[llvm] [llvm-dlltool] Implement the --identify option (PR #127465)
Martin Storsjö via llvm-commits
llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Feb 17 02:06:47 PST 2025
@@ -158,6 +159,169 @@ bool parseModuleDefinition(StringRef DefFileName, MachineTypes Machine,
return true;
+int printError(llvm::Error E, Twine File) {
+ if (!E)
+ return 0;
+ handleAllErrors(std::move(E), [&](const llvm::ErrorInfoBase &EIB) {
+ llvm::errs() << "error opening " << File << ": " << EIB.message() << "\n";
+ });
+ return 1;
+template <typename Callable>
+int forEachCoff(object::Archive &Archive, StringRef Name, Callable Callback) {
+ Error Err = Error::success();
+ for (auto &C : Archive.children(Err)) {
+ Expected<StringRef> NameOrErr = C.getName();
+ if (!NameOrErr)
+ return printError(NameOrErr.takeError(), Name);
+ StringRef Name = *NameOrErr;
+ Expected<MemoryBufferRef> ChildMB = C.getMemoryBufferRef();
+ if (!ChildMB)
+ return printError(ChildMB.takeError(), Name);
+ if (identify_magic(ChildMB->getBuffer()) == file_magic::coff_object) {
+ auto Obj = object::COFFObjectFile::create(*ChildMB);
+ if (!Obj)
+ return printError(Obj.takeError(), Name);
+ if (!Callback(*Obj->get(), Name))
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (Err)
+ return printError(std::move(Err), Name);
+ return 0;
+// To find the named of the imported DLL from an import library, we can either
+// inspect the object files that form the import table entries, or we could
+// just look at the archive member names, for MSVC style import libraries.
+// Looking at the archive member names doesn't work for GNU style import
+// libraries though, while inspecting the import table entries works for
+// both. (MSVC style import libraries contain a couple regular object files
+// for the header/trailers.)
+// This implementation does the same as GNU dlltool does; look at the
+// content of ".idata$7" sections, or for MSVC style libraries, look
+// at ".idata$6$" sections.
+// For GNU style import libraries, there are also other data chunks in sections
+// named ".idata$7" (entries to the IAT or ILT); these are distinguished
+// by seeing that they contain relocations. (They also look like an empty
+// string when looking for null termination.)
+// Alternatively, we could do things differently - look for any .idata$2
+// section; this would be import directory entries. At offset 0xc in them
+// there is the RVA of the import DLL name; look for a relocation at this
+// spot and locate the symbol that it points at. That symbol may either
+// be within the same object file (in the case of MSVC style import libraries)
+// or another object file (in the case of GNU import libraries).
+bool identifyImportName(const COFFObjectFile &Obj, StringRef ObjName,
+ std::vector<StringRef> &Names, bool IsMsStyleImplib) {
+ StringRef TargetName = IsMsStyleImplib ? ".idata$6" : ".idata$7";
+ for (const auto &S : Obj.sections()) {
+ Expected<StringRef> NameOrErr = S.getName();
+ if (!NameOrErr) {
+ printError(NameOrErr.takeError(), ObjName);
+ return false;
+ }
+ StringRef Name = *NameOrErr;
+ if (Name != TargetName)
+ continue;
+ // GNU import libraries contain .idata$7 section in the per function
+ // objects too, but they contain relocations.
+ if (!IsMsStyleImplib && !S.relocations().empty())
+ continue;
+ Expected<StringRef> ContentsOrErr = S.getContents();
+ if (!ContentsOrErr) {
+ printError(ContentsOrErr.takeError(), ObjName);
+ return false;
+ }
+ StringRef Contents = *ContentsOrErr;
+ Contents = Contents.substr(0, Contents.find('\0'));
+ if (Contents.empty())
+ continue;
+ Names.push_back(Contents);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool objContainsSymbol(const COFFObjectFile &Obj, StringRef ObjName,
+ StringRef SymbolName, bool &Contains) {
+ Contains = false;
+ for (const auto &S : Obj.symbols()) {
+ Expected<StringRef> NameOrErr = S.getName();
+ if (!NameOrErr) {
+ printError(NameOrErr.takeError(), ObjName);
+ return false;
+ }
+ StringRef Name = *NameOrErr;
+ if (Name == SymbolName) {
+ Contains = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+int doIdentify(StringRef File, bool IdentifyStrict) {
+ ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> MaybeBuf = MemoryBuffer::getFile(
+ File, /*IsText=*/false, /*RequiredNullTerminator=*/false);
+ if (!MaybeBuf)
+ return printError(errorCodeToError(MaybeBuf.getError()), File);
+ if (identify_magic(MaybeBuf.get()->getBuffer()) != file_magic::archive) {
+ llvm::errs() << File << " is not a library\n";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> B = std::move(MaybeBuf.get());
+ Error Err = Error::success();
+ object::Archive Archive(B->getMemBufferRef(), Err);
+ if (Err)
+ return printError(std::move(Err), B->getBufferIdentifier());
+ bool IsMsStyleImplib = false;
+ if (forEachCoff(Archive, B->getBufferIdentifier(),
+ [&](const COFFObjectFile &Obj, StringRef ObjName) -> bool {
+ if (IsMsStyleImplib)
+ return true;
+ bool Contains;
+ if (!objContainsSymbol(
+ Obj, ObjName, "__NULL_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR", Contains))
+ return false;
mstorsjo wrote:
A lot of the error handling here feels a bit clumsy, feel free to suggest ways to make it more idiomatic or concise. (I've strived to always return things back to the caller, rather than calling `exit()` within the functions on error, to make the code more suitable for moving into a library if relevant.)
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