[llvm] 92b0752 - [MemProf] Support cloning through recursive cycles (#127429)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Feb 19 12:44:37 PST 2025

Author: Teresa Johnson
Date: 2025-02-19T12:44:33-08:00
New Revision: 92b07520bcba1134f60d368c3f0d9216ebbe76e5

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/92b07520bcba1134f60d368c3f0d9216ebbe76e5
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/92b07520bcba1134f60d368c3f0d9216ebbe76e5.diff

LOG: [MemProf] Support cloning through recursive cycles (#127429)

In order to facilitate cloning of recursive cycles, we first identify
backedges using a standard DFS search from the root callers, then
initially defer recursively invoking the cloning function via those
edges. This is because the cloning opportunity along the backedge may
not be exposed until the current node is cloned for other non-backedge
callers that are cold after the earlier recursive cloning, resulting
in a cold predecessor of the backedge. So we recursively invoke the
cloning function for the backedges during the cloning of the current
node for its caller edges (which were sorted to enable handling cold
callers first).

There was no significant time or memory overhead measured for several
large applications.




diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Transforms/IPO/MemProfContextDisambiguation.cpp b/llvm/lib/Transforms/IPO/MemProfContextDisambiguation.cpp
index d748b162d7809..0982fd35401cb 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Transforms/IPO/MemProfContextDisambiguation.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Transforms/IPO/MemProfContextDisambiguation.cpp
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ STATISTIC(FoundProfiledCalleeMaxDepth,
           "Maximum depth of profiled callees found via tail calls");
           "Number of profiled callees found via multiple tail call chains");
+STATISTIC(DeferredBackedges, "Number of backedges with deferred cloning");
 static cl::opt<std::string> DotFilePathPrefix(
     "memprof-dot-file-path-prefix", cl::init(""), cl::Hidden,
@@ -127,6 +128,10 @@ static cl::opt<bool> AllowRecursiveCallsites(
     "memprof-allow-recursive-callsites", cl::init(true), cl::Hidden,
     cl::desc("Allow cloning of callsites involved in recursive cycles"));
+static cl::opt<bool> CloneRecursiveContexts(
+    "memprof-clone-recursive-contexts", cl::init(true), cl::Hidden,
+    cl::desc("Allow cloning of contexts through recursive cycles"));
 // When disabled, try to detect and prevent cloning of recursive contexts.
 // This is only necessary until we support cloning through recursive cycles.
 // Leave on by default for now, as disabling requires a little bit of compile
@@ -134,7 +139,7 @@ static cl::opt<bool> AllowRecursiveCallsites(
 // hinted bytes reporting a bit when -memprof-report-hinted-sizes is enabled.
 static cl::opt<bool> AllowRecursiveContexts(
     "memprof-allow-recursive-contexts", cl::init(true), cl::Hidden,
-    cl::desc("Allow cloning of contexts through recursive cycles"));
+    cl::desc("Allow cloning of contexts having recursive cycles"));
 namespace llvm {
 cl::opt<bool> EnableMemProfContextDisambiguation(
@@ -293,37 +298,40 @@ class CallsiteContextGraph {
     // TODO: Should this be a map (from Caller node) for more efficient lookup?
     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ContextEdge>> CallerEdges;
-    // Get the list of edges from which we can compute allocation information
-    // such as the context ids and allocation type of this node.
-    const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ContextEdge>> *
-    getEdgesWithAllocInfo() const {
-      // If node has any callees, compute from those, otherwise compute from
-      // callers (i.e. if this is the leaf allocation node).
-      if (!CalleeEdges.empty())
-        return &CalleeEdges;
+    // Returns true if we need to look at the callee edges for determining the
+    // node context ids and allocation type.
+    bool useCallerEdgesForContextInfo() const {
       // Typically if the callee edges are empty either the caller edges are
       // also empty, or this is an allocation (leaf node). However, if we are
       // allowing recursive callsites and contexts this will be violated for
       // incompletely cloned recursive cycles.
