[clang] [llvm] [analyzer][NFC] Remove "V2" from ArrayBoundCheckerV2.cpp (PR #126094)

DonĂ¡t Nagy via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Feb 6 09:41:00 PST 2025

NagyDonat wrote:

This change is very trivial, but I'm opening a review for it because I'm not sure what's the ideal time for merging this.

I' think putting this into a separate commit is already sufficient to prevent any confusion between the old contents of `ArrayBoundChecker.cpp` (the obsolete checker `alpha.security.ArrayBound`) and the proposed new content (`security.ArrayBound`, which was previously called `alpha.security.ArrayBoundV2`), but I'm not completely sure.

**Does anybody know a reason for delaying this change?**


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