[llvm] [AMDGPU] Add support for point sample accel out of order returns (PR #127991)

David Stuttard via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Feb 20 03:48:37 PST 2025

https://github.com/dstutt created https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/127991

Add target feature for point sample acceleration and enable it for relevant

Also add support to insert waitcnts where required when point sample accel may
have occurred. This has implications for out of order returns, which is why
extra waitcnts are required.

Add a VMEM_NOSAMPLER bit in the register masks to determine when
waitcnt is required.

>From 1f30b6b31c8ed02178a9a2b0e22620c7eb3f721f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Stuttard <david.stuttard at amd.com>
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2025 09:26:35 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] [AMDGPU] Add support for point sample accel out of order

Add target feature for point sample acceleration and enable it for relevant

Also add support to insert waitcnts where required when point sample accel may
have occurred. This has implications for out of order returns, which is why
extra waitcnts are required.

Add a VMEM_NOSAMPLER bit in the register masks to determine when
waitcnt is required.
 llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/AMDGPU.td              | 15 +++-
 llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/GCNSubtarget.h         |  3 +
 llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/MIMGInstructions.td    | 53 ++++++------
 llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/SIInsertWaitcnts.cpp   | 37 ++++++++-
 llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/Utils/AMDGPUBaseInfo.h |  1 +
 .../AMDGPU/waitcnt-sample-out-order.mir       | 80 +++++++++++++++++++
 6 files changed, 160 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 llvm/test/CodeGen/AMDGPU/waitcnt-sample-out-order.mir

diff --git a/llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/AMDGPU.td b/llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/AMDGPU.td
index effc8d2ed6b49..875cda9a49317 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/AMDGPU.td
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/AMDGPU.td
@@ -1082,6 +1082,12 @@ def FeaturePrngInst : SubtargetFeature<"prng-inst",
   "Has v_prng_b32 instruction"
+def FeaturePointSampleAccel : SubtargetFeature<"point-sample-accel",
+  "HasPointSampleAccel",
+  "true",
+  "Has point sample acceleration feature"
 // Subtarget Features (options and debugging)
@@ -1770,20 +1776,23 @@ def FeatureISAVersion11_5_0 : FeatureSet<
-     FeatureRequiredExportPriority])>;
+     FeatureRequiredExportPriority,
+     FeaturePointSampleAccel])>;
 def FeatureISAVersion11_5_1 : FeatureSet<
-     FeatureRequiredExportPriority])>;
+     FeatureRequiredExportPriority,
+     FeaturePointSampleAccel])>;
 def FeatureISAVersion11_5_2 : FeatureSet<
-     FeatureRequiredExportPriority])>;
+     FeatureRequiredExportPriority,
+     FeaturePointSampleAccel])>;
 def FeatureISAVersion11_5_3 : FeatureSet<
diff --git a/llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/GCNSubtarget.h b/llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/GCNSubtarget.h
index 6664a70572ded..97e937f664a3f 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/GCNSubtarget.h
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/GCNSubtarget.h
@@ -252,6 +252,7 @@ class GCNSubtarget final : public AMDGPUGenSubtargetInfo,
   bool HasMinimum3Maximum3F32 = false;
   bool HasMinimum3Maximum3F16 = false;
   bool HasMinimum3Maximum3PKF16 = false;
+  bool HasPointSampleAccel = false;
   bool RequiresCOV6 = false;
@@ -1350,6 +1351,8 @@ class GCNSubtarget final : public AMDGPUGenSubtargetInfo,
     return HasMinimum3Maximum3PKF16;
+  bool hasPointSampleAccel() const { return HasPointSampleAccel; }
   /// \returns The maximum number of instructions that can be enclosed in an
   /// S_CLAUSE on the given subtarget, or 0 for targets that do not support that
   /// instruction.