-      assert(CallerEdges.empty() || IsAllocation ||
+      assert(!CalleeEdges.empty() || CallerEdges.empty() || IsAllocation ||
              (AllowRecursiveCallsites && AllowRecursiveContexts));
-      if (!CallerEdges.empty() && IsAllocation)
-        return &CallerEdges;
-      return nullptr;
+      // When cloning for a recursive context, during cloning we might be in the
+      // midst of cloning for a recurrence and have moved context ids off of a
+      // caller edge onto the clone but not yet off of the incoming caller
+      // (back) edge. If we don't look at those we miss the fact that this node
+      // still has context ids of interest.
+      return IsAllocation || CloneRecursiveContexts;
     // Compute the context ids for this node from the union of its edge context
     // ids.
     DenseSet<uint32_t> getContextIds() const {
-      DenseSet<uint32_t> ContextIds;
-      auto *Edges = getEdgesWithAllocInfo();
-      if (!Edges)
-        return {};
       unsigned Count = 0;
-      for (auto &Edge : *Edges)
+      // Compute the number of ids for reserve below. In general we only need to
+      // look at one set of edges, typically the callee edges, since other than
+      // allocations and in some cases during recursion cloning, all the context
+      // ids on the callers should also flow out via callee edges.
+      for (auto &Edge : CalleeEdges.empty() ? CallerEdges : CalleeEdges)
         Count += Edge->getContextIds().size();
+      DenseSet<uint32_t> ContextIds;
-      for (auto &Edge : *Edges)
+      auto Edges = llvm::concat<const std::shared_ptr<ContextEdge>>(
+          CalleeEdges, useCallerEdgesForContextInfo()
+                           ? CallerEdges
+                           : std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ContextEdge>>());
+      for (const auto &Edge : Edges)
       return ContextIds;
@@ -332,13 +340,14 @@ class CallsiteContextGraph {
     // Compute the allocation type for this node from the OR of its edge
     // allocation types.
     uint8_t computeAllocType() const {
-      auto *Edges = getEdgesWithAllocInfo();
-      if (!Edges)
-        return (uint8_t)AllocationType::None;
       uint8_t BothTypes =
           (uint8_t)AllocationType::Cold | (uint8_t)AllocationType::NotCold;
       uint8_t AllocType = (uint8_t)AllocationType::None;
-      for (auto &Edge : *Edges) {
+      auto Edges = llvm::concat<const std::shared_ptr<ContextEdge>>(
+          CalleeEdges, useCallerEdgesForContextInfo()
+                           ? CallerEdges
+                           : std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ContextEdge>>());
+      for (const auto &Edge : Edges) {
         AllocType |= Edge->AllocTypes;
         // Bail early if alloc type reached both, no further refinement.
         if (AllocType == BothTypes)
@@ -350,10 +359,11 @@ class CallsiteContextGraph {
     // The context ids set for this node is empty if its edge context ids are
     // also all empty.
     bool emptyContextIds() const {
-      auto *Edges = getEdgesWithAllocInfo();
-      if (!Edges)
-        return true;
-      for (auto &Edge : *Edges) {
+      auto Edges = llvm::concat<const std::shared_ptr<ContextEdge>>(
+          CalleeEdges, useCallerEdgesForContextInfo()
+                           ? CallerEdges
+                           : std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ContextEdge>>());
+      for (const auto &Edge : Edges) {
         if (!Edge->getContextIds().empty())
           return false;
@@ -434,6 +444,14 @@ class CallsiteContextGraph {
     // for contexts including this edge.
     uint8_t AllocTypes = 0;
+    // Set just before initiating cloning when cloning of recursive contexts is
+    // enabled. Used to defer cloning of backedges until we have done cloning of
+    // the callee node for non-backedge caller edges. This exposes cloning
+    // opportunities through the backedge of the cycle.
+    // TODO: Note that this is not updated during cloning, and it is unclear
+    // whether that would be needed.
