[llvm] [CI] Add queue size, running count metrics (PR #122714)

Aiden Grossman via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Jan 13 10:29:40 PST 2025

@@ -26,7 +26,67 @@ class JobMetrics:
     workflow_id: int
-def get_metrics(github_repo: github.Repository, workflows_to_track: dict[str, int]):
+ at dataclass
+class GaugeMetric:
+    name: str
+    value: int
+    time_ns: int
+def get_sampled_workflow_metrics(github_repo: github.Repository):
+    """Gets global statistics about the Github workflow queue
+    Args:
+      github_repo: A github repo object to use to query the relevant information.
+    Returns:
+      Returns a list of GaugeMetric objects, containing the relevant metrics about
+      the workflow
+    """
+    # Other states are available (pending, waiting, etc), but the meaning
+    # is not documented (See #70540).
+    # "queued" seems to be the info we want.
+    queued_workflow_count = len(
+        [
+            x
+            for x in github_repo.get_workflow_runs(status="queued")
+            if x.name in WORKFLOWS_TO_TRACK
+        ]
+    )
+    running_workflow_count = len(
+        [
+            x
+            for x in github_repo.get_workflow_runs(status="in_progress")
+            if x.name in WORKFLOWS_TO_TRACK
+        ]
+    )
+    workflow_metrics = []
+    workflow_metrics.append(
+        GaugeMetric(
+            "workflow_queue_size",
+            queued_workflow_count,
+            time.time_ns(),
+        )
+    )
+    workflow_metrics.append(
+        GaugeMetric(
+            "running_workflow_count",
+            running_workflow_count,
+            time.time_ns(),
+        )
+    )
+    # Always send a hearbeat metric so we can monitor is this container is still able to log to Grafana.
boomanaiden154 wrote:

This looks like it needs to be wrapped?


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