[clang] [llvm] [Clang] [OpenMP] Add support for '#pragma omp stripe'. (PR #119891)

Michael Kruse via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Jan 21 04:15:40 PST 2025

@@ -14477,6 +14485,268 @@ StmtResult SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPTileDirective(ArrayRef<OMPClause *> Clauses,
                                   buildPreInits(Context, PreInits));
+StmtResult SemaOpenMP::ActOnOpenMPStripeDirective(ArrayRef<OMPClause *> Clauses,
+                                                  Stmt *AStmt,
+                                                  SourceLocation StartLoc,
+                                                  SourceLocation EndLoc) {
+  ASTContext &Context = getASTContext();
+  Scope *CurScope = SemaRef.getCurScope();
+  const auto *SizesClause =
+      OMPExecutableDirective::getSingleClause<OMPSizesClause>(Clauses);
+  if (!SizesClause || llvm::is_contained(SizesClause->getSizesRefs(), nullptr))
+    return StmtError();
+  unsigned NumLoops = SizesClause->getNumSizes();
+  // Empty statement should only be possible if there already was an error.
+  if (!AStmt)
+    return StmtError();
+  // Verify and diagnose loop nest.
+  SmallVector<OMPLoopBasedDirective::HelperExprs, 4> LoopHelpers(NumLoops);
+  Stmt *Body = nullptr;
+  SmallVector<SmallVector<Stmt *, 0>, 4> OriginalInits;
+  if (!checkTransformableLoopNest(OMPD_stripe, AStmt, NumLoops, LoopHelpers,
+                                  Body, OriginalInits))
+    return StmtError();
+  // Delay tiling to when template is completely instantiated.
+  if (SemaRef.CurContext->isDependentContext())
+    return OMPStripeDirective::Create(Context, StartLoc, EndLoc, Clauses,
+                                      NumLoops, AStmt, nullptr, nullptr);
+  assert(LoopHelpers.size() == NumLoops &&
+         "Expecting loop iteration space dimensionality to match number of "
+         "affected loops");
+  assert(OriginalInits.size() == NumLoops &&
+         "Expecting loop iteration space dimensionality to match number of "
+         "affected loops");
+  // Collect all affected loop statements.
+  SmallVector<Stmt *> LoopStmts(NumLoops, nullptr);
+  collectLoopStmts(AStmt, LoopStmts);
+  SmallVector<Stmt *, 4> PreInits;
+  CaptureVars CopyTransformer(SemaRef);
+  // Create iteration variables for the generated loops.
+  SmallVector<VarDecl *, 4> FloorIndVars;
+  SmallVector<VarDecl *, 4> StripeIndVars;
+  FloorIndVars.resize(NumLoops);
+  StripeIndVars.resize(NumLoops);
+  for (unsigned I : llvm::seq<unsigned>(NumLoops)) {
+    OMPLoopBasedDirective::HelperExprs &LoopHelper = LoopHelpers[I];
+    assert(LoopHelper.Counters.size() == 1 &&
+           "Expect single-dimensional loop iteration space");
+    auto *OrigCntVar = cast<DeclRefExpr>(LoopHelper.Counters.front());
+    std::string OrigVarName = OrigCntVar->getNameInfo().getAsString();
+    DeclRefExpr *IterVarRef = cast<DeclRefExpr>(LoopHelper.IterationVarRef);
+    QualType CntTy = IterVarRef->getType();
+    // Iteration variable for the floor (i.e. outer) loop.
+    {
+      std::string FloorCntName =
+          (Twine(".floor_") + llvm::utostr(I) + ".iv." + OrigVarName).str();
+      VarDecl *FloorCntDecl =
+          buildVarDecl(SemaRef, {}, CntTy, FloorCntName, nullptr, OrigCntVar);
+      FloorIndVars[I] = FloorCntDecl;
+    }
+    // Iteration variable for the stripe (i.e. inner) loop.
