[llvm] [ValueTracking] Handle not cond to assume. (PR #127140)

Andreas Jonson via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sun Feb 16 02:26:22 PST 2025

andjo403 wrote:

> I'm suggesting to do that not just for direct assume arguments, but for all instructions. I assume this will have some kind of negative fallout, but I'd like to understand what it is.

As I understand it isEphemeralValueOf will effectively always return true in that case as it is only called when the value E is before the assume and all instructions that builds up the condition to the assume will be ephemeral.

maybe an other way to make isEphemeralValueOf is to use `findValuesAffectedByCondition` function to make the ephemeral check like this:
  SmallVector<const Value *, 8> Affected;
  auto InsertAffected = [&Affected](Value *V) { Affected.push_back(V); };
  findValuesAffectedByCondition(Assume->getArgOperand(0), /*IsAssume=*/true,

  return is_contained(Affected, E) &&
                      [&](const User *U) { return is_contained(Affected, U); });
avoids the need for special handling of not


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