+    bool IsBackedge = false;
     // The set of IDs for contexts including this edge.
     DenseSet<uint32_t> ContextIds;
@@ -722,6 +740,9 @@ class CallsiteContextGraph {
   void moveCalleeEdgeToNewCaller(const std::shared_ptr<ContextEdge> &Edge,
                                  ContextNode *NewCaller);
+  void markBackedges(ContextNode *Node, DenseSet<const ContextNode *> &Visited,
+                     DenseSet<const ContextNode *> &CurrentStack);
   /// Recursively perform cloning on the graph for the given Node and its
   /// callers, in order to uniquely identify the allocation behavior of an
   /// allocation given its context. The context ids of the allocation being
@@ -2874,6 +2895,7 @@ template <typename DerivedCCG, typename FuncTy, typename CallTy>
 void CallsiteContextGraph<DerivedCCG, FuncTy, CallTy>::ContextEdge::print(
     raw_ostream &OS) const {
   OS << "Edge from Callee " << Callee << " to Caller: " << Caller
+     << (IsBackedge ? " (BE)" : "")
      << " AllocTypes: " << getAllocTypeString(AllocTypes);
   OS << " ContextIds:";
   std::vector<uint32_t> SortedIds(ContextIds.begin(), ContextIds.end());
@@ -3115,6 +3137,8 @@ void CallsiteContextGraph<DerivedCCG, FuncTy, CallTy>::
   // node (Edge's current callee may be the original node too).
   assert(NewCallee->getOrigNode() == Edge->Callee->getOrigNode());
+  bool EdgeIsRecursive = Edge->Callee == Edge->Caller;
   ContextNode *OldCallee = Edge->Callee;
   // We might already have an edge to the new callee from earlier cloning for a
@@ -3181,8 +3205,16 @@ void CallsiteContextGraph<DerivedCCG, FuncTy, CallTy>::
     // If this is a direct recursion edge, use NewCallee (the clone) as the
     // callee as well, so that any edge updated/created here is also direct
     // recursive.
-    if (CalleeToUse == OldCallee)
+    if (CalleeToUse == OldCallee) {
+      // If this is a recursive edge, see if we already moved a recursive edge
+      // (which would have to have been this one) - if we were only moving a
+      // subset of context ids it would still be on OldCallee.
+      if (EdgeIsRecursive) {
+        assert(OldCalleeEdge == Edge);
+        continue;
+      }
       CalleeToUse = NewCallee;
+    }
     // The context ids moving to the new callee are the subset of this edge's
     // context ids and the context ids on the caller edge being moved.
     DenseSet<uint32_t> EdgeContextIdsToMove =
@@ -3369,9 +3401,47 @@ void CallsiteContextGraph<DerivedCCG, FuncTy, CallTy>::
+// This is the standard DFS based backedge discovery algorithm.
+template <typename DerivedCCG, typename FuncTy, typename CallTy>
+void CallsiteContextGraph<DerivedCCG, FuncTy, CallTy>::markBackedges(
+    ContextNode *Node, DenseSet<const ContextNode *> &Visited,
+    DenseSet<const ContextNode *> &CurrentStack) {
+  auto I = Visited.insert(Node);
+  // We should only call this for unvisited nodes.
+  assert(I.second);
+  for (auto &CalleeEdge : Node->CalleeEdges) {
+    auto *Callee = CalleeEdge->Callee;
+    if (Visited.count(Callee)) {
+      // Since this was already visited we need to check if it is currently on
+      // the recursive stack in which case it is a backedge.
+      if (CurrentStack.count(Callee))
+        CalleeEdge->IsBackedge = true;
+      continue;
+    }
+    CurrentStack.insert(Callee);
+    markBackedges(Callee, Visited, CurrentStack);
+    CurrentStack.erase(Callee);
+  }
 template <typename DerivedCCG, typename FuncTy, typename CallTy>
 void CallsiteContextGraph<DerivedCCG, FuncTy, CallTy>::identifyClones() {
+  // If we are cloning recursive contexts, find and mark backedges from all root
+  // callers, using the typical DFS based backedge analysis.