+    {
+      std::string StripeCntName =
+          (Twine(".stripe_") + llvm::utostr(I) + ".iv." + OrigVarName).str();
+      // Reuse the iteration variable created by checkOpenMPLoop. It is also
+      // used by the expressions to derive the original iteration variable's
+      // value from the logical iteration number.
+      auto *StripeCntDecl = cast<VarDecl>(IterVarRef->getDecl());
+      StripeCntDecl->setDeclName(
+          &SemaRef.PP.getIdentifierTable().get(StripeCntName));
+      StripeIndVars[I] = StripeCntDecl;
+    }
+    addLoopPreInits(Context, LoopHelper, LoopStmts[I], OriginalInits[I],
+                    PreInits);
+  }
+  // Once the original iteration values are set, append the innermost body.
+  Stmt *Inner = Body;
+  auto MakeDimStripeSize = [&](int I) -> Expr * {
+    Expr *DimStripeSizeExpr = SizesClause->getSizesRefs()[I];
+    if (isa<ConstantExpr>(DimStripeSizeExpr))
+      return AssertSuccess(CopyTransformer.TransformExpr(DimStripeSizeExpr));
+    // When the stripe size is not a constant but a variable, it is possible to
+    // pass non-positive numbers. For instance:
+    // \code{c}
+    //   int a = 0;
+    //   #pragma omp stripe sizes(a)
+    //   for (int i = 0; i < 42; ++i)
+    //     body(i);
+    // \endcode
+    // Although there is no meaningful interpretation of the stripe size, the
+    // body should still be executed 42 times to avoid surprises. To preserve
+    // the invariant that every loop iteration is executed exactly once and not
+    // cause an infinite loop, apply a minimum stripe size of one.
+    // Build expr:
+    // \code{c}
+    //   (TS <= 0) ? 1 : TS
+    // \endcode
+    QualType DimTy = DimStripeSizeExpr->getType();
+    uint64_t DimWidth = Context.getTypeSize(DimTy);
+    IntegerLiteral *Zero = IntegerLiteral::Create(
+        Context, llvm::APInt::getZero(DimWidth), DimTy, {});
+    IntegerLiteral *One =
+        IntegerLiteral::Create(Context, llvm::APInt(DimWidth, 1), DimTy, {});
+    Expr *Cond = AssertSuccess(SemaRef.BuildBinOp(
+        CurScope, {}, BO_LE,
+        AssertSuccess(CopyTransformer.TransformExpr(DimStripeSizeExpr)), Zero));
+    Expr *MinOne = new (Context) ConditionalOperator(
+        Cond, {}, One, {},
+        AssertSuccess(CopyTransformer.TransformExpr(DimStripeSizeExpr)), DimTy,
+        VK_PRValue, OK_Ordinary);
+    return MinOne;
+  };
+  // Create stripe loops from the inside to the outside.
+  for (int I = NumLoops - 1; I >= 0; --I) {
+    OMPLoopBasedDirective::HelperExprs &LoopHelper = LoopHelpers[I];
+    Expr *NumIterations = LoopHelper.NumIterations;
+    auto *OrigCntVar = cast<DeclRefExpr>(LoopHelper.Counters[0]);
+    QualType IVTy = NumIterations->getType();
+    Stmt *LoopStmt = LoopStmts[I];
+    // Commonly used variables. One of the constraints of an AST is that every
+    // node object must appear at most once, hence we define a lamda that
+    // creates a new AST node at every use.