diff --git a/llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/MIMGInstructions.td b/llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/MIMGInstructions.td
index 1b94d6c43392d..96be3761f3449 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/MIMGInstructions.td
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/MIMGInstructions.td
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ class MIMGBaseOpcode : PredicateControl {
   bit BVH = 0;
   bit A16 = 0;
   bit NoReturn = 0;
+  bit PointSampleAccel = 0; // Opcode eligable for gfx11.5 point sample acceleration
 def MIMGBaseOpcode : GenericEnum {
@@ -63,7 +64,8 @@ def MIMGBaseOpcodesTable : GenericTable {
   let CppTypeName = "MIMGBaseOpcodeInfo";
   let Fields = ["BaseOpcode", "Store", "Atomic", "AtomicX2", "Sampler",
                 "Gather4", "NumExtraArgs", "Gradients", "G16", "Coordinates",
-                "LodOrClampOrMip", "HasD16", "MSAA", "BVH", "A16", "NoReturn"];
+                "LodOrClampOrMip", "HasD16", "MSAA", "BVH", "A16", "NoReturn",
+                "PointSampleAccel"];
   string TypeOf_BaseOpcode = "MIMGBaseOpcode";
   let PrimaryKey = ["BaseOpcode"];
@@ -1458,13 +1460,14 @@ multiclass MIMG_Sampler_NoReturn <mimgopc op, AMDGPUSampleVariant sample, bit wq
-multiclass MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc op, AMDGPUSampleVariant sample, bit wqm = 0,
-                         bit isG16 = 0, bit isGetLod = 0,
+multiclass MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc op, AMDGPUSampleVariant sample, bit isPointSampleAccel = 0,
+                         bit wqm = 0, bit isG16 = 0, bit isGetLod = 0,
                          string asm = "image_sample"#sample.LowerCaseMod#!if(isG16, "_g16", ""),
                          bit ExtendedImageInst = !ne(sample.LowerCaseMod, "")> {
   def "" : MIMG_Sampler_BaseOpcode<sample> {
     let HasD16 = !not(isGetLod);
     let G16 = isG16;
+    let PointSampleAccel = isPointSampleAccel;
   let BaseOpcode = !cast<MIMGBaseOpcode>(NAME), WQM = wqm,
@@ -1485,8 +1488,8 @@ multiclass MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc op, AMDGPUSampleVariant sample, bit wqm = 0,
   defm "_nortn" : MIMG_Sampler_NoReturn <op, sample, wqm, isG16, asm>;
-multiclass MIMG_Sampler_WQM <mimgopc op, AMDGPUSampleVariant sample>
-    : MIMG_Sampler<op, sample, 1>;
+multiclass MIMG_Sampler_WQM <mimgopc op, AMDGPUSampleVariant sample, bit isPointSampleAccel = 0>
+    : MIMG_Sampler<op, sample, isPointSampleAccel, 1>;
 multiclass MIMG_Gather <mimgopc op, AMDGPUSampleVariant sample, bit wqm = 0,
                         string asm = "image_gather4"#sample.LowerCaseMod> {
@@ -1670,15 +1673,15 @@ let AssemblerPredicate = isGFX12Plus in {
   def : AMDGPUMnemonicAlias<"image_atomic_fmax", "image_atomic_max_flt">;
-defm IMAGE_SAMPLE               : MIMG_Sampler_WQM <mimgopc<0x1b, 0x1b, 0x20>, AMDGPUSample>;
+defm IMAGE_SAMPLE               : MIMG_Sampler_WQM <mimgopc<0x1b, 0x1b, 0x20>, AMDGPUSample, 1>;
 let OtherPredicates = [HasImageInsts, HasExtendedImageInsts] in {
 defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_CL            : MIMG_Sampler_WQM <mimgopc<0x40, 0x40, 0x21>, AMDGPUSample_cl>;
 defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_D             : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<0x1c, 0x1c, 0x22>, AMDGPUSample_d>;
 defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_D_CL          : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<0x41, 0x41, 0x23>, AMDGPUSample_d_cl>;
-defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_L             : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<0x1d, 0x1d, 0x24>, AMDGPUSample_l>;
+defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_L             : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<0x1d, 0x1d, 0x24>, AMDGPUSample_l, 1>;
 defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_B             : MIMG_Sampler_WQM <mimgopc<0x1e, 0x1e, 0x25>, AMDGPUSample_b>;
 defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_B_CL          : MIMG_Sampler_WQM <mimgopc<0x42, 0x42, 0x26>, AMDGPUSample_b_cl>;
-defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_LZ            : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<0x1f, 0x1f, 0x27>, AMDGPUSample_lz>;
+defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_LZ            : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<0x1f, 0x1f, 0x27>, AMDGPUSample_lz, 1>;
 defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_C             : MIMG_Sampler_WQM <mimgopc<0x20, 0x20, 0x28>, AMDGPUSample_c>;
 defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_C_CL          : MIMG_Sampler_WQM <mimgopc<0x43, 0x43, 0x29>, AMDGPUSample_c_cl>;
 defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_C_D           : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<0x21, 0x21, 0x2a>, AMDGPUSample_c_d>;
@@ -1731,7 +1734,7 @@ defm IMAGE_GATHER4_C_LZ_O       : MIMG_Gather <mimgopc<0x37, 0x37, 0x5f>, AMDGPU
 let OtherPredicates = [HasImageInsts, HasExtendedImageInsts, isGFX9Plus] in
 defm IMAGE_GATHER4H             : MIMG_Gather <mimgopc<0x90, 0x90, 0x61, 0x42>, AMDGPUSample, 1, "image_gather4h">;
-defm IMAGE_GET_LOD              : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<0x38, 0x38, 0x60>, AMDGPUSample, 1, 0, 1, "image_get_lod">;
+defm IMAGE_GET_LOD              : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<0x38, 0x38, 0x60>, AMDGPUSample, 0, 1, 0, 1, "image_get_lod">;
 defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_CD            : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<MIMG.NOP, MIMG.NOP, 0x68>, AMDGPUSample_cd>;
 defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_CD_CL         : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<MIMG.NOP, MIMG.NOP, 0x69>, AMDGPUSample_cd_cl>;
@@ -1744,22 +1747,22 @@ defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_C_CD_CL_O     : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<MIMG.NOP, MIMG.NOP, 0x6f
 } // End OtherPredicates = [HasImageInsts, HasExtendedImageInsts]
 let OtherPredicates = [HasImageInsts, HasExtendedImageInsts, HasG16] in {
-defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_D_G16         : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<0x39, 0x39, 0xa2>, AMDGPUSample_d, 0, 1>;
-defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_D_CL_G16      : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<0x5f, 0x5f, 0xa3>, AMDGPUSample_d_cl, 0, 1>;
-defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_C_D_G16       : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<0x3a, 0x3a, 0xaa>, AMDGPUSample_c_d, 0, 1>;
-defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_C_D_CL_G16    : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<0x54, 0x54, 0xab>, AMDGPUSample_c_d_cl, 0, 1>;
-defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_D_O_G16       : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<0x3b, 0x3b, 0xb2>, AMDGPUSample_d_o, 0, 1>;
-defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_D_CL_O_G16    : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<0x55, 0x55, 0xb3>, AMDGPUSample_d_cl_o, 0, 1>;
-defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_C_D_O_G16     : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<0x3c, 0x3c, 0xba>, AMDGPUSample_c_d_o, 0, 1>;
-defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_C_D_CL_O_G16  : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<0x56, 0x56, 0xbb>, AMDGPUSample_c_d_cl_o, 0, 1>;
-defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_CD_G16        : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<MIMG.NOP, MIMG.NOP, 0xe8>, AMDGPUSample_cd, 0, 1>;
-defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_CD_CL_G16     : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<MIMG.NOP, MIMG.NOP, 0xe9>, AMDGPUSample_cd_cl, 0, 1>;
-defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_C_CD_G16      : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<MIMG.NOP, MIMG.NOP, 0xea>, AMDGPUSample_c_cd, 0, 1>;
-defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_C_CD_CL_G16   : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<MIMG.NOP, MIMG.NOP, 0xeb>, AMDGPUSample_c_cd_cl, 0, 1>;
-defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_CD_O_G16      : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<MIMG.NOP, MIMG.NOP, 0xec>, AMDGPUSample_cd_o, 0, 1>;
-defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_CD_CL_O_G16   : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<MIMG.NOP, MIMG.NOP, 0xed>, AMDGPUSample_cd_cl_o, 0, 1>;
-defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_C_CD_O_G16    : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<MIMG.NOP, MIMG.NOP, 0xee>, AMDGPUSample_c_cd_o, 0, 1>;
-defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_C_CD_CL_O_G16 : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<MIMG.NOP, MIMG.NOP, 0xef>, AMDGPUSample_c_cd_cl_o, 0, 1>;
+defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_D_G16         : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<0x39, 0x39, 0xa2>, AMDGPUSample_d, 0, 0, 1>;
+defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_D_CL_G16      : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<0x5f, 0x5f, 0xa3>, AMDGPUSample_d_cl, 0, 0, 1>;
+defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_C_D_G16       : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<0x3a, 0x3a, 0xaa>, AMDGPUSample_c_d, 0, 0, 1>;
+defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_C_D_CL_G16    : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<0x54, 0x54, 0xab>, AMDGPUSample_c_d_cl, 0, 0, 1>;
+defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_D_O_G16       : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<0x3b, 0x3b, 0xb2>, AMDGPUSample_d_o, 0, 0, 1>;
+defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_D_CL_O_G16    : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<0x55, 0x55, 0xb3>, AMDGPUSample_d_cl_o, 0, 0, 1>;
+defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_C_D_O_G16     : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<0x3c, 0x3c, 0xba>, AMDGPUSample_c_d_o, 0, 0, 1>;
+defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_C_D_CL_O_G16  : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<0x56, 0x56, 0xbb>, AMDGPUSample_c_d_cl_o, 0, 0, 1>;
+defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_CD_G16        : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<MIMG.NOP, MIMG.NOP, 0xe8>, AMDGPUSample_cd, 0, 0, 1>;
+defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_CD_CL_G16     : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<MIMG.NOP, MIMG.NOP, 0xe9>, AMDGPUSample_cd_cl, 0, 0, 1>;
+defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_C_CD_G16      : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<MIMG.NOP, MIMG.NOP, 0xea>, AMDGPUSample_c_cd, 0, 0, 1>;
+defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_C_CD_CL_G16   : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<MIMG.NOP, MIMG.NOP, 0xeb>, AMDGPUSample_c_cd_cl, 0, 0, 1>;
+defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_CD_O_G16      : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<MIMG.NOP, MIMG.NOP, 0xec>, AMDGPUSample_cd_o, 0, 0, 1>;
+defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_CD_CL_O_G16   : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<MIMG.NOP, MIMG.NOP, 0xed>, AMDGPUSample_cd_cl_o, 0, 0, 1>;
+defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_C_CD_O_G16    : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<MIMG.NOP, MIMG.NOP, 0xee>, AMDGPUSample_c_cd_o, 0, 0, 1>;
+defm IMAGE_SAMPLE_C_CD_CL_O_G16 : MIMG_Sampler <mimgopc<MIMG.NOP, MIMG.NOP, 0xef>, AMDGPUSample_c_cd_cl_o, 0, 0, 1>;
 } // End OtherPredicates = [HasImageInsts, HasExtendedImageInsts, HasG16]
 //def IMAGE_RSRC256 : MIMG_NoPattern_RSRC256 <"image_rsrc256", mimgopc<0x7e>>;
diff --git a/llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/SIInsertWaitcnts.cpp b/llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/SIInsertWaitcnts.cpp
index ee263f58bcaf2..41b9106ba0536 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/SIInsertWaitcnts.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/SIInsertWaitcnts.cpp
@@ -384,6 +384,10 @@ class WaitcntBrackets {
     return LDSDMAStores;
+  bool hasPointSampleAccel(const MachineInstr &MI) const;
+  bool hasPointSamplePendingVmemTypes(const MachineInstr &MI,
+                                      RegInterval Interval) const;
   void print(raw_ostream &);
   void dump() { print(dbgs()); }
@@ -808,6 +812,29 @@ void WaitcntBrackets::setScoreByOperand(const MachineInstr *MI,
   setScoreByInterval(Interval, CntTy, Score);
+// Return true if the subtarget is one that enables Point Sample Acceleration
+// and the MachineInstr passed in is one to which it might be applied (the
+// hardware makes this decision based on several factors, but we can't determine
+// this at compile time, so we have to assume it will be applied if the
+// instruction supports it).
