[llvm] Enable .ptr .global .align attributes for kernel attributes for CUDA (PR #114874)
Tom Lin via llvm-commits
llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Feb 13 17:29:22 PST 2025
tom91136 wrote:
I've just tested this patch and I'm getting `CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_IMAGE` for any ptr kernel param attributes that isn't `.global` or empty.
I've reduced it to the following PTX which fails on load and reports `CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_IMAGE`
#include <cstdio>
#include <cuda.h>
#define CUDA_CHECK(call) \
do { \
if (const CUresult res = call; res != CUDA_SUCCESS) { \
const char *err; \
cuGetErrorName(res, &err); \
std::fprintf(stderr, "Error %s:%d: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, err); \
std::exit(res); \
} \
} while (0)
int main() {
CUdevice dev;
CUDA_CHECK(cuDeviceGet(&dev, 0));
CUcontext ctx;
CUDA_CHECK(cuCtxCreate(&ctx, 0, dev));
CUmodule m;
CUfunction f;
const char *ptx = R"PTX(
.version 7.8
.target sm_89
.address_size 64
.visible .entry kernel(
.param .u64 .ptr .align 1 kernel_param_0,
.param .u64 .ptr .global .align 1 kernel_param_2,
.param .u64 .ptr .shared .align 1 kernel_param_3
CUDA_CHECK(cuModuleLoadData(&m, ptx));
CUDA_CHECK(cuModuleGetFunction(&f, m, "kernel"));
return 0;
If we take out the `.shared`, then the module loads.
Reading the PTX spec, I think attributes like `.shared` should be allowed so not sure why it's failing.
The behaviour before this patch doesn't append address space attributes so it worked.
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