   DenseSet<const ContextNode *> Visited;
+  if (CloneRecursiveContexts) {
+    DenseSet<const ContextNode *> CurrentStack;
+    for (auto &Entry : NonAllocationCallToContextNodeMap) {
+      auto *Node = Entry.second;
+      if (Node->isRemoved())
+        continue;
+      // It is a root if it doesn't have callers.
+      if (!Node->CallerEdges.empty())
+        continue;
+      markBackedges(Node, Visited, CurrentStack);
+      assert(CurrentStack.empty());
+    }
+  }
   for (auto &Entry : AllocationCallToContextNodeMap) {
     identifyClones(Entry.second, Visited, Entry.second->getContextIds());
@@ -3430,6 +3500,14 @@ void CallsiteContextGraph<DerivedCCG, FuncTy, CallTy>::identifyClones(
         assert(!is_contained(Node->CallerEdges, Edge));
+      // Defer backedges. See comments further below where these edges are
+      // handled during the cloning of this Node.
+      if (Edge->IsBackedge) {
+        // We should only mark these if cloning recursive contexts, where we
+        // need to do this deferral.
+        assert(CloneRecursiveContexts);
+        continue;
+      }
       // Ignore any caller we previously visited via another edge.
       if (!Visited.count(Edge->Caller) && !Edge->Caller->CloneOf) {
         identifyClones(Edge->Caller, Visited, AllocContextIds);
@@ -3483,6 +3561,7 @@ void CallsiteContextGraph<DerivedCCG, FuncTy, CallTy>::identifyClones(
   assert(Node->AllocTypes != (uint8_t)AllocationType::None);
   DenseSet<uint32_t> RecursiveContextIds;
+  assert(AllowRecursiveContexts || !CloneRecursiveContexts);
   // If we are allowing recursive callsites, but have also disabled recursive
   // contexts, look for context ids that show up in multiple caller edges.
   if (AllowRecursiveCallsites && !AllowRecursiveContexts) {
@@ -3505,6 +3584,13 @@ void CallsiteContextGraph<DerivedCCG, FuncTy, CallTy>::identifyClones(
   // makes it less error-prone.
   auto CallerEdges = Node->CallerEdges;
   for (auto &CallerEdge : CallerEdges) {
+    // Skip any that have been removed by an earlier recursive call.
+    if (CallerEdge->isRemoved()) {
+      assert(!is_contained(Node->CallerEdges, CallerEdge));
+      continue;
+    }
+    assert(CallerEdge->Callee == Node);
     // See if cloning the prior caller edge left this node with a single alloc
     // type or a single caller. In that case no more cloning of Node is needed.
     if (hasSingleAllocType(Node->AllocTypes) || Node->CallerEdges.size() <= 1)
@@ -3546,13 +3632,100 @@ void CallsiteContextGraph<DerivedCCG, FuncTy, CallTy>::identifyClones(
     // Then check if by cloning node at least one of the callee edges will be
     // disambiguated by splitting out 
diff erent context ids.
+    //
+    // However, always do the cloning if this is a backedge, in which case we
+    // have not yet cloned along this caller edge.
     assert(CallerEdge->AllocTypes != (uint8_t)AllocationType::None);
     assert(Node->AllocTypes != (uint8_t)AllocationType::None);
-    if (allocTypeToUse(CallerAllocTypeForAlloc) ==
+    if (!CallerEdge->IsBackedge &&
+        allocTypeToUse(CallerAllocTypeForAlloc) ==
             allocTypeToUse(Node->AllocTypes) &&
         allocTypesMatch<DerivedCCG, FuncTy, CallTy>(
-            CalleeEdgeAllocTypesForCallerEdge, Node->CalleeEdges))
+            CalleeEdgeAllocTypesForCallerEdge, Node->CalleeEdges)) {
+    }
+    if (CallerEdge->IsBackedge) {
+      // We should only mark these if cloning recursive contexts, where we
+      // need to do this deferral.
