[llvm] DeveloperPolicy: Update commit access requirements (PR #127006)

Alex Bradbury via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Feb 13 10:40:18 PST 2025

@@ -539,11 +539,13 @@ What are the expectations around a revert?
 Obtaining Commit Access
-We grant commit access to contributors that can provide a valid justification.
-If you would like commit access, please use this `link <https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/new?title=Request%20Commit%20Access%20For%20%3Cuser%3E&body=%23%23%23%20Why%20Are%20you%20requesting%20commit%20access%20?>`_ to file
+Once you have 3 or more merged pull requests, you may use this
+link <https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/new?title=Request%20Commit%20Access%20For%20%3Cuser%3E&body=%23%23%23%20Why%20Are%20you%20requesting%20commit%20access%20?>`_ to file
 an issue and request commit access. Replace the <user> string in the title
 with your github username, and explain why you are requesting commit access in
-the issue description. If approved, a GitHub invitation will be sent to your
+the issue description.  Once the issue is created, you will need to get two
+current contributors to ack your requests before commit access will be granted.
asb wrote:

I've been reflecting on this some more, and please consider this 100% non-blocking as I know it's been a long process...

I think it remains unclear what criteria the reviewer uses to give the 'ack'. If the sole requirement is that 3 patches were committed then it would be almost automated and surely one person double checking there was no mistake (e.g. checking for reverts)  would be fine. But if more consideration is required, what is it? If one group of committers applies very different criteria to another, what do we do?

This is a step in the right direction, but it feels like we've not really succeeded in resolving the ambiguity of commit access requests unless that's clarified.


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