[llvm] [Offload] Implement the remaining initial Offload API (PR #122106)
Johannes Doerfert via llvm-commits
llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Feb 19 08:06:31 PST 2025
@@ -245,3 +315,331 @@ ol_impl_result_t olGetDeviceInfoSize_impl(ol_device_handle_t Device,
size_t *PropSizeRet) {
return olGetDeviceInfoImplDetail(Device, PropName, 0, nullptr, PropSizeRet);
+ol_impl_result_t olGetHostDevice_impl(ol_device_handle_t *Device) {
+ *Device = HostDevice();
+ return OL_SUCCESS;
+TargetAllocTy convertOlToPluginAllocTy(ol_alloc_type_t Type) {
+ switch (Type) {
+ default:
+ }
+ol_impl_result_t olMemAlloc_impl(ol_device_handle_t Device,
+ ol_alloc_type_t Type, size_t Size,
+ void **AllocationOut) {
+ auto Alloc =
+ Device->Device->dataAlloc(Size, nullptr, convertOlToPluginAllocTy(Type));
+ if (!Alloc)
+ formatv("Could not create allocation on device {0}", Device).str()};
+ *AllocationOut = *Alloc;
+ return OL_SUCCESS;
+ol_impl_result_t olMemFree_impl(ol_device_handle_t Device, ol_alloc_type_t Type,
+ void *Address) {
+ auto Res =
+ Device->Device->dataDelete(Address, convertOlToPluginAllocTy(Type));
+ if (Res)
+ return {OL_ERRC_OUT_OF_RESOURCES, "Could not free allocation"};
+ return OL_SUCCESS;
+ol_impl_result_t olCreateQueue_impl(ol_device_handle_t Device,
+ ol_queue_handle_t *Queue) {
+ auto CreatedQueue = std::make_unique<ol_queue_impl_t>();
+ auto Err = Device->Device->initAsyncInfo(&(CreatedQueue->AsyncInfo));
+ if (Err)
+ return {OL_ERRC_UNKNOWN, "Could not initialize stream resource"};
+ CreatedQueue->Device = Device;
+ CreatedQueue->RefCount = 1;
+ *Queue = CreatedQueue.release();
+ return OL_SUCCESS;
+ol_impl_result_t olRetainQueue_impl(ol_queue_handle_t Queue) {
+ Queue->RefCount++;
+ return OL_SUCCESS;
+ol_impl_result_t olReleaseQueue_impl(ol_queue_handle_t Queue) {
+ if (--Queue->RefCount == 0)
+ delete Queue;
+ return OL_SUCCESS;
+ol_impl_result_t olFinishQueue_impl(ol_queue_handle_t Queue) {
+ // Host plugin doesn't have a queue set so it's not safe to call synchronize
+ // on it, but we have nothing to synchronize in that situation anyway.
+ if (Queue->AsyncInfo->Queue) {
+ auto Err = Queue->Device->Device->synchronize(Queue->AsyncInfo);
+ if (Err)
+ return {OL_ERRC_INVALID_QUEUE, "The queue failed to synchronize"};
+ }
+ // Recreate the stream resource so the queue can be reused
+ // TODO: Would be easier for the synchronization to (optionally) not release
+ // it to begin with.
