[llvm] [lit] Ignore src permissions when copying lit_test_times (PR #121377)

James Henderson via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Feb 14 00:35:27 PST 2025

jh7370 wrote:

> This is an uncontroversial one line patch.

If it was uncontroversial, I wouldn't be disagreeing with it...

> I agree this can be solved in other ways - and I don't object to any other solution. But what am I missing here?

If I came to this test in the future and saw it written oddly like that, I'd probably go "oh, somebody didn't realise it would just be simpler to use `cp`, so I'll just fix it while I'm here, since `cp` more clearly conveys the intended meaning". It's unlikely that I'd bother looking at the blame, because "it's obviously fine".

A big glaring comment saying not to do that in the file itself would probably be sufficient to satisfy me for now though.


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