[llvm] [SandboxVec][Scheduler] Don't allow rescheduling of already scheduled (PR #128050)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Feb 20 10:47:14 PST 2025

https://github.com/vporpo created https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/128050

This patch implements the check for not allowing re-scheduling of instructions that have already been scheduled in a scheduling bundle. Rescheduling should only happen if the instructions were temporarily scheduled in singleton bundles during a previous call to `trySchedule()`.

>From 0e72a3eae354a3d419bcdea15bb9f5357f175200 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vasileios Porpodas <vporpodas at google.com>
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2025 08:53:41 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] [SandboxVec][Scheduler] Don't allow rescheduling of already

This patch implements the check for not allowing re-scheduling of
instructions that have already been scheduled in a scheduling bundle.
Rescheduling should only happen if the instructions were temporarily
scheduled in singleton bundles during a previous call to `trySchedule()`.
 .../Vectorize/SandboxVectorizer/Scheduler.h   |  19 +-
 .../Vectorize/SandboxVectorizer/Scheduler.cpp |  60 +++--
 .../SandboxVectorizer/bottomup_basic.ll       |  30 +++
 .../SandboxVectorizer/SchedulerTest.cpp       | 222 +++++++++++++++++-
 4 files changed, 300 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)

diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/Transforms/Vectorize/SandboxVectorizer/Scheduler.h b/llvm/include/llvm/Transforms/Vectorize/SandboxVectorizer/Scheduler.h
index 6b56f348f328c..c8ca65a155704 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/Transforms/Vectorize/SandboxVectorizer/Scheduler.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/Transforms/Vectorize/SandboxVectorizer/Scheduler.h
@@ -130,6 +130,10 @@ class SchedBundle {
   bool empty() const { return Nodes.empty(); }
+  /// Singleton bundles are created when scheduling instructions temporarily to
+  /// fill in the schedule until we schedule the vector bundle. These are
+  /// non-vector bundles containing just a single instruction.
+  bool isSingleton() const { return Nodes.size() == 1u; }
   DGNode *back() const { return Nodes.back(); }
   using iterator = ContainerTy::iterator;
   using const_iterator = ContainerTy::const_iterator;
@@ -187,10 +191,12 @@ class Scheduler {
   /// The scheduling state of the instructions in the bundle.
   enum class BndlSchedState {
     NoneScheduled, ///> No instruction in the bundle was previously scheduled.
-    PartiallyOrDifferentlyScheduled, ///> Only some of the instrs in the bundle
-                                     /// were previously scheduled, or all of
-                                     /// them were but not in the same
-                                     /// SchedBundle.
+    AlreadyScheduled, ///> At least one instruction in the bundle belongs to a
+                      /// different non-singleton scheduling bundle.
+    TemporarilyScheduled, ///> Instructions were temporarily scheduled as
+                          /// singleton bundles or some of them were not
+                          /// scheduled at all. None of them were in a vector
+                          ///(non-singleton) bundle.
     FullyScheduled, ///> All instrs in the bundle were previously scheduled and
                     /// were in the same SchedBundle.
@@ -243,6 +249,11 @@ class Scheduler {
 class SchedulerInternalsAttorney {
   static DependencyGraph &getDAG(Scheduler &Sched) { return Sched.DAG; }
+  using BndlSchedState = Scheduler::BndlSchedState;
+  static BndlSchedState getBndlSchedState(const Scheduler &Sched,
+                                          ArrayRef<Instruction *> Instrs) {
+    return Sched.getBndlSchedState(Instrs);
+  }
 } // namespace llvm::sandboxir
diff --git a/llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/SandboxVectorizer/Scheduler.cpp b/llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/SandboxVectorizer/Scheduler.cpp
index 3e37e07aabc5c..ad46683d95063 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/SandboxVectorizer/Scheduler.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/SandboxVectorizer/Scheduler.cpp
@@ -161,30 +161,36 @@ bool Scheduler::tryScheduleUntil(ArrayRef<Instruction *> Instrs) {
 Scheduler::getBndlSchedState(ArrayRef<Instruction *> Instrs) const {
   assert(!Instrs.empty() && "Expected non-empty bundle");
-  bool PartiallyScheduled = false;
-  bool FullyScheduled = true;
-  for (auto *I : Instrs) {
+  auto *N0 = DAG.getNode(Instrs[0]);
+  auto *SB0 = N0 != nullptr ? N0->getSchedBundle() : nullptr;
+  bool AllUnscheduled = SB0 == nullptr;
+  bool FullyScheduled = SB0 != nullptr && !SB0->isSingleton();
+  for (auto *I : drop_begin(Instrs)) {
     auto *N = DAG.getNode(I);
-    if (N != nullptr && N->scheduled())
-      PartiallyScheduled = true;
-    else
-      FullyScheduled = false;
-  }
-  if (FullyScheduled) {
-    // If not all instrs in the bundle are in the same SchedBundle then this
-    // should be considered as partially-scheduled, because we will need to
-    // re-schedule.