+ auto Res = Queue->Device->Device->initAsyncInfo(&Queue->AsyncInfo);
+ if (Res)
+ return {OL_ERRC_UNKNOWN, "Could not reinitialize the stream resource"};
+ return OL_SUCCESS;
+ol_impl_result_t olWaitEvent_impl(ol_event_handle_t Event) {
+ auto Res = Event->Queue->Device->Device->syncEvent(Event->EventInfo);
+ if (Res)
+ return {OL_ERRC_INVALID_EVENT, "The event failed to synchronize"};
+ return OL_SUCCESS;
+ol_impl_result_t olRetainEvent_impl(ol_event_handle_t Event) {
+ Event->RefCount++;
+ return OL_SUCCESS;
+ol_impl_result_t olReleaseEvent_impl(ol_event_handle_t Event) {
+ if (--Event->RefCount == 0)
+ delete Event;
+ return OL_SUCCESS;
+ol_event_handle_t makeEvent(ol_queue_handle_t Queue) {
+ auto EventImpl = std::make_unique<ol_event_impl_t>();
+ EventImpl->Queue = Queue;
+ auto Res = Queue->Device->Device->createEvent(&EventImpl->EventInfo);
+ if (Res)
+ return nullptr;
+ Res = Queue->Device->Device->recordEvent(EventImpl->EventInfo,
+ Queue->AsyncInfo);
+ if (Res)
+ return nullptr;
+ return EventImpl.release();
+ol_impl_result_t olEnqueueMemcpy_impl(ol_queue_handle_t Queue, void *DstPtr,
+ ol_device_handle_t DstDevice,
+ void *SrcPtr,
+ ol_device_handle_t SrcDevice, size_t Size,
+ ol_event_handle_t *EventOut) {
+ if (DstDevice == HostDevice() && SrcDevice == HostDevice()) {
+ // TODO: We could actually handle this with a plain memcpy but we currently
+ // have no way of synchronizing this with the queue
+ "One of DstDevice and SrcDevice must be a non-host device"};
+ }
+ if (DstDevice == HostDevice()) {
+ auto Res =
+ SrcDevice->Device->dataRetrieve(DstPtr, SrcPtr, Size, Queue->AsyncInfo);
+ if (Res)
+ return {OL_ERRC_UNKNOWN, "The data retrieve operation failed"};
+ } else if (SrcDevice == HostDevice()) {
+ auto Res =
+ DstDevice->Device->dataSubmit(DstPtr, SrcPtr, Size, Queue->AsyncInfo);
+ if (Res)
+ return {OL_ERRC_UNKNOWN, "The data submit operation failed"};
+ } else {
+ auto Res = SrcDevice->Device->dataExchange(SrcPtr, *DstDevice->Device,
+ DstPtr, Size, Queue->AsyncInfo);
+ if (Res)
+ return {OL_ERRC_UNKNOWN, "The data exchange operation failed"};
+ }
+ if (EventOut)
+ *EventOut = makeEvent(Queue);
+ return OL_SUCCESS;
+ol_impl_result_t olEnqueueMemcpyHtoD_impl(ol_queue_handle_t Queue, void *DstPtr,
+ void *SrcPtr, size_t Size,
+ ol_event_handle_t *EventOut) {
+ auto *DeviceImpl = Queue->Device->Device;
+ auto Res = DeviceImpl->dataSubmit(DstPtr, SrcPtr, Size, Queue->AsyncInfo);
+ if (Res)
+ return {OL_ERRC_UNKNOWN, "The data submit operation failed"};
+ if (EventOut)
+ *EventOut = makeEvent(Queue);
+ return OL_SUCCESS;
+ol_impl_result_t olEnqueueMemcpyDtoH_impl(ol_queue_handle_t Queue, void *DstPtr,
+ void *SrcPtr, size_t Size,
+ ol_event_handle_t *EventOut) {
+ auto *DeviceImpl = Queue->Device->Device;
+ auto Res = DeviceImpl->dataRetrieve(DstPtr, SrcPtr, Size, Queue->AsyncInfo);
+ if (Res)
+ return {OL_ERRC_UNKNOWN, "The data retrieve operation failed"};
+ if (EventOut)
+ *EventOut = makeEvent(Queue);
+ return OL_SUCCESS;
+ol_impl_result_t olEnqueueMemcpyDtoD_impl(ol_queue_handle_t Queue,
+ ol_device_handle_t DstDevice,
+ void *DstPtr, void *SrcPtr,
+ size_t Size,
+ ol_event_handle_t *EventOut) {
+ auto *DeviceImpl = Queue->Device->Device;
+ auto Res = DeviceImpl->dataExchange(SrcPtr, *DstDevice->Device, DstPtr, Size,
+ Queue->AsyncInfo);
+ if (Res)
+ return {OL_ERRC_UNKNOWN, "The data exchange operation failed"};
+ if (EventOut)
+ *EventOut = makeEvent(Queue);
+ return OL_SUCCESS;
+ol_impl_result_t olCreateProgram_impl(ol_device_handle_t Device, void *ProgData,
+ size_t ProgDataSize,
+ ol_program_handle_t *Program) {
+ // Make a copy of the program binary in case it is released by the caller.
+ // TODO: Make this copy optional.
+ auto ImageData = MemoryBuffer::getMemBufferCopy(
+ StringRef(reinterpret_cast<char *>(ProgData), ProgDataSize));
+ __tgt_device_image DeviceImage{
+ const_cast<char *>(ImageData->getBuffer().data()),
+ const_cast<char *>(ImageData->getBuffer().data()) + ProgDataSize - 1,
jdoerfert wrote:
The ProgDataSize is one past the buffer? Is there a null character?
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