[LLVMdev] Getting To Native Code

Reid Spencer reid at x10sys.com
Wed Nov 12 18:06:01 PST 2003

On Wed, 2003-11-12 at 11:45, Vikram Adve wrote:

> > This implies that it is not intended for end-user consumption but more
> > for a proof-of-concept and ongoing research potential.
> You're being too modest, Misha --- this is going to be the Linux of the 
> future :)

I'll add my pragmatist $0.02 worth here. Take it with a grain of salt.

If LLVA isn't "real world" or "intended for end-user", how valuable is 
it as a research tool? While I agree that it might be useful as a 
proof-of-concept, research needs to founded in reality (i.e. how real 
users would use it). Since you've decided to open this up as source 
code, don't think that you're alone in making it "real". I for one plan
to base a very real product on LLVM and possibly LLVA. Because I'm not
aiming for a research tool, you'll get the benefit of open source (i.e.
making it "real"). That should only make your research better. 

So, I tend to agree with Vikram .. shoot for the moon! Even if you only
get half way there, its better than only getting halfway down the street
around the corner. 

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