-    SchedBundle *SB = DAG.getNode(Instrs[0])->getSchedBundle();
-    assert(SB != nullptr && "FullyScheduled assumes that there is an SB!");
-    if (any_of(drop_begin(Instrs), [this, SB](sandboxir::Value *SBV) {
-          return DAG.getNode(cast<sandboxir::Instruction>(SBV))
-                     ->getSchedBundle() != SB;
-        }))
+    auto *SB = N != nullptr ? N->getSchedBundle() : nullptr;
+    if (SB != nullptr) {
+      // We found a scheduled instr, so there is now way all are unscheduled.
+      AllUnscheduled = false;
+      if (SB->isSingleton()) {
+        // We found an instruction in a temporarily scheduled singleton. There
+        // is no way that all instructions are scheduled in the same bundle.
+        FullyScheduled = false;
+      }
+    }
+    if (SB != SB0) {
+      // Either one of SB, SB0 is null, or they are in different bundles, so
+      // Instrs are definitely not in the same vector bundle.
       FullyScheduled = false;
+      // One of SB, SB0 are in a vector bundle and they differ.
+      if ((SB != nullptr && !SB->isSingleton()) ||
+          (SB0 != nullptr && !SB0->isSingleton()))
+        return BndlSchedState::AlreadyScheduled;
+    }
-  return FullyScheduled       ? BndlSchedState::FullyScheduled
-         : PartiallyScheduled ? BndlSchedState::PartiallyOrDifferentlyScheduled
-                              : BndlSchedState::NoneScheduled;
+  return AllUnscheduled   ? BndlSchedState::NoneScheduled
+         : FullyScheduled ? BndlSchedState::FullyScheduled
+                          : BndlSchedState::TemporarilyScheduled;
 void Scheduler::trimSchedule(ArrayRef<Instruction *> Instrs) {
@@ -203,13 +209,14 @@ void Scheduler::trimSchedule(ArrayRef<Instruction *> Instrs) {
   Instruction *TopI = &*ScheduleTopItOpt.value();
   Instruction *LowestI = VecUtils::getLowest(Instrs);
-  // Destroy the schedule bundles from LowestI all the way to the top.
+  // Destroy the singleton schedule bundles from LowestI all the way to the top.
   for (auto *I = LowestI, *E = TopI->getPrevNode(); I != E;
        I = I->getPrevNode()) {
     auto *N = DAG.getNode(I);
     if (N == nullptr)
-    if (auto *SB = N->getSchedBundle())
+    auto *SB = N->getSchedBundle();
+    if (SB->isSingleton())
   // The DAG Nodes contain state like the number of UnscheduledSuccs and the
@@ -259,7 +266,12 @@ bool Scheduler::trySchedule(ArrayRef<Instruction *> Instrs) {
   case BndlSchedState::FullyScheduled:
     // Nothing to do.
     return true;
-  case BndlSchedState::PartiallyOrDifferentlyScheduled:
+  case BndlSchedState::AlreadyScheduled:
+    // Instructions are part of a different vector schedule, so we can't
+    // schedule \p Instrs in the same bundle (without destroying the existing
+    // schedule).
+    return false;
+  case BndlSchedState::TemporarilyScheduled:
     // If one or more instrs are already scheduled we need to destroy the
     // top-most part of the schedule that includes the instrs in the bundle and
     // re-schedule.
diff --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/SandboxVectorizer/bottomup_basic.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/SandboxVectorizer/bottomup_basic.ll
index fc5795708c7d8..531ed8cb618fc 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/SandboxVectorizer/bottomup_basic.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/SandboxVectorizer/bottomup_basic.ll
@@ -386,3 +386,33 @@ define void @vecInstrsPlacement(ptr %ptr0) {
   store double %add1, ptr %ptr1
   ret void
+; During the bottom-up traversal we form bundle {ldA0,ldA1} but later when we
+; visit the RHS operands of the additions we try to form {ldA1,ldA2}
+; which is not allowed.