+bool WaitcntBrackets::hasPointSampleAccel(const MachineInstr &MI) const {
+  if (!ST->hasPointSampleAccel() || !SIInstrInfo::isMIMG(MI))
+    return false;
+  const AMDGPU::MIMGInfo *Info = AMDGPU::getMIMGInfo(MI.getOpcode());
+  const AMDGPU::MIMGBaseOpcodeInfo *BaseInfo =
+      AMDGPU::getMIMGBaseOpcodeInfo(Info->BaseOpcode);
+  return BaseInfo->PointSampleAccel;
+bool WaitcntBrackets::hasPointSamplePendingVmemTypes(
+    const MachineInstr &MI, RegInterval Interval) const {
+  if (!hasPointSampleAccel(MI))
+    return false;
+  return hasOtherPendingVmemTypes(Interval, VMEM_NOSAMPLER);
 void WaitcntBrackets::updateByEvent(const SIInstrInfo *TII,
                                     const SIRegisterInfo *TRI,
                                     const MachineRegisterInfo *MRI,
@@ -924,8 +951,13 @@ void WaitcntBrackets::updateByEvent(const SIInstrInfo *TII,
           // defs. That's required for a sane index into `VgprMemTypes` below
           assert(TRI->isVectorRegister(*MRI, Op.getReg()));
           VmemType V = getVmemType(Inst);
+          unsigned char TypesMask = 1 << V;
+          // If instruction can have Point Sample Accel applied, we have to flag
+          // this with another potential dependency
+          if (hasPointSampleAccel(Inst))
+            TypesMask |= 1 << VMEM_NOSAMPLER;
           for (int RegNo = Interval.first; RegNo < Interval.second; ++RegNo)
-            VgprVmemTypes[RegNo] |= 1 << V;
+            VgprVmemTypes[RegNo] |= TypesMask;
       setScoreByInterval(Interval, T, CurrScore);
@@ -1787,9 +1819,12 @@ bool SIInsertWaitcnts::generateWaitcntInstBefore(MachineInstr &MI,
           // previous write and this write are the same type of VMEM
           // instruction, in which case they are (in some architectures)
           // guaranteed to write their results in order anyway.
+          // Additionally check instructions where Point Sample Acceleration
+          // might be applied.
           if (Op.isUse() || !updateVMCntOnly(MI) ||
                                                      getVmemType(MI)) ||
+              ScoreBrackets.hasPointSamplePendingVmemTypes(MI, Interval) ||
               !ST->hasVmemWriteVgprInOrder()) {
             ScoreBrackets.determineWait(LOAD_CNT, Interval, Wait);
             ScoreBrackets.determineWait(SAMPLE_CNT, Interval, Wait);
diff --git a/llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/Utils/AMDGPUBaseInfo.h b/llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/Utils/AMDGPUBaseInfo.h
index 103993e6435de..d07484f497e0a 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/Utils/AMDGPUBaseInfo.h
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/Utils/AMDGPUBaseInfo.h
@@ -430,6 +430,7 @@ struct MIMGBaseOpcodeInfo {
   bool BVH;
   bool A16;
   bool NoReturn;
+  bool PointSampleAccel;
diff --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/AMDGPU/waitcnt-sample-out-order.mir b/llvm/test/CodeGen/AMDGPU/waitcnt-sample-out-order.mir
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..4bd35138815ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/AMDGPU/waitcnt-sample-out-order.mir
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# RUN: llc -mtriple=amdgcn -mcpu=gfx1100 -verify-machineinstrs -run-pass si-insert-waitcnts -o - %s | FileCheck -check-prefixes=GCN,GFX11 %s
