[llvm] [MCA] New option to report scheduling information: -scheduling-info (PR #126703)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Feb 11 02:00:59 PST 2025

github-actions[bot] wrote:


:warning: Python code formatter, darker found issues in your code. :warning:

You can test this locally with the following command:

darker --check --diff -r a0587414cbb1520cfd7e886de1d18c408539ac9f...f0b7db933a191450962535b9f8b0e927c3c1030d llvm/utils/update_mca_test_checks.py


View the diff from darker here.

--- update_mca_test_checks.py	2025-02-11 08:13:15.000000 +0000
+++ update_mca_test_checks.py	2025-02-11 10:00:26.361460 +0000
@@ -64,18 +64,20 @@
         help="the binary to use to generate the test case " "(default: llvm-mca)",
-        "--check-sched-info", action="store_true",
+        "--check-sched-info",
+        action="store_true",
         help="check scheduling info if references are given "
-              "in comment after each instruction"
+        "in comment after each instruction",
-        "--update-sched-info", action="store_true",
+        "--update-sched-info",
+        action="store_true",
         help="updating scheduling info references given "
-              "in comment after each instruction"
+        "in comment after each instruction",
     parser.add_argument("tests", metavar="<test-path>", nargs="+")
     return parser
 def _get_run_infos(run_lines, args):
@@ -253,58 +255,65 @@
                 # we've inserted some blocks.
                 return True
     return False
-def _check_sched_values(line,scheds,units,err,updates):
+def _check_sched_values(line, scheds, units, err, updates):
     """Check for scheduling values differences
     between values reported by llvm-mca with -scheduling-info option
     and values in comment at the end of assembly instruction line (//).
     Reference units must be included in the list reported by llvm-mca.
     _err = []
     # Got zip of llvm output and values from comment
-    infos = ["MicroOps","Latency","Forward latency","Throughput"]
-    sched_info = zip(infos,scheds[0].split(),scheds[1].split())
+    infos = ["MicroOps", "Latency", "Forward latency", "Throughput"]
+    sched_info = zip(infos, scheds[0].split(), scheds[1].split())
     for si in sched_info:
         if float(si[1]) != float(si[2]):
-                "\t=> {} LLVM value {} != reference value in comment {}\n".
-                format(si[0],si[1],si[2]))
+                "\t=> {} LLVM value {} != reference value in comment {}\n".format(
+                    si[0], si[1], si[2]
+                )
+            )
     for u in units[1]:
         if not u in units[0]:
-                "\t=>  LLVM units {} != reference units in comment {}\n".
-                format(units[0],units[1]))
+                "\t=>  LLVM units {} != reference units in comment {}\n".format(
+                    units[0], units[1]
+                )
+            )
     if len(_err) > 0:
-        err.append("{}\n{}".format(line,"".join(_err)))
+        err.append("{}\n{}".format(line, "".join(_err)))
         return True
     return False
-def _replace_values(oldvalue,newvalue):
+def _replace_values(oldvalue, newvalue):
     """Replacing values with the same format (spaces)
     than oldvalue
-    fmt = re.sub("[0-9.]+","{}", oldvalue)
+    fmt = re.sub("[0-9.]+", "{}", oldvalue)
     return fmt.format(*newvalue.split())
-def _has_comment(line,cmt_format):
+def _has_comment(line, cmt_format):
     """Returns True if line contains C++ or C style
     comment. Set cmt_format first and optional second
     comment caracters.
-    cpp_comment = re.search("\/\/",line)
-    c_comment = re.search("\/\*",line)
+    cpp_comment = re.search("\/\/", line)
+    c_comment = re.search("\/\*", line)
     if "//" in line:
         return True
     if "/*" in line:
@@ -312,12 +321,12 @@
         return True
     return False
-def _sched_info(raw_tool_output, test_path,
-                check_sched_info, update_sched_info):
+def _sched_info(raw_tool_output, test_path, check_sched_info, update_sched_info):
     """Check scheduling info if passed in assembly comment after each
