[LLVMdev] Building llvm and cfrontend under cygwin

Oleg Smolsky Oleg.Smolsky at pacific-simulators.co.nz
Tue Dec 7 14:23:39 PST 2004

Hi Reid,

> 1. Make sure your path now includes <builddir>/Debug/bin instead of 
>     <builddir>/tools/Debug. This changed a little while back.
Interesting. I don't have llvm/Debug/ after building "tools-only". Is
that a symlink? Do symlinks work under cygwin? (I run xp and both of my
partitions are ntfs)

> If those don't clear the problem, please tell me what version 
> of LLVM you're trying to compile (looks like 1.3) and send 
> the output of: 
>   cd runtime ; make VERBOSE=1"
I'm building v1.3 release from the site. BTW, docs/CFEBuildInstrs.html
in the archive is not in-synch with the web site.

As for other versions of crtend.bc - lets try to sort out directories
first. Here is what I did:
-- extracted llvm-1.3.tar.gz in /cygdrive/d/3rd-party
-- ./configure --prefix=/apps/llvm
-- make tools-only


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