+# RUN: llc -mtriple=amdgcn -mcpu=gfx1150 -verify-machineinstrs -run-pass si-insert-waitcnts -o - %s | FileCheck -check-prefixes=GCN,GFX1150 %s
+# RUN: llc -mtriple=amdgcn -mcpu=gfx1200 -verify-machineinstrs -run-pass si-insert-waitcnts -o - %s | FileCheck -check-prefixes=GCN,GFX12 %s
+name: waitcnt-gather-sample
+  isEntryFunction: true
+body: |
+  bb.0:
+    ; GCN-LABEL: name: waitcnt-gather-sample
+    ; GCN: $vgpr10_vgpr11_vgpr12_vgpr13 = IMAGE_GATHER4_LZ_O_V4_V3 $vgpr0_vgpr1_vgpr2, $sgpr0_sgpr1_sgpr2_sgpr3_sgpr4_sgpr5_sgpr6_sgpr7, $sgpr8_sgpr9_sgpr10_sgpr11, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, implicit $exec :: (load (s128))
+    ; GFX1150-NEXT: S_WAITCNT 1015
+    ; GCN-NEXT: $vgpr13_vgpr14_vgpr15_vgpr16 = IMAGE_SAMPLE_V4_V2 $vgpr20_vgpr21, $sgpr4_sgpr5_sgpr6_sgpr7_sgpr8_sgpr9_sgpr10_sgpr11, $sgpr0_sgpr1_sgpr2_sgpr3, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, implicit $exec :: (dereferenceable load (s128), align 4, addrspace 4)
+    $vgpr10_vgpr11_vgpr12_vgpr13 = IMAGE_GATHER4_LZ_O_V4_V3 $vgpr0_vgpr1_vgpr2, $sgpr0_sgpr1_sgpr2_sgpr3_sgpr4_sgpr5_sgpr6_sgpr7, $sgpr8_sgpr9_sgpr10_sgpr11, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, implicit $exec :: (load (s128))
+    $vgpr13_vgpr14_vgpr15_vgpr16 = IMAGE_SAMPLE_V4_V2 $vgpr20_vgpr21, $sgpr4_sgpr5_sgpr6_sgpr7_sgpr8_sgpr9_sgpr10_sgpr11, $sgpr0_sgpr1_sgpr2_sgpr3, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, implicit $exec :: (dereferenceable load (s128), align 4, addrspace 4)
+    S_ENDPGM 0
+name: waitcnt-gather-sample-o
+  isEntryFunction: true
+body: |
+  bb.0:
+    ; GCN-LABEL: name: waitcnt-gather-sample-o
+    ; GCN: $vgpr10_vgpr11_vgpr12_vgpr13 = IMAGE_GATHER4_LZ_O_V4_V3 $vgpr0_vgpr1_vgpr2, $sgpr0_sgpr1_sgpr2_sgpr3_sgpr4_sgpr5_sgpr6_sgpr7, $sgpr8_sgpr9_sgpr10_sgpr11, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, implicit $exec :: (load (s128))
+    ; GCN-NEXT:     $vgpr13_vgpr14_vgpr15_vgpr16 = IMAGE_SAMPLE_O_V4_V2 $vgpr20_vgpr21, $sgpr4_sgpr5_sgpr6_sgpr7_sgpr8_sgpr9_sgpr10_sgpr11, $sgpr0_sgpr1_sgpr2_sgpr3, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, implicit $exec :: (dereferenceable load (s128), align 4, addrspace 4)
+    $vgpr10_vgpr11_vgpr12_vgpr13 = IMAGE_GATHER4_LZ_O_V4_V3 $vgpr0_vgpr1_vgpr2, $sgpr0_sgpr1_sgpr2_sgpr3_sgpr4_sgpr5_sgpr6_sgpr7, $sgpr8_sgpr9_sgpr10_sgpr11, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, implicit $exec :: (load (s128))
+    $vgpr13_vgpr14_vgpr15_vgpr16 = IMAGE_SAMPLE_O_V4_V2 $vgpr20_vgpr21, $sgpr4_sgpr5_sgpr6_sgpr7_sgpr8_sgpr9_sgpr10_sgpr11, $sgpr0_sgpr1_sgpr2_sgpr3, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, implicit $exec :: (dereferenceable load (s128), align 4, addrspace 4)
+    S_ENDPGM 0
+name: waitcnt-sample-gather
+  isEntryFunction: true
+body: |
+  bb.0:
+    ; GCN-LABEL: name: waitcnt-sample-gather
+    ; GCN: $vgpr13_vgpr14_vgpr15_vgpr16 = IMAGE_SAMPLE_V4_V2 $vgpr20_vgpr21, $sgpr4_sgpr5_sgpr6_sgpr7_sgpr8_sgpr9_sgpr10_sgpr11, $sgpr0_sgpr1_sgpr2_sgpr3, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, implicit $exec :: (dereferenceable load (s128), align 4, addrspace 4)
+    ; GFX1150-NEXT: S_WAITCNT 1015
+    ; GCN-NEXT: $vgpr10_vgpr11_vgpr12_vgpr13 = IMAGE_GATHER4_LZ_O_V4_V3 $vgpr0_vgpr1_vgpr2, $sgpr0_sgpr1_sgpr2_sgpr3_sgpr4_sgpr5_sgpr6_sgpr7, $sgpr8_sgpr9_sgpr10_sgpr11, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, implicit $exec :: (load (s128))