     Recognized form is:
      1 | 2 | 2 | 4.00 | ABSv1i64 | V1UnitV, | abs   d15, d23
@@ -339,36 +348,39 @@
     doing code review of scheduling info merge requests.
     If a difference is found, the comment should be fixed and checked
     against documentation.
-    scheduling_info = re.compile("(^\s+|\\\\\s+)([0-9]+[\s|]+[0-9]+"
-                                 "[\s|]+[0-9]+[\s|]+\s+[0-9.]+)")
-    units_info = re.compile("(^\s+|\\\\\s+)[0-9]+[\s|]+[0-9]+"
-                            "[\s|]+[0-9]+[\s|]+\s+[0-9.]+[\s|]+([^|*/]+)")
+    scheduling_info = re.compile(
+        "(^\s+|\\\\\s+)([0-9]+[\s|]+[0-9]+" "[\s|]+[0-9]+[\s|]+\s+[0-9.]+)"
+    )
+    units_info = re.compile(
+        "(^\s+|\\\\\s+)[0-9]+[\s|]+[0-9]+" "[\s|]+[0-9]+[\s|]+\s+[0-9.]+[\s|]+([^|*/]+)"
+    )
     fixes = {}
     err = []
     instr_idx = 0
     for b in raw_tool_output.split("\n\n"):
         for line in b.splitlines():
             cmt_format = []
-            if _has_comment(line,cmt_format):
+            if _has_comment(line, cmt_format):
                 scheds = scheduling_info.findall(line)
-                scheds = [s[1].replace("|","") for s in scheds]
+                scheds = [s[1].replace("|", "") for s in scheds]
                 if len(scheds) == 2:
                     cmt = cmt_format[0] + line.split(cmt_format[0])[1]
                     units = units_info.findall(line)
-                    c_units = [re.sub("\s","",u[1]).split(",") for u in units]
+                    c_units = [re.sub("\s", "", u[1]).split(",") for u in units]
                     updates = set()
-                    if _check_sched_values(line,scheds,c_units,err,updates):
+                    if _check_sched_values(line, scheds, c_units, err, updates):
                         if update_sched_info:
                             if "sched" in updates:
-                                cmt = cmt.replace(scheds[1],
-                                                  _replace_values(scheds[1],scheds[0]))
+                                cmt = cmt.replace(
+                                    scheds[1], _replace_values(scheds[1], scheds[0])
+                                )
                             if "units" in updates:
-                                cmt = cmt.replace(units[1][1],units[0][1])
+                                cmt = cmt.replace(units[1][1], units[0][1])
                             fixes[instr_idx] = cmt
                 instr_idx = instr_idx + 1
     if update_sched_info:
@@ -379,11 +391,11 @@
             instr_idx = 0
             for line in f:
                 out = line.rstrip()
                 cmt_format = []
-                if _has_comment(line,cmt_format) and not re.match("^#",line):
+                if _has_comment(line, cmt_format) and not re.match("^#", line):
                     if fixes.get(instr_idx) is not None:
                         out = line.split(cmt_format[0])[0] + fixes[instr_idx]
                     instr_idx = instr_idx + 1
@@ -440,18 +452,21 @@
             line if line.strip() else "" for line in raw_tool_output.splitlines()
         # Check if -scheduling-info passed to llvm-mca to check comments if any
         if "-scheduling-info" in tool_args:
-            _sched_info(raw_tool_output, test_path,
-                        args.check_sched_info, args.update_sched_info)
+            _sched_info(
+                raw_tool_output,
+                test_path,
+                args.check_sched_info,
+                args.update_sched_info,
+            )
             if args.check_sched_info:
                 _warn("--check-sched-info: ignored: need llvm-mca -scheduling-info")
             if args.update_sched_info:
                 _warn("--update-sched-info: ignored: need llvm-mca -scheduling-info")
         # Split blocks, stripping all trailing whitespace, but keeping preceding
         # whitespace except for newlines so that columns will line up visually.
         all_blocks[key] = [
             b.lstrip("\n").rstrip() for b in raw_tool_output.split("\n\n")




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