[llvm] [VPlan] Build initial VPlan 0 using HCFGBuilder for inner loops. (NFC) (PR #124432)

Florian Hahn via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sat Feb 8 13:05:07 PST 2025

@@ -9329,23 +9330,58 @@ LoopVectorizationPlanner::tryToBuildVPlanWithVPRecipes(VFRange &Range) {
   auto *MiddleVPBB = Plan->getMiddleBlock();
+  // Scan the body of the loop in a topological order to visit each basic block
+  // after having visited its predecessor basic blocks.
+  ReversePostOrderTraversal<VPBlockShallowTraversalWrapper<VPBlockBase *>> RPOT(
+      HeaderVPBB);
   VPBasicBlock::iterator MBIP = MiddleVPBB->getFirstNonPhi();
-  for (BasicBlock *BB : make_range(DFS.beginRPO(), DFS.endRPO())) {
-    // Relevant instructions from basic block BB will be grouped into VPRecipe
-    // ingredients and fill a new VPBasicBlock.
-    if (VPBB != HeaderVPBB)
-      VPBB->setName(BB->getName());
-    Builder.setInsertPoint(VPBB);
+  VPBlockBase *PrevVPBB = nullptr;
+  for (VPBasicBlock *VPBB : VPBlockUtils::blocksOnly<VPBasicBlock>(RPOT)) {
+    // Skip VPBBs not corresponding to any input IR basic blocks.
+    if (!HCFGBuilder.getIRBBForVPB(VPBB)) {
+      assert(VPBB == LoopRegion->getExiting() &&
+             "only the latch block shouldn't have a corresponding IRBB");
+      VPBlockUtils::connectBlocks(PrevVPBB, VPBB);
+      break;
+    }
-    if (VPBB == HeaderVPBB)
+    // Create mask based on the IR BB corresponding to VPBB.
+    // TODO: Predicate directly based on VPlan.
+    Builder.setInsertPoint(VPBB, VPBB->begin());
+    if (VPBB == HeaderVPBB) {
+      Builder.setInsertPoint(VPBB, VPBB->getFirstNonPhi());
-    else if (NeedsMasks)
-      RecipeBuilder.createBlockInMask(BB);
+    } else if (NeedsMasks) {
+      RecipeBuilder.createBlockInMask(HCFGBuilder.getIRBBForVPB(VPBB));
+    }
+    // Convert input VPInstructions to widened recipes.
+    for (VPRecipeBase &R : make_early_inc_range(*VPBB)) {
+      auto *SingleDef = cast<VPSingleDefRecipe>(&R);
+      // Skip recipes that do not need transforming, including canonical IV,
+      // wide canonical IV and VPInstructions without underlying values. The
+      // latter is added by masking.
+      if (isa<VPCanonicalIVPHIRecipe>(SingleDef) ||
+          isa<VPWidenCanonicalIVRecipe>(SingleDef) ||
+          (isa<VPInstruction>(&R) && !SingleDef->getUnderlyingValue()))
+        continue;
+      assert(isa<VPWidenPHIRecipe>(&R) || (isa<VPInstruction>(SingleDef) &&
+                                           SingleDef->getUnderlyingValue()) &&
+                                              "unsupported recipe");
+      if (match(&R, m_BranchOnCond(m_VPValue())) ||
+          (isa<VPInstruction>(&R) &&
+           cast<VPInstruction>(&R)->getOpcode() == Instruction::Switch)) {
+        R.eraseFromParent();
+        break;
+      }
-    // Introduce each ingredient into VPlan.
-    // TODO: Model and preserve debug intrinsics in VPlan.
-    for (Instruction &I : drop_end(BB->instructionsWithoutDebug(false))) {
-      Instruction *Instr = &I;
+      // TODO: Gradually replace uses of underlying instruction by analyses on
+      // VPlan.
+      Instruction *Instr = SingleDef->getUnderlyingInstr();
+      Builder.setInsertPoint(SingleDef);
       SmallVector<VPValue *, 4> Operands;
       auto *Phi = dyn_cast<PHINode>(Instr);
       if (Phi && Phi->getParent() == HeaderBB) {
fhahn wrote:

Done, thanks


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