[LLVMdev] Getting To Native Code

Reid Spencer reid at x10sys.com
Wed Nov 12 18:23:12 PST 2003

On Wed, 2003-11-12 at 16:31, Chris Lattner wrote:

> I, for one, completely agree.  My intention is for LLVM to be fully
> robust and "commercial quality".  This takes time, of course, but that's
> the goal.  LLVA will start out simple and not-quite ready for prime-time,
> but will, over time, becomes something generally useful.
> World domination can only be achieved one step at a time.  :)
> -Chris

Phew! Glad you said it.  I can be very patient and quite helpful as long
as the end goal is clear.
I'm glad to hear that the goal isn't just a research playground but
something "real". 

World domination indeed. Let's make it happen .. one step at a time! :)

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