcirc_next.1.selecttrue (0x8065cd0, LLVM BB @0x8063fb0):
	%gr3 = move 1
	%gr3 = move %gr3

shortcirc_next.1.selectcont (0x8065d30, LLVM BB @0x8063f08):
	%gr3 = move %gr3
	%gr3 = move %gr3
	%gr4 = move <ga:.str_1>
	%gr4 = move %gr4
	%ar7 = + %ar7, 8
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 1
	store %ar4, %gr4
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 2
	store %ar4, %gr0
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 3
	store %ar4, %gr1
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 4
	%gr0 = move 0
	store %ar4, %gr0
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 5
	store %ar4, %gr2
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 6
	%gr0 = move 0
	store %ar4, %gr0
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 7
	store %ar4, %gr3
	call <ga:printf>
	%ar7 = - %ar7, 8
	%gr0 = move %gr7
	%ar6 = + %ar6, 19
	%ar4 = load %ar6
	%ar6 = - %ar6, 19
	%ar6 = + %ar6, 18
	%gr6 = load %ar6
	%ar6 = - %ar6, 18
	%ar6 = + %ar6, 17
	%gr5 = load %ar6
	%ar6 = - %ar6, 17
	%ar6 = + %ar6, 16
	%gr4 = load %ar6
	%ar6 = - %ar6, 16
	%ar6 = + %ar6, 15
	%gr3 = load %ar6
	%ar6 = - %ar6, 15
	%ar6 = + %ar6, 14
	%gr2 = load %ar6
	%ar6 = - %ar6, 14
	%ar6 = + %ar6, 13
	%gr1 = load %ar6
	%ar6 = - %ar6, 13
	%ar6 = + %ar6, 12
	%gr0 = load %ar6
	%ar6 = - %ar6, 12
	%ar7 = - %ar7, 2
	pop %ar6, %gr6

shortcirc_done.1 (0x8065d90, LLVM BB @0x8060320):
	%gr2 = move %gr6
	%gr1 = move %gr1
	%gr3 = move <ga:.str_1>
	%gr3 = move %gr3
	%ar7 = + %ar7, 8
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 1
	store %ar4, %gr3
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 2
	store %ar4, %gr0
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 3
	store %ar4, %gr2
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 4
	%gr0 = move 0
	store %ar4, %gr0
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 5
	store %ar4, %gr1
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 6
	%gr0 = move 0
	store %ar4, %gr0
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 7
	%gr0 = move 1
	store %ar4, %gr0
	call <ga:printf>
	%ar7 = - %ar7, 8
	%gr0 = move %gr7
	%ar6 = + %ar6, 19
	%ar4 = load %ar6
	%ar6 = - %ar6, 19
	%ar6 = + %ar6, 18
	%gr6 = load %ar6
	%ar6 = - %ar6, 18
	%ar6 = + %ar6, 17
	%gr5 = load %ar6
	%ar6 = - %ar6, 17
	%ar6 = + %ar6, 16
	%gr4 = load %ar6
	%ar6 = - %ar6, 16
	%ar6 = + %ar6, 15
	%gr3 = load %ar6
	%ar6 = - %ar6, 15
	%ar6 = + %ar6, 14
	%gr2 = load %ar6
	%ar6 = - %ar6, 14
	%ar6 = + %ar6, 13
	%gr1 = load %ar6
	%ar6 = - %ar6, 13
	%ar6 = + %ar6, 12
	%gr0 = load %ar6
	%ar6 = - %ar6, 12
	%ar7 = - %ar7, 2
	pop %ar6, %gr6

# End machine code for testBooleanNot().

Code after instruction selection
# Machine code for main():

entry (0x806e928, LLVM BB @0x8060490):
	%ar7 = + %ar7, 0
	call <ga:__main>
	%ar7 = - %ar7, 0
	%ar7 = + %ar7, 4
	%reg1024 = - %ar7, 1
	%reg1025 = move 1
	store %reg1024, %reg1025
	%reg1026 = - %ar7, 2
	%reg1027 = move 2
	store %reg1026, %reg1027
	%reg1028 = - %ar7, 3
	%reg1029 = move -3
	store %reg1028, %reg1029
	%reg1030 = - %ar7, 4
	%reg1031 = move 5
	store %reg1030, %reg1031
	call <ga:testBooleanNot>
	%ar7 = - %ar7, 4
	%reg1032 = move 0
	%gr7 = move %reg1032

# End machine code for main().

Code after register allocation
# Machine code for main():

entry (0x806e928, LLVM BB @0x8060490):
	%ar7 = + %ar7, 0
	call <ga:__main>
	%ar7 = - %ar7, 0
	%ar7 = + %ar7, 4
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 1
	%gr0 = move 1
	store %ar4, %gr0
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 2
	%gr0 = move 2
	store %ar4, %gr0
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 3
	%gr0 = move -3
	store %ar4, %gr0
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 4
	%gr0 = move 5
	store %ar4, %gr0
	call <ga:testBooleanNot>
	%ar7 = - %ar7, 4
	%gr0 = move 0
	%gr7 = move %gr0

# End machine code for main().

Code after prolog/epilog generation
# Machine code for main():
  <fi #0> is 4 bytes at location [SP]
  <fi #1> is 4 bytes at location [SP+4]

entry (0x806e928, LLVM BB @0x8060490):
	push %ar6, %gr6
	%ar6 = move %ar7
	%ar7 = + %ar7, 2
	%ar6 = + %ar6, 12
	store %ar6, %gr0
	%ar6 = - %ar6, 12
	%ar6 = + %ar6, 13
	store %ar6, %ar4
	%ar6 = - %ar6, 13
	%ar7 = + %ar7, 0
	call <ga:__main>
	%ar7 = - %ar7, 0
	%ar7 = + %ar7, 4
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 1
	%gr0 = move 1
	store %ar4, %gr0
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 2
	%gr0 = move 2
	store %ar4, %gr0
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 3
	%gr0 = move -3
	store %ar4, %gr0
	%ar4 = - %ar7, 4
	%gr0 = move 5
	store %ar4, %gr0
	call <ga:testBooleanNot>
	%ar7 = - %ar7, 4
	%gr0 = move 0
	%gr7 = move %gr0
	%ar6 = + %ar6, 13
	%ar4 = load %ar6
	%ar6 = - %ar6, 13
	%ar6 = + %ar6, 12
	%gr0 = load %ar6
	%ar6 = - %ar6, 12
	%ar7 = - %ar7, 2
	pop %ar6, %gr6

# End machine code for main().

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