+define void @instrsInMultipleBundles(ptr noalias %ptr) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: define void @instrsInMultipleBundles(
+; CHECK-SAME: ptr noalias [[PTR:%.*]]) {
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[GEP0:%.*]] = getelementptr i8, ptr [[PTR]], i64 0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[GEP2:%.*]] = getelementptr i8, ptr [[PTR]], i64 2
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[LDA2:%.*]] = load i8, ptr [[GEP2]], align 1
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[VECL:%.*]] = load <2 x i8>, ptr [[GEP0]], align 1
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[VEXT:%.*]] = extractelement <2 x i8> [[VECL]], i32 1
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[VINS:%.*]] = insertelement <2 x i8> poison, i8 [[VEXT]], i32 0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[VINS1:%.*]] = insertelement <2 x i8> [[VINS]], i8 [[LDA2]], i32 1
+; CHECK-NEXT:    [[VEC:%.*]] = add <2 x i8> [[VECL]], [[VINS1]]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    store <2 x i8> [[VEC]], ptr [[GEP0]], align 1
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret void
+  %gep0 = getelementptr i8, ptr %ptr, i64 0
+  %gep1 = getelementptr i8, ptr %ptr, i64 1
+  %gep2 = getelementptr i8, ptr %ptr, i64 2
+  %ldA0 = load i8, ptr %gep0
+  %ldA1 = load i8, ptr %gep1
+  %ldA2 = load i8, ptr %gep2
+  %add0 = add i8 %ldA0, %ldA1
+  %add1 = add i8 %ldA1, %ldA2
+  store i8 %add0, ptr %gep0
+  store i8 %add1, ptr %gep1
+  ret void
diff --git a/llvm/unittests/Transforms/Vectorize/SandboxVectorizer/SchedulerTest.cpp b/llvm/unittests/Transforms/Vectorize/SandboxVectorizer/SchedulerTest.cpp
index 97724100ba341..854d2bcde9537 100644
--- a/llvm/unittests/Transforms/Vectorize/SandboxVectorizer/SchedulerTest.cpp
+++ b/llvm/unittests/Transforms/Vectorize/SandboxVectorizer/SchedulerTest.cpp
@@ -210,9 +210,10 @@ define void @foo(ptr noalias %ptr0, ptr noalias %ptr1) {
   EXPECT_TRUE(Sched.trySchedule({L0, L1}));
-TEST_F(SchedulerTest, RescheduleAlreadyScheduled) {
+TEST_F(SchedulerTest, TrimSchedule) {
   parseIR(C, R"IR(
-define void @foo(ptr noalias %ptr0, ptr noalias %ptr1) {
+define void @foo(ptr noalias %ptr0, ptr noalias %ptr1, i8 %arg) {
+  %zext = zext i8 0 to i32
   %ld0 = load i8, ptr %ptr0
   %ld1 = load i8, ptr %ptr1
   %add0 = add i8 %ld0, %ld0
@@ -227,6 +228,7 @@ define void @foo(ptr noalias %ptr0, ptr noalias %ptr1) {
   auto *F = Ctx.createFunction(LLVMF);
   auto *BB = &*F->begin();
   auto It = BB->begin();
+  auto *Z = cast<sandboxir::CastInst>(&*It++);
   auto *L0 = cast<sandboxir::LoadInst>(&*It++);
   auto *L1 = cast<sandboxir::LoadInst>(&*It++);
   auto *Add0 = cast<sandboxir::BinaryOperator>(&*It++);
@@ -240,10 +242,224 @@ define void @foo(ptr noalias %ptr0, ptr noalias %ptr1) {
   EXPECT_TRUE(Sched.trySchedule({S0, S1}));
   EXPECT_TRUE(Sched.trySchedule({L0, L1}));
   // At this point Add0 and Add1 should have been individually scheduled
-  // as single bundles.
+  // as singleton bundles, but {S0,S1} and {L0,L1} as vector bundles.
   // Check if rescheduling works.
   EXPECT_TRUE(Sched.trySchedule({Add0, Add1}));
+  // These should fail because {L0,L1} is a vector bundle.
+  EXPECT_FALSE(Sched.trySchedule({L0, Z}));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(Sched.trySchedule({L1, Z}));
+  // This should succeed because it matches the original vec bundle.
