[llvm] [VPlan] Move auxiliary declarations out of VPlan.h (NFC). (PR #124104)

Alexey Bataev via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jan 23 04:18:09 PST 2025

@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+//===- VPlanHelpers.h - VPlan-related auxiliary helpers -------------------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+/// \file
+/// This file contains the declarations of different VPlan-related auxiliary
+/// helpers.
+#include "VPlanAnalysis.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
+#include "llvm/Analysis/DomTreeUpdater.h"
+#include "llvm/Analysis/TargetTransformInfo.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/DebugLoc.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/InstructionCost.h"
+namespace llvm {
+class BasicBlock;
+class DominatorTree;
+class InnerLoopVectorizer;
+class IRBuilderBase;
+class LoopInfo;
+class SCEV;
+class Type;
+class VPBasicBlock;
+class VPRegionBlock;
+class VPlan;
+class Value;
+class LoopVersioning;
+/// Returns a calculation for the total number of elements for a given \p VF.
+/// For fixed width vectors this value is a constant, whereas for scalable
+/// vectors it is an expression determined at runtime.
+Value *getRuntimeVF(IRBuilderBase &B, Type *Ty, ElementCount VF);
+/// Return a value for Step multiplied by VF.
+Value *createStepForVF(IRBuilderBase &B, Type *Ty, ElementCount VF,
+                       int64_t Step);
+/// A helper function that returns the reciprocal of the block probability of
+/// predicated blocks. If we return X, we are assuming the predicated block
+/// will execute once for every X iterations of the loop header.
+/// TODO: We should use actual block probability here, if available. Currently,
+///       we always assume predicated blocks have a 50% chance of executing.
+inline unsigned getReciprocalPredBlockProb() { return 2; }
+/// A range of powers-of-2 vectorization factors with fixed start and
+/// adjustable end. The range includes start and excludes end, e.g.,:
+/// [1, 16) = {1, 2, 4, 8}
+struct VFRange {
+  // A power of 2.
+  const ElementCount Start;
+  // A power of 2. If End <= Start range is empty.
+  ElementCount End;
+  bool isEmpty() const {
+    return End.getKnownMinValue() <= Start.getKnownMinValue();
+  }
+  VFRange(const ElementCount &Start, const ElementCount &End)
+      : Start(Start), End(End) {
+    assert(Start.isScalable() == End.isScalable() &&
+           "Both Start and End should have the same scalable flag");
+    assert(isPowerOf2_32(Start.getKnownMinValue()) &&
+           "Expected Start to be a power of 2");
+    assert(isPowerOf2_32(End.getKnownMinValue()) &&
+           "Expected End to be a power of 2");
+  }
+  /// Iterator to iterate over vectorization factors in a VFRange.
+  class iterator
+      : public iterator_facade_base<iterator, std::forward_iterator_tag,
+                                    ElementCount> {
+    ElementCount VF;
+  public:
+    iterator(ElementCount VF) : VF(VF) {}
+    bool operator==(const iterator &Other) const { return VF == Other.VF; }
+    ElementCount operator*() const { return VF; }
+    iterator &operator++() {
+      VF *= 2;
+      return *this;
+    }
+  };
+  iterator begin() { return iterator(Start); }
+  iterator end() {
+    assert(isPowerOf2_32(End.getKnownMinValue()));
+    return iterator(End);
+  }
+/// In what follows, the term "input IR" refers to code that is fed into the
+/// vectorizer whereas the term "output IR" refers to code that is generated by
+/// the vectorizer.
+/// VPLane provides a way to access lanes in both fixed width and scalable
+/// vectors, where for the latter the lane index sometimes needs calculating
+/// as a runtime expression.
+class VPLane {
+  /// Kind describes how to interpret Lane.
+  enum class Kind : uint8_t {
+    /// For First, Lane is the index into the first N elements of a
+    /// fixed-vector <N x <ElTy>> or a scalable vector <vscale x N x <ElTy>>.
+    First,
+    /// For ScalableLast, Lane is the offset from the start of the last
+    /// N-element subvector in a scalable vector <vscale x N x <ElTy>>. For
+    /// example, a Lane of 0 corresponds to lane `(vscale - 1) * N`, a Lane of
+    /// 1 corresponds to `((vscale - 1) * N) + 1`, etc.
+    ScalableLast
+  };
+  /// in [0..VF)
+  unsigned Lane;
+  /// Indicates how the Lane should be interpreted, as described above.
+  Kind LaneKind;
+  VPLane(unsigned Lane) : Lane(Lane), LaneKind(VPLane::Kind::First) {}
+  VPLane(unsigned Lane, Kind LaneKind) : Lane(Lane), LaneKind(LaneKind) {}
+  static VPLane getFirstLane() { return VPLane(0, VPLane::Kind::First); }
+  static VPLane getLaneFromEnd(const ElementCount &VF, unsigned Offset) {
+    assert(Offset > 0 && Offset <= VF.getKnownMinValue() &&
+           "trying to extract with invalid offset");
+    unsigned LaneOffset = VF.getKnownMinValue() - Offset;
+    Kind LaneKind;
+    if (VF.isScalable())
+      // In this case 'LaneOffset' refers to the offset from the start of the
+      // last subvector with VF.getKnownMinValue() elements.
+      LaneKind = VPLane::Kind::ScalableLast;
+    else
+      LaneKind = VPLane::Kind::First;
+    return VPLane(LaneOffset, LaneKind);
+  }
+  static VPLane getLastLaneForVF(const ElementCount &VF) {
+    return getLaneFromEnd(VF, 1);
+  }
+  /// Returns a compile-time known value for the lane index and asserts if the
+  /// lane can only be calculated at runtime.
+  unsigned getKnownLane() const {
+    assert(LaneKind == Kind::First);
+    return Lane;
+  }
+  /// Returns an expression describing the lane index that can be used at
+  /// runtime.
+  Value *getAsRuntimeExpr(IRBuilderBase &Builder, const ElementCount &VF) const;
+  /// Returns the Kind of lane offset.
+  Kind getKind() const { return LaneKind; }
+  /// Returns true if this is the first lane of the whole vector.
+  bool isFirstLane() const { return Lane == 0 && LaneKind == Kind::First; }
+  /// Maps the lane to a cache index based on \p VF.
+  unsigned mapToCacheIndex(const ElementCount &VF) const {
+    switch (LaneKind) {
+    case VPLane::Kind::ScalableLast:
+      assert(VF.isScalable() && Lane < VF.getKnownMinValue());
+      return VF.getKnownMinValue() + Lane;
+    default:
+      assert(Lane < VF.getKnownMinValue());
alexey-bataev wrote:

assertion message


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