+      assert(CloneRecursiveContexts);
+      DeferredBackedges++;
+    }
+    // If this is a backedge, we now do recursive cloning starting from its
+    // caller since we may have moved unambiguous caller contexts to a clone
+    // of this Node in a previous iteration of the current loop, giving more
+    // opportunity for cloning through the backedge. Because we sorted the
+    // caller edges earlier so that cold caller edges are first, we would have
+    // visited and cloned this node for any unamibiguously cold non-recursive
+    // callers before any ambiguous backedge callers. Note that we don't do this
+    // if the caller is already cloned or visited during cloning (e.g. via a
+    // 
diff erent context path from the allocation).
+    // TODO: Can we do better in the case where the caller was already visited?
+    if (CallerEdge->IsBackedge && !CallerEdge->Caller->CloneOf &&
+        !Visited.count(CallerEdge->Caller)) {
+      const auto OrigIdCount = CallerEdge->getContextIds().size();
+      // Now do the recursive cloning of this backedge's caller, which was
+      // deferred earlier.
+      identifyClones(CallerEdge->Caller, Visited, CallerEdgeContextsForAlloc);
+      removeNoneTypeCalleeEdges(CallerEdge->Caller);
+      // See if the recursive call to identifyClones moved the context ids to a
+      // new edge from this node to a clone of caller, and switch to looking at
+      // that new edge so that we clone Node for the new caller clone.
+      bool UpdatedEdge = false;
+      if (OrigIdCount > CallerEdge->getContextIds().size()) {
+        for (auto E : Node->CallerEdges) {
+          // Only interested in clones of the current edges caller.
+          if (E->Caller->CloneOf != CallerEdge->Caller)
+            continue;
+          // See if this edge contains any of the context ids originally on the
+          // current caller edge.
+          auto CallerEdgeContextsForAllocNew =
+              set_intersection(CallerEdgeContextsForAlloc, E->getContextIds());
+          if (CallerEdgeContextsForAllocNew.empty())
+            continue;
+          // Make sure we don't pick a previously existing caller edge of this
+          // Node, which would be processed on a 
diff erent iteration of the
+          // outer loop over the saved CallerEdges.
+          if (std::find(CallerEdges.begin(), CallerEdges.end(), E) !=
+              CallerEdges.end())
+            continue;
+          // The CallerAllocTypeForAlloc and CalleeEdgeAllocTypesForCallerEdge
+          // are updated further below for all cases where we just invoked
+          // identifyClones recursively.
+          CallerEdgeContextsForAlloc.swap(CallerEdgeContextsForAllocNew);
+          CallerEdge = E;
+          UpdatedEdge = true;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      // If cloning removed this edge (and we didn't update it to a new edge
+      // above), we're done with this edge. It's possible we moved all of the
+      // context ids to an existing clone, in which case there's no need to do
+      // further processing for them.
+      if (CallerEdge->isRemoved())
+        continue;
+      // Now we need to update the information used for the cloning decisions
+      // further below, as we may have modified edges and their context ids.
+      // Note if we changed the CallerEdge above we would have already updated
+      // the context ids.
+      if (!UpdatedEdge) {
+        CallerEdgeContextsForAlloc = set_intersection(
+            CallerEdgeContextsForAlloc, CallerEdge->getContextIds());
+        if (CallerEdgeContextsForAlloc.empty())
+          continue;
+      }
+      // Update the other information that depends on the edges and on the now
+      // updated CallerEdgeContextsForAlloc.
+      CallerAllocTypeForAlloc = computeAllocType(CallerEdgeContextsForAlloc);
+      CalleeEdgeAllocTypesForCallerEdge.clear();
+      for (auto &CalleeEdge : Node->CalleeEdges) {
+        CalleeEdgeAllocTypesForCallerEdge.push_back(intersectAllocTypes(
+            CalleeEdge->getContextIds(), CallerEdgeContextsForAlloc));
+      }
+    }
     // First see if we can use an existing clone. Check each clone and its
     // callee edges for matching alloc types.

