[llvm] [ARM] Fix MRC cp10 and cp11 warning (PR #126407)

Stefan Agner via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Feb 10 01:02:13 PST 2025

@@ -173,6 +173,10 @@
         @ p10 and p11 are reserved for NEON
         mcr p10, #2, r5, c1, c1, #4
         mcrr p11, #8, r5, r4, c1
+        mrc p10, #7, r5, c1, c1, #0
+        mrc p11, #7, r5, c1, c1, #0
+@ CHECK-WARN: warning: since v7, cp10 and cp11 are reserved for advanced SIMD or floating point instructions
agners wrote:

I am pretty sure that I compiled the Linux kernel after this patch back then, so it does surprise me that this doesn't work. Maybe something else changed meanwhile which broke it?

I am not too deep into LLVM/Clang and Linux builds lately, so I can't really tell today.


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