[LLVMdev] Compiler Driver [high-level comments]

Reid Spencer reid at x10sys.com
Mon Aug 2 21:47:16 PDT 2004

Hi Bill,

On Mon, 2004-08-02 at 21:31, Bill Wendling wrote:
> Hi Reid,
> > Since there's been little feedback on the design document I sent out, 
> > some decisions are being made in order to progress the work. If you have 
> > strong feelings about any of these, voice them now!
> > 
> > 1. Name = llvmcc
> I like llvmcc, but really have no strong opinion.

I think we're slowly setting on llvmcs (LLVM Compiler Suite or
Compilation System).

> > 2. The config file format will resemble Microsoft .ini files
> >    (name=value in sections)
> I prefer the XML version of the config file format. It's well-formed and
> there are tools out there that can parse it already. The verbosity of it
> isn't that much of a concern anymore with modern systems. I think that
> it will help later on if a configuration tool is created that generates
> these XML files.

I tend to agree. I'm a strong advocate of XML myself (on other
projects). However, introducing XML would make LLVM dependent on some
kind of XML parser. We could probably get away with expat (small, fast)
for our purposes in LLVM, but there is still the issue of dependency. To
avoid dependency, its possible a simple, recursive descent parser that
only understood the LLVM configuration document type could be written.
Perhaps others could chime in on this issue. Is the need to keep LLVM
independent of other packages that strong? We already depend on GCC and
several other tools (bison, flex, doxygen, unix editors, etc.) Is one
more  a big deal?

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