diff  --git a/llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/memprof-recursive.ll b/llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/memprof-recursive.ll
index 4b2b5490bc2cb..e1a9084b583b9 100644
--- a/llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/memprof-recursive.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/memprof-recursive.ll
@@ -3,12 +3,15 @@
 ;; See llvm/test/Transforms/MemProfContextDisambiguation/recursive.ll for
 ;; information on how the test was created.
+;; -stats requires asserts
+; REQUIRES: asserts
 ; RUN: opt -thinlto-bc %s >%t.o
 ;; Check behavior when we enable cloning of contexts involved with recursive
-;; cycles, but not through the cycle itself. I.e. until full support for
-;; recursion is added, the cloned recursive call from C back to B (line 12) will
-;; not be updated to call a clone.
+;; cycles, but not through the cycle itself. I.e. with full support for cloning
+;; recursive cycles off, the cloned recursive call from C back to B (line 12)
+;; will not be updated to call a clone.
 ; RUN: llvm-lto2 run %t.o -enable-memprof-context-disambiguation \
 ; RUN:  -supports-hot-cold-new \
 ; RUN:  -r=%t.o,_Z1Dv,plx \
@@ -19,6 +22,7 @@
 ; RUN:  -memprof-verify-ccg -memprof-verify-nodes \
 ; RUN:  -pass-remarks=memprof-context-disambiguation \
 ; RUN:	-memprof-allow-recursive-callsites=true \
+; RUN:	-memprof-clone-recursive-contexts=false \
 ; RUN:  -o %t.out 2>&1 | FileCheck %s \
 ; RUN:  --implicit-check-not "memprof_recursive.cc:12:10: call in clone _Z1Ci.memprof.1 assigned" \
 ; RUN:  --check-prefix=ALLOW-RECUR-CALLSITES --check-prefix=ALLOW-RECUR-CONTEXTS
@@ -39,7 +43,7 @@
 ; RUN:  --implicit-check-not="created clone" \
 ; RUN:	--implicit-check-not="marked with memprof allocation attribute cold"
-;; Check the default behavior (enabled recursive callsites).
+;; Check the default behavior (clone recursive callsites).
 ; RUN: llvm-lto2 run %t.o -enable-memprof-context-disambiguation \
 ; RUN:  -supports-hot-cold-new \
 ; RUN:  -r=%t.o,_Z1Dv,plx \
@@ -47,11 +51,11 @@
 ; RUN:  -r=%t.o,_Z1Bi,plx \
 ; RUN:  -r=%t.o,main,plx \
 ; RUN:  -r=%t.o,_Znam, \
-; RUN:  -memprof-verify-ccg -memprof-verify-nodes \
+; RUN:  -memprof-verify-ccg -memprof-verify-nodes -stats \
 ; RUN:  -pass-remarks=memprof-context-disambiguation \
 ; RUN:  -o %t.out 2>&1 | FileCheck %s \
-; RUN:  --implicit-check-not "memprof_recursive.cc:12:10: call in clone _Z1Ci.memprof.1 assigned" \
-; RUN:  --check-prefix=ALLOW-RECUR-CALLSITES --check-prefix=ALLOW-RECUR-CONTEXTS
+; RUN:  --check-prefix=ALLOW-RECUR-CALLSITES --check-prefix=ALLOW-RECUR-CONTEXTS \
+; RUN:	--check-prefix=CLONE-RECUR-CALLSITES
 ;; Skipping recursive contexts should prevent spurious call to cloned version of
 ;; B from the context starting at memprof_recursive.cc:19:13, which is actually
@@ -67,6 +71,7 @@
 ; RUN:  -pass-remarks=memprof-context-disambiguation \
 ; RUN:	-memprof-allow-recursive-callsites=true \
 ; RUN:	-memprof-allow-recursive-contexts=false \
+; RUN:	-memprof-clone-recursive-contexts=false \
 ; RUN:  -o %t.out 2>&1 | FileCheck %s \
 ; RUN:  --implicit-check-not "memprof_recursive.cc:12:10: call in clone _Z1Ci.memprof.1 assigned" \
 ; RUN:  --check-prefix=ALLOW-RECUR-CALLSITES --check-prefix=SKIP-RECUR-CONTEXTS
@@ -76,6 +81,7 @@