+  EXPECT_TRUE(Sched.trySchedule({L0, L1}));
+// Test that an instruction can't belong in two bundles!
+TEST_F(SchedulerTest, CheckBundles) {
+  parseIR(C, R"IR(
+define void @foo(ptr noalias %ptr0, ptr noalias %ptr1, ptr noalias %ptr2) {
+  %L0 = load i8, ptr %ptr0
+  %L1 = load i8, ptr %ptr1 ; This belongs in 2 bundles!
+  %L2 = load i8, ptr %ptr2
+  %add0 = add i8 %L0, %L1
+  %add1 = add i8 %L1, %L2
+  store i8 %add0, ptr %ptr0
+  store i8 %add1, ptr %ptr1
+  ret void
+  llvm::Function *LLVMF = &*M->getFunction("foo");
+  sandboxir::Context Ctx(C);
+  auto *F = Ctx.createFunction(LLVMF);
+  auto *BB = &*F->begin();
+  auto It = BB->begin();
+  auto *L0 = cast<sandboxir::LoadInst>(&*It++);
+  auto *L1 = cast<sandboxir::LoadInst>(&*It++);
+  auto *L2 = cast<sandboxir::LoadInst>(&*It++);
+  auto *Add0 = cast<sandboxir::BinaryOperator>(&*It++);
+  auto *Add1 = cast<sandboxir::BinaryOperator>(&*It++);
+  auto *S0 = cast<sandboxir::StoreInst>(&*It++);
+  auto *S1 = cast<sandboxir::StoreInst>(&*It++);
+  sandboxir::Scheduler Sched(getAA(*LLVMF), Ctx);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(Sched.trySchedule({S0, S1}));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(Sched.trySchedule({Add0, Add1}));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(Sched.trySchedule({L0, L1}));
+  // This should fail because L1 is already part of {L0,L1}
+  EXPECT_FALSE(Sched.trySchedule({L1, L2}));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(Sched.trySchedule({L2, L1}));
+// Try schedule a bundle {L1,L2} where L1 is already scheduled in {L0,L1}
+// but L2 is not in the DAG at all
+TEST_F(SchedulerTest, CheckBundles2) {
+  parseIR(C, R"IR(
+define void @foo(ptr noalias %ptr0, ptr noalias %ptr1, ptr noalias %ptr2) {
+  %L2 = load i8, ptr %ptr2 ; This is not in the DAG
+  %L1 = load i8, ptr %ptr1 ; This belongs in 2 bundles!
+  %L0 = load i8, ptr %ptr0
+  %add1 = add i8 %L1, %L2
+  %add0 = add i8 %L0, %L1
+  store i8 %add1, ptr %ptr1
+  store i8 %add0, ptr %ptr0
+  ret void
+  llvm::Function *LLVMF = &*M->getFunction("foo");
+  sandboxir::Context Ctx(C);
+  auto *F = Ctx.createFunction(LLVMF);
+  auto *BB = &*F->begin();
+  auto It = BB->begin();
+  auto *L2 = cast<sandboxir::LoadInst>(&*It++);
+  auto *L1 = cast<sandboxir::LoadInst>(&*It++);
+  auto *L0 = cast<sandboxir::LoadInst>(&*It++);
+  auto *Add1 = cast<sandboxir::BinaryOperator>(&*It++);
+  auto *Add0 = cast<sandboxir::BinaryOperator>(&*It++);
+  auto *S1 = cast<sandboxir::StoreInst>(&*It++);
+  auto *S0 = cast<sandboxir::StoreInst>(&*It++);
+  sandboxir::Scheduler Sched(getAA(*LLVMF), Ctx);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(Sched.trySchedule({S0, S1}));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(Sched.trySchedule({Add0, Add1}));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(Sched.trySchedule({L0, L1}));
+  // This should fail because L1 is already part of {L0,L1}.
+  EXPECT_FALSE(Sched.trySchedule({L1, L2}));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(Sched.trySchedule({L2, L1}));
+// Try schedule a bundle {L1,L2} where L1 is already scheduled in {L0,L1}
+// but L2 is in the DAG but isn't scheduled.
+TEST_F(SchedulerTest, CheckBundles3) {
+  parseIR(C, R"IR(
+define void @foo(ptr noalias %ptr0, ptr noalias %ptr1, ptr noalias %ptr2) {
+  %L2 = load i8, ptr %ptr2 ; This is not in the DAG
+  %L1 = load i8, ptr %ptr1 ; This belongs in 2 bundles!
