[llvm] [CFIFixup] Fixup CFI for split functions with synchronous uwtables (PR #125299)

Daniel Hoekwater via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Feb 10 12:03:20 PST 2025

dhoekwater wrote:

> May I suggest a few changes in wording:
> > Functions with asynchronous unwind tables must be accurate for each
> > basic block, so full CFI fixup is necessary.
> Functions with async unwind tables needs to be accurate at each individual instruction.
> > Functions with synchronous unwind tables only need to be accurate for
> > each function
> Functions with sync unwind tables needs to be accurate only at specific points where they may (synchronously) trigger unwinding. In practical terms, that relaxes the requirements towards the sync case by not requiring instruction accurate unwind tables during prologue and not requiring epilogue unwind instructions at all.
> As you mentioned
> > so full CFI fixup is necessary.
> I would suggest renaming `enableBlockLevelCFIFixup` to `enableFull[Function]CFIFixup`.



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