 ; ALLOW-RECUR-CALLSITES: memprof_recursive.cc:5:10: call in clone _Z1Dv.memprof.1 marked with memprof allocation attribute cold
 ; ALLOW-RECUR-CALLSITES: memprof_recursive.cc:8:0: created clone _Z1Ci.memprof.1
 ; ALLOW-RECUR-CALLSITES: memprof_recursive.cc:10:12: call in clone _Z1Ci.memprof.1 assigned to call function clone _Z1Dv.memprof.1
+; CLONE-RECUR-CALLSITES: memprof_recursive.cc:12:10: call in clone _Z1Ci.memprof.1 assigned to call function clone _Z1Bi.memprof.1
 ; ALLOW-RECUR-CALLSITES: memprof_recursive.cc:14:0: created clone _Z1Bi.memprof.1
 ; ALLOW-RECUR-CALLSITES: memprof_recursive.cc:15:10: call in clone _Z1Bi.memprof.1 assigned to call function clone _Z1Ci.memprof.1
 ;; We should only call the cold clone for the recursive context if we enabled
@@ -83,6 +89,7 @@
 ; ALLOW-RECUR-CONTEXTS: memprof_recursive.cc:19:13: call in clone main assigned to call function clone _Z1Bi.memprof.1
 ; SKIP-RECUR-CONTEXTS-NOT: memprof_recursive.cc:19:13: call in clone main assigned to call function clone _Z1Bi.memprof.1
 ; ALLOW-RECUR-CALLSITES: memprof_recursive.cc:20:13: call in clone main assigned to call function clone _Z1Bi.memprof.1
+; CLONE-RECUR-CALLSITES: 1 memprof-context-disambiguation - Number of backedges with deferred cloning
 target datalayout = "e-m:e-p270:32:32-p271:32:32-p272:64:64-i64:64-i128:128-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
 target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/MemProfContextDisambiguation/recursive.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/MemProfContextDisambiguation/recursive.ll
index d234dedc5a57a..1d09b1c1a0cb3 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Transforms/MemProfContextDisambiguation/recursive.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/MemProfContextDisambiguation/recursive.ll
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 ;; Test recursion handling during cloning.
+;; -stats requires asserts
+; REQUIRES: asserts
 ;; Original code looks like:
 ;; #include <stdlib.h>
@@ -35,13 +38,14 @@
 ;; The IR was then reduced using llvm-reduce with the expected FileCheck input.
 ;; Check behavior when we enable cloning of contexts involved with recursive
-;; cycles, but not through the cycle itself. I.e. until full support for
-;; recursion is added, the cloned recursive call from C back to B (line 12) will
-;; not be updated to call a clone.
+;; cycles, but not through the cycle itself. I.e. with full support for cloning
+;; recursive cycles off, the cloned recursive call from C back to B (line 12)
+;; will not be updated to call a clone.
 ; RUN: opt -passes=memprof-context-disambiguation -supports-hot-cold-new \
 ; RUN:  -memprof-verify-ccg -memprof-verify-nodes \
 ; RUN:  -pass-remarks=memprof-context-disambiguation \
 ; RUN:	-memprof-allow-recursive-callsites=true \
+; RUN:	-memprof-clone-recursive-contexts=false \
 ; RUN:  %s -S 2>&1 | FileCheck %s \
 ; RUN:  --implicit-check-not "memprof_recursive.cc:12:10: call in clone _Z1Ci.memprof.1 assigned" \
 ; RUN:  --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=ALLOW-RECUR-CALLSITES --check-prefix=ALLOW-RECUR-CONTEXTS
@@ -57,13 +61,13 @@
 ; RUN:	--implicit-check-not="marked with memprof allocation attribute cold" \
 ; RUN:  --check-prefix=ALL
-;; Check the default behavior (enabled recursive callsites).