+  %L0 = load i8, ptr %ptr0
+  %add1 = add i8 %L1, %L2
+  %add0 = add i8 %L0, %L1
+  store i8 %add1, ptr %ptr1
+  store i8 %add0, ptr %ptr0
+  ret void
+  llvm::Function *LLVMF = &*M->getFunction("foo");
+  sandboxir::Context Ctx(C);
+  auto *F = Ctx.createFunction(LLVMF);
+  auto *BB = &*F->begin();
+  auto It = BB->begin();
+  auto *L2 = cast<sandboxir::LoadInst>(&*It++);
+  auto *L1 = cast<sandboxir::LoadInst>(&*It++);
+  auto *L0 = cast<sandboxir::LoadInst>(&*It++);
+  auto *Add1 = cast<sandboxir::BinaryOperator>(&*It++);
+  auto *Add0 = cast<sandboxir::BinaryOperator>(&*It++);
+  auto *S1 = cast<sandboxir::StoreInst>(&*It++);
+  auto *S0 = cast<sandboxir::StoreInst>(&*It++);
+  sandboxir::Scheduler Sched(getAA(*LLVMF), Ctx);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(Sched.trySchedule({S0, S1}));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(Sched.trySchedule({Add0, Add1}));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(Sched.trySchedule({L0, L1}));
+  // Add L2 to the DAG, but don't schedule it.
+  auto &DAG = sandboxir::SchedulerInternalsAttorney::getDAG(Sched);
+  DAG.extend(L2);
+  // This should fail because L1 is already part of {L0,L1}.
+  EXPECT_FALSE(Sched.trySchedule({L1, L2}));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(Sched.trySchedule({L2, L1}));
+// Check that Scheduler::getBndlSchedState() works correctly.
+TEST_F(SchedulerTest, GetBndlSchedState) {
+  parseIR(C, R"IR(
+define void @foo(ptr noalias %ptr0, ptr noalias %ptr1, ptr noalias %ptr2) {
+  %L2 = load i8, ptr %ptr2 ; This is not in the DAG
+  %L1 = load i8, ptr %ptr1 ; This belongs in 2 bundles!
+  %L0 = load i8, ptr %ptr0
+  %add1 = add i8 %L1, %L2
+  %add0 = add i8 %L0, %L1
+  store i8 %add1, ptr %ptr1
+  store i8 %add0, ptr %ptr0
+  ret void
+  llvm::Function *LLVMF = &*M->getFunction("foo");
+  sandboxir::Context Ctx(C);
+  auto *F = Ctx.createFunction(LLVMF);
+  auto *BB = &*F->begin();
+  auto It = BB->begin();
+  auto *L2 = cast<sandboxir::LoadInst>(&*It++);
+  auto *L1 = cast<sandboxir::LoadInst>(&*It++);
+  auto *L0 = cast<sandboxir::LoadInst>(&*It++);
+  auto *Add1 = cast<sandboxir::BinaryOperator>(&*It++);
+  auto *Add0 = cast<sandboxir::BinaryOperator>(&*It++);
+  auto *S1 = cast<sandboxir::StoreInst>(&*It++);
+  auto *S0 = cast<sandboxir::StoreInst>(&*It++);
+  sandboxir::Scheduler Sched(getAA(*LLVMF), Ctx);
+  auto &DAG = sandboxir::SchedulerInternalsAttorney::getDAG(Sched);
+  auto GetBndlSchedState = [&Sched](ArrayRef<sandboxir::Instruction *> Instrs) {
+    return sandboxir::SchedulerInternalsAttorney::getBndlSchedState(Sched,
+                                                                    Instrs);
+  };
+  using BndlSchedState = sandboxir::SchedulerInternalsAttorney::BndlSchedState;
+  // Check when instructions are not in the DAG.
+  EXPECT_EQ(GetBndlSchedState({S0}), BndlSchedState::NoneScheduled);
+  EXPECT_EQ(GetBndlSchedState({S0, S1}), BndlSchedState::NoneScheduled);
+  EXPECT_EQ(GetBndlSchedState({S0, S1}), BndlSchedState::NoneScheduled);
+  // Check when instructions are in the DAG.
