[llvm] [IA][RISCV] Support VP intrinsics in InterleavedAccessPass (PR #120490)

Craig Topper via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jan 15 11:10:17 PST 2025

@@ -248,6 +249,196 @@ static bool isReInterleaveMask(ShuffleVectorInst *SVI, unsigned &Factor,
   return false;
+// For an (de)interleave tree like this:
+//   A   C B   D
+//   |___| |___|
+//     |_____|
+//        |
+//     A B C D
+//  We will get ABCD at the end while the leaf operands/results
+//  are ACBD, which are also what we initially collected in
+//  getVectorInterleaveFactor / getVectorDeinterleaveFactor. But TLI
+//  hooks (e.g. lowerInterleavedScalableLoad) expect ABCD, so we need
+//  to reorder them by interleaving these values.
+static void interleaveLeafValues(SmallVectorImpl<Value *> &Leaves) {
+  unsigned Factor = Leaves.size();
+  assert(isPowerOf2_32(Factor) && Factor <= 8 && Factor > 1);
+  if (Factor == 2)
+    return;
+  SmallVector<Value *, 8> Buffer;
+  if (Factor == 4) {
+    for (unsigned SrcIdx : {0, 2, 1, 3})
+      Buffer.push_back(Leaves[SrcIdx]);
+  } else {
+    // Factor of 8.
+    //
+    //  A E C G B F D H
+    //  |_| |_| |_| |_|
+    //   |___|   |___|
+    //     |_______|
+    //         |
+    //  A B C D E F G H
+    for (unsigned SrcIdx : {0, 4, 2, 6, 1, 5, 3, 7})
+      Buffer.push_back(Leaves[SrcIdx]);
+  }
+  llvm::copy(Buffer, Leaves.begin());
+static unsigned getVectorInterleaveFactor(IntrinsicInst *II,
+                                          SmallVectorImpl<Value *> &Operands) {
+  if (II->getIntrinsicID() != Intrinsic::vector_interleave2)
+    return 0;
+  unsigned Factor = 0;
+  // Visit with BFS
+  SmallVector<IntrinsicInst *, 8> Queue;
+  Queue.push_back(II);
+  while (!Queue.empty()) {
+    IntrinsicInst *Current = Queue.front();
+    Queue.erase(Queue.begin());
+    for (unsigned I = 0; I < 2; ++I) {
+      Value *Op = Current->getOperand(I);
+      if (auto *OpII = dyn_cast<IntrinsicInst>(Op))
+        if (OpII->getIntrinsicID() == Intrinsic::vector_interleave2) {
+          Queue.push_back(OpII);
+          continue;
+        }
+      // If this is not a perfectly balanced tree, the leaf
+      // result types would be different.
+      if (!Operands.empty() && Op->getType() != Operands.back()->getType())
+        return 0;
+      ++Factor;
+      Operands.push_back(Op);
+    }
+  }
+  // Currently we only recognize power-of-two factors.
+  // FIXME: should we assert here instead?
+  if (Factor <= 1 || !isPowerOf2_32(Factor))
+    return 0;
+  interleaveLeafValues(Operands);
+  return Factor;
+/// Check the interleaved mask
+/// - if a value within the optional is non-nullptr, the value corresponds to
+///   deinterleaved mask
+/// - if a value within the option is nullptr, the value corresponds to all-true
+///   mask
+/// - return nullopt if mask cannot be deinterleaved
+static std::optional<Value *> getMask(Value *WideMask, unsigned Factor) {
+  using namespace llvm::PatternMatch;
+  if (auto *IMI = dyn_cast<IntrinsicInst>(WideMask)) {
+    SmallVector<Value *, 8> Operands;
+    if (unsigned MaskFactor = getVectorInterleaveFactor(IMI, Operands)) {
+      assert(!Operands.empty());
+      if (MaskFactor == Factor &&
+          std::equal(Operands.begin(), Operands.end(), Operands.begin()))
+        return Operands.front();
+    }
+  }
+  if (match(WideMask, m_AllOnes()))
+    return nullptr;
+  return std::nullopt;
+static unsigned getVectorDeInterleaveFactor(IntrinsicInst *II,
+                                            SmallVectorImpl<Value *> &Results) {
+  using namespace PatternMatch;
+  if (II->getIntrinsicID() != Intrinsic::vector_deinterleave2 ||
+      !II->hasNUses(2))
+    return 0;
+  unsigned Factor = 0;
+  // Visit with BFS
+  SmallVector<IntrinsicInst *, 8> Queue;
+  Queue.push_back(II);
+  while (!Queue.empty()) {
+    IntrinsicInst *Current = Queue.front();
+    Queue.erase(Queue.begin());
+    assert(Current->hasNUses(2));
+    unsigned VisitedIdx = 0;
+    for (User *Usr : Current->users()) {
+      // We're playing safe here and matching only the expression
+      // consisting of a perfectly balanced binary tree in which all
+      // intermediate values are only used once.
+      if (!Usr->hasOneUse() || !isa<ExtractValueInst>(Usr))
+        return 0;
+      auto *EV = cast<ExtractValueInst>(Usr);
+      ArrayRef<unsigned> Indices = EV->getIndices();
+      if (Indices.size() != 1 || Indices[0] >= 2)
+        return 0;
+      // The idea is that we don't want to have two extractvalue
+      // on the same index. So we XOR (1 << index) onto VisitedIdx
+      // such that if there is any duplication, VisitedIdx will be
+      // zero.
+      VisitedIdx ^= (1 << Indices[0]);
+      if (!VisitedIdx)
+        return 0;
+      // We have a legal index. At this point we're either going
+      // to continue the traversal or push the leaf values into Results.
+      // But in either cases we need to follow the order imposed by
+      // ExtractValue's indices and swap with the last element pushed
+      // into Queue/Results if necessary (This is also one of the main
+      // reasons using BFS instead of DFS here, btw).
+      // When VisitedIdx equals to 0b11, we're the last visted ExtractValue.
topperc wrote:



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