+;; Check the default behavior (clone recursive callsites).
 ; RUN: opt -passes=memprof-context-disambiguation -supports-hot-cold-new \
-; RUN:  -memprof-verify-ccg -memprof-verify-nodes \
+; RUN:  -memprof-verify-ccg -memprof-verify-nodes -stats \
 ; RUN:  -pass-remarks=memprof-context-disambiguation \
 ; RUN:  %s -S 2>&1 | FileCheck %s \
-; RUN:  --implicit-check-not "memprof_recursive.cc:12:10: call in clone _Z1Ci.memprof.1 assigned" \
-; RUN:  --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=ALLOW-RECUR-CALLSITES --check-prefix=ALLOW-RECUR-CONTEXTS
+; RUN:  --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=ALLOW-RECUR-CALLSITES --check-prefix=ALLOW-RECUR-CONTEXTS \
+; RUN:  --check-prefix=CLONE-RECUR-CALLSITES
 ;; Skipping recursive contexts should prevent spurious call to cloned version of
 ;; B from the context starting at memprof_recursive.cc:19:13, which is actually
@@ -73,6 +77,7 @@
 ; RUN:  -pass-remarks=memprof-context-disambiguation \
 ; RUN:	-memprof-allow-recursive-callsites=true \
 ; RUN:	-memprof-allow-recursive-contexts=false \
+; RUN:	-memprof-clone-recursive-contexts=false \
 ; RUN:  %s -S 2>&1 | FileCheck %s \
 ; RUN:  --implicit-check-not "memprof_recursive.cc:12:10: call in clone _Z1Ci.memprof.1 assigned" \
 ; RUN:  --check-prefix=ALL --check-prefix=ALLOW-RECUR-CALLSITES --check-prefix=SKIP-RECUR-CONTEXTS
@@ -84,6 +89,7 @@
 ;; We should only call the cold clone for the recursive context if we enabled
 ;; recursive contexts via -memprof-allow-recursive-contexts=true (default).
 ; ALLOW-RECUR-CONTEXTS: memprof_recursive.cc:19:13: call in clone main assigned to call function clone _Z1Bi.memprof.1
+; CLONE-RECUR-CALLSITES: memprof_recursive.cc:12:10: call in clone _Z1Ci.memprof.1 assigned to call function clone _Z1Bi.memprof.1
 ; ALLOW-RECUR-CALLSITES: memprof_recursive.cc:15:10: call in clone _Z1Bi.memprof.1 assigned to call function clone _Z1Ci.memprof.1
 ; ALLOW-RECUR-CALLSITES: memprof_recursive.cc:10:12: call in clone _Z1Ci.memprof.1 assigned to call function clone _Z1Dv.memprof.1
 ; ALLOW-RECUR-CALLSITES: memprof_recursive.cc:5:10: call in clone _Z1Dv.memprof.1 marked with memprof allocation attribute cold
@@ -95,6 +101,7 @@
 ; ALLOW-RECUR-CALLSITES: memprof_recursive.cc:15:10: call in clone _Z1Bi assigned to call function clone _Z1Ci
 ; ALLOW-RECUR-CALLSITES: memprof_recursive.cc:10:12: call in clone _Z1Ci assigned to call function clone _Z1Dv
 ; ALL: memprof_recursive.cc:5:10: call in clone _Z1Dv marked with memprof allocation attribute notcold
+; CLONE-RECUR-CALLSITES: 1 memprof-context-disambiguation - Number of backedges with deferred cloning
 target datalayout = "e-m:e-p270:32:32-p271:32:32-p272:64:64-i64:64-i128:128-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
 target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"


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