+  DAG.extend({S0, S1});
+  EXPECT_EQ(GetBndlSchedState({S0}), BndlSchedState::NoneScheduled);
+  EXPECT_EQ(GetBndlSchedState({S0, S1}), BndlSchedState::NoneScheduled);
+  EXPECT_EQ(GetBndlSchedState({S0, S1}), BndlSchedState::NoneScheduled);
+  // One instruction in the DAG and the other not in the DAG.
+  EXPECT_EQ(GetBndlSchedState({S0, Add0}), BndlSchedState::NoneScheduled);
+  // Check with scheduled instructions.
+  Sched.clear(); // Manually extending the DAG messes with the scheduler.
+  EXPECT_TRUE(Sched.trySchedule({S0, S1}));
+  // Check fully scheduled.
+  EXPECT_EQ(GetBndlSchedState({S0, S1}), BndlSchedState::FullyScheduled);
+  // Check scheduled + not in DAG.
+  EXPECT_EQ(GetBndlSchedState({S0, Add0}), BndlSchedState::AlreadyScheduled);
+  EXPECT_EQ(GetBndlSchedState({Add0, S0}), BndlSchedState::AlreadyScheduled);
+  EXPECT_EQ(GetBndlSchedState({Add0, S1}), BndlSchedState::AlreadyScheduled);
+  EXPECT_EQ(GetBndlSchedState({Add0, Add1}), BndlSchedState::NoneScheduled);
+  // Extend DAG such that Add0 and Add1 are in the DAG but are not scheduled.
+  DAG.extend({Add0, Add1});
+  // Check both in DAG but not scheduled.
+  EXPECT_EQ(GetBndlSchedState({Add0, Add1}), BndlSchedState::NoneScheduled);
+  // Check scheduled + in DAG but not scheduled.
+  EXPECT_EQ(GetBndlSchedState({S0, Add0}), BndlSchedState::AlreadyScheduled);
+  EXPECT_EQ(GetBndlSchedState({Add0, S0}), BndlSchedState::AlreadyScheduled);
+  EXPECT_EQ(GetBndlSchedState({Add0, S1}), BndlSchedState::AlreadyScheduled);
+  Sched.clear(); // Manually extending the DAG messes with the scheduler.
+  // Schedule instructions towards the top so that intermediate instructions
+  // (namely Add0, Add1) get temporarily scheduled in singleton bundles.
+  EXPECT_TRUE(Sched.trySchedule({S0, S1}));
   EXPECT_TRUE(Sched.trySchedule({L0, L1}));
+  // Check fully scheduled.
+  EXPECT_EQ(GetBndlSchedState({L0, L1}), BndlSchedState::FullyScheduled);
+  // Check both singletons.
+  EXPECT_EQ(GetBndlSchedState({Add0, Add1}),
+            BndlSchedState::TemporarilyScheduled);
+  // Check single singleton.
+  EXPECT_EQ(GetBndlSchedState({Add0}), BndlSchedState::TemporarilyScheduled);
+  EXPECT_EQ(GetBndlSchedState({Add1}), BndlSchedState::TemporarilyScheduled);
+  // Check singleton + scheduled.
+  EXPECT_EQ(GetBndlSchedState({L0, S1}), BndlSchedState::AlreadyScheduled);
+  EXPECT_EQ(GetBndlSchedState({S1, L0}), BndlSchedState::AlreadyScheduled);
+  EXPECT_EQ(GetBndlSchedState({L0, Add1}), BndlSchedState::AlreadyScheduled);
+  EXPECT_EQ(GetBndlSchedState({Add1, L0}), BndlSchedState::AlreadyScheduled);
+  // Check singleton + not in DAG.
+  EXPECT_EQ(GetBndlSchedState({Add1, L2}),
+            BndlSchedState::TemporarilyScheduled);
+  EXPECT_EQ(GetBndlSchedState({L2, Add0}),
+            BndlSchedState::TemporarilyScheduled);
+  // Check duplicates.
+  // TODO: Should duplicates be allowed?
+  EXPECT_EQ(GetBndlSchedState({L2, L2}), BndlSchedState::NoneScheduled);
+  EXPECT_EQ(GetBndlSchedState({S0, S0}), BndlSchedState::FullyScheduled);
+  EXPECT_EQ(GetBndlSchedState({Add0, Add1}),
+            BndlSchedState::TemporarilyScheduled);
 // Check scheduling in the following order: {A0,A1},{B0,B1},{C0,C1},{D0,D1}

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