+    $vgpr13_vgpr14_vgpr15_vgpr16 = IMAGE_SAMPLE_V4_V2 $vgpr20_vgpr21, $sgpr4_sgpr5_sgpr6_sgpr7_sgpr8_sgpr9_sgpr10_sgpr11, $sgpr0_sgpr1_sgpr2_sgpr3, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, implicit $exec :: (dereferenceable load (s128), align 4, addrspace 4)
+    $vgpr10_vgpr11_vgpr12_vgpr13 = IMAGE_GATHER4_LZ_O_V4_V3 $vgpr0_vgpr1_vgpr2, $sgpr0_sgpr1_sgpr2_sgpr3_sgpr4_sgpr5_sgpr6_sgpr7, $sgpr8_sgpr9_sgpr10_sgpr11, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, implicit $exec :: (load (s128))
+    S_ENDPGM 0
+name: waitcnt-sample-load
+  isEntryFunction: true
+body: |
+  bb.0:
+    ; GCN-LABEL: name: waitcnt-sample-load
+    ; GCN: $vgpr13_vgpr14_vgpr15_vgpr16 = IMAGE_SAMPLE_V4_V2 $vgpr20_vgpr21, $sgpr4_sgpr5_sgpr6_sgpr7_sgpr8_sgpr9_sgpr10_sgpr11, $sgpr0_sgpr1_sgpr2_sgpr3, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, implicit $exec :: (dereferenceable load (s128), align 4, addrspace 4)
+    ; GFX11: S_WAITCNT 1015
+    ; GFX1150-NEXT: S_WAITCNT 1015
+    ; GCN-NEXT: renamable $vgpr10_vgpr11_vgpr12_vgpr13 = IMAGE_MSAA_LOAD_V4_V2_gfx11 killed renamable $vgpr4_vgpr5, killed renamable $sgpr0_sgpr1_sgpr2_sgpr3_sgpr4_sgpr5_sgpr6_sgpr7, 4, 7, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, implicit $exec :: (dereferenceable load (s128), addrspace 8)
+    $vgpr13_vgpr14_vgpr15_vgpr16 = IMAGE_SAMPLE_V4_V2 $vgpr20_vgpr21, $sgpr4_sgpr5_sgpr6_sgpr7_sgpr8_sgpr9_sgpr10_sgpr11, $sgpr0_sgpr1_sgpr2_sgpr3, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, implicit $exec :: (dereferenceable load (s128), align 4, addrspace 4)
+    renamable $vgpr10_vgpr11_vgpr12_vgpr13 = IMAGE_MSAA_LOAD_V4_V2_gfx11 killed renamable $vgpr4_vgpr5, killed renamable $sgpr0_sgpr1_sgpr2_sgpr3_sgpr4_sgpr5_sgpr6_sgpr7, 4, 7, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, implicit $exec :: (dereferenceable load (s128), addrspace 8)
+    S_ENDPGM 0
+name: waitcnt-load-sample
+  isEntryFunction: true
+body: |
+  bb.0:
+    ; GCN-LABEL: name: waitcnt-load-sample
+    ; GCN: renamable $vgpr10_vgpr11_vgpr12_vgpr13 = IMAGE_MSAA_LOAD_V4_V2_gfx11 killed renamable $vgpr4_vgpr5, killed renamable $sgpr0_sgpr1_sgpr2_sgpr3_sgpr4_sgpr5_sgpr6_sgpr7, 4, 7, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, implicit $exec :: (dereferenceable load (s128), addrspace 8)
+    ; GFX11: S_WAITCNT 1015
+    ; GFX1150-NEXT: S_WAITCNT 1015
+    ; GCN-NEXT: $vgpr13_vgpr14_vgpr15_vgpr16 = IMAGE_SAMPLE_V4_V2 $vgpr20_vgpr21, $sgpr4_sgpr5_sgpr6_sgpr7_sgpr8_sgpr9_sgpr10_sgpr11, $sgpr0_sgpr1_sgpr2_sgpr3, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, implicit $exec :: (dereferenceable load (s128), align 4, addrspace 4)
+    renamable $vgpr10_vgpr11_vgpr12_vgpr13 = IMAGE_MSAA_LOAD_V4_V2_gfx11 killed renamable $vgpr4_vgpr5, killed renamable $sgpr0_sgpr1_sgpr2_sgpr3_sgpr4_sgpr5_sgpr6_sgpr7, 4, 7, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, implicit $exec :: (dereferenceable load (s128), addrspace 8)
+    $vgpr13_vgpr14_vgpr15_vgpr16 = IMAGE_SAMPLE_V4_V2 $vgpr20_vgpr21, $sgpr4_sgpr5_sgpr6_sgpr7_sgpr8_sgpr9_sgpr10_sgpr11, $sgpr0_sgpr1_sgpr2_sgpr3, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, implicit $exec :: (dereferenceable load (s128), align 4, addrspace 4)
+    S_ENDPGM 0

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