[llvm] [AssumeBundles] Dereferenceable used in bundle only applies at assume. (PR #126117)

Florian Hahn via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Feb 11 10:21:53 PST 2025

fhahn wrote:

> How effective are we at proving nofree and nosync these days? Do we need to consider some heuristic for a local "canBeFreedBetween(Assume,CtxI)"?

I think nofree/nosync inference is reasonably effective, but the attributes can only be used with arguments; a function still could allocate/free memory used internally. I am planning to add such a heuristic as follow-up; as long as the assumption is in the preheader, we would need to there and the blocks in the loop.


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