[LLVMdev] An LLVM 1.3 Request

Reid Spencer reid at x10sys.com
Tue Apr 13 19:30:01 PDT 2004

Hi List,

There is an outstanding bug, #257, pertaining to separating out the
detailed testing infrastructure from the main LLVM code. I would like to
see fixed in the 1.3 release time frame. The bug can be found here:


I would have taken this one and done the work necessary but
unfortunately I don't have CVS rights and this is almost completely a
CVS job.  

There are a number of ancillary tasks that need to be done in
conjunction with this task. Things like:

- change configure.ac to _not_ support options that affect testing only.
  For example: --enable-spec200, --enable-spec95, --enable-povray.

- change Makefiles to not build "test"

- decide which portion(s) of test/Regression remain or are moved.

I would like to volunteer to help with these things but it doesn't make
sense without someone else to do the necessary CVS changes that go with

The end goal of this change is to minimize the size of a standard
distribution of LLVM and make configuration and building easier. 

What's the likelihood that someone could do this for 1.3, or the
likelihood that I could get CVS access and do it myself?

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