+    auto MakeStripeIVRef = [&]() {
+      return buildDeclRefExpr(SemaRef, StripeIndVars[I], IVTy,
+                              OrigCntVar->getExprLoc());
+    };
+    // For init-statement: auto .stripe.iv = .floor.iv
+    SemaRef.AddInitializerToDecl(
+        StripeIndVars[I],
+        SemaRef
+            .DefaultLvalueConversion(
+                makeFloorIVRef(SemaRef, FloorIndVars, I, IVTy, OrigCntVar))
+            .get(),
+        /*DirectInit=*/false);
+    Decl *CounterDecl = StripeIndVars[I];
+    StmtResult InitStmt = new (Context)
+        DeclStmt(DeclGroupRef::Create(Context, &CounterDecl, 1),
+                 OrigCntVar->getBeginLoc(), OrigCntVar->getEndLoc());
+    if (!InitStmt.isUsable())
+      return StmtError();
+    // For cond-expression:
+    //   .stripe.iv < min(.floor.iv + DimStripeSize, NumIterations)
+    ExprResult EndOfStripe = SemaRef.BuildBinOp(
+        CurScope, LoopHelper.Cond->getExprLoc(), BO_Add,
+        makeFloorIVRef(SemaRef, FloorIndVars, I, IVTy, OrigCntVar),
+        MakeDimStripeSize(I));
+    if (!EndOfStripe.isUsable())
+      return StmtError();
+    ExprResult IsPartialStripe =
+        SemaRef.BuildBinOp(CurScope, LoopHelper.Cond->getExprLoc(), BO_LT,
+                           NumIterations, EndOfStripe.get());
+    if (!IsPartialStripe.isUsable())
+      return StmtError();
+    ExprResult MinStripeAndIterSpace = SemaRef.ActOnConditionalOp(
+        LoopHelper.Cond->getBeginLoc(), LoopHelper.Cond->getEndLoc(),
+        IsPartialStripe.get(), NumIterations, EndOfStripe.get());
+    if (!MinStripeAndIterSpace.isUsable())
+      return StmtError();
+    ExprResult CondExpr =
+        SemaRef.BuildBinOp(CurScope, LoopHelper.Cond->getExprLoc(), BO_LT,
+                           MakeStripeIVRef(), MinStripeAndIterSpace.get());
+    if (!CondExpr.isUsable())
+      return StmtError();
+    // For incr-statement: ++.stripe.iv
+    ExprResult IncrStmt = SemaRef.BuildUnaryOp(
+        CurScope, LoopHelper.Inc->getExprLoc(), UO_PreInc, MakeStripeIVRef());
+    if (!IncrStmt.isUsable())
+      return StmtError();
+    // Statements to set the original iteration variable's value from the
+    // logical iteration number.
+    // Generated for loop is:
+    // \code
+    // Original_for_init;
+    // for (auto .stripe.iv = .floor.iv;
+    //      .stripe.iv < min(.floor.iv + DimStripeSize, NumIterations);
+    //      ++.stripe.iv) {
+    //   Original_Body;
+    //   Original_counter_update;
+    // }
+    // \endcode
+    // FIXME: If the innermost body is an loop itself, inserting these
+    // statements stops it being recognized  as a perfectly nested loop (e.g.
+    // for applying tiling again). If this is the case, sink the expressions
+    // further into the inner loop.
+    SmallVector<Stmt *, 4> BodyParts;
+    BodyParts.append(LoopHelper.Updates.begin(), LoopHelper.Updates.end());
+    if (auto *SourceCXXFor = dyn_cast<CXXForRangeStmt>(LoopStmt))
+      BodyParts.push_back(SourceCXXFor->getLoopVarStmt());
+    BodyParts.push_back(Inner);
+    Inner = CompoundStmt::Create(Context, BodyParts, FPOptionsOverride(),
+                                 Inner->getBeginLoc(), Inner->getEndLoc());
+    Inner = new (Context)
+        ForStmt(Context, InitStmt.get(), CondExpr.get(), nullptr,
+                IncrStmt.get(), Inner, LoopHelper.Init->getBeginLoc(),
+                LoopHelper.Init->getBeginLoc(), LoopHelper.Inc->getEndLoc());
+  }
+  // Create floor loops from the inside to the outside.
+  for (int I = NumLoops - 1; I >= 0; --I) {
+    auto &LoopHelper = LoopHelpers[I];
+    Expr *NumIterations = LoopHelper.NumIterations;
+    DeclRefExpr *OrigCntVar = cast<DeclRefExpr>(LoopHelper.Counters[0]);
+    QualType IVTy = NumIterations->getType();
+    // For init-statement: auto .floor.iv = 0
Meinersbur wrote:

    // For init-statement: auto .grid.iv = 0


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