[llvm] 8a51471 - [LV][VPlan] Extract the implementation of transform Recipe to EVLRecipe into a small function. NFC (#119510)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sun Dec 22 16:28:23 PST 2024

Author: LiqinWeng
Date: 2024-12-23T08:28:19+08:00
New Revision: 8a51471d839d9ba8ea015ddd4c761d5c8946f881

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/8a51471d839d9ba8ea015ddd4c761d5c8946f881
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/8a51471d839d9ba8ea015ddd4c761d5c8946f881.diff

LOG: [LV][VPlan] Extract the implementation of transform Recipe to EVLRecipe into a small function. NFC (#119510)




diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/VPlanTransforms.cpp b/llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/VPlanTransforms.cpp
index 43c7a935e2f1bc..7fc02348347dfe 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/VPlanTransforms.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/VPlanTransforms.cpp
@@ -1449,13 +1449,93 @@ void VPlanTransforms::addActiveLaneMask(
+/// Try to convert \p CurRecipe to a corresponding EVL-based recipe. Returns
+/// nullptr if no EVL-based recipe could be created.
+/// \p HeaderMask  Header Mask.
+/// \p CurRecipe   Recipe to be transform.
+/// \p TypeInfo    VPlan-based type analysis.
+/// \p AllOneMask  The vector mask parameter of vector-predication intrinsics.
+/// \p EVL         The explicit vector length parameter of vector-predication
+/// intrinsics.
+static VPRecipeBase *createEVLRecipe(VPValue *HeaderMask,
+                                     VPRecipeBase &CurRecipe,
+                                     VPTypeAnalysis &TypeInfo,
+                                     VPValue &AllOneMask, VPValue &EVL) {
+  using namespace llvm::VPlanPatternMatch;
+  auto GetNewMask = [&](VPValue *OrigMask) -> VPValue * {
+    assert(OrigMask && "Unmasked recipe when folding tail");
+    return HeaderMask == OrigMask ? nullptr : OrigMask;
+  };
+  return TypeSwitch<VPRecipeBase *, VPRecipeBase *>(&CurRecipe)
+      .Case<VPWidenLoadRecipe>([&](VPWidenLoadRecipe *L) {
+        VPValue *NewMask = GetNewMask(L->getMask());
+        return new VPWidenLoadEVLRecipe(*L, EVL, NewMask);
+      })
+      .Case<VPWidenStoreRecipe>([&](VPWidenStoreRecipe *S) {
+        VPValue *NewMask = GetNewMask(S->getMask());
+        return new VPWidenStoreEVLRecipe(*S, EVL, NewMask);
+      })
+      .Case<VPWidenRecipe>([&](VPWidenRecipe *W) -> VPRecipeBase * {
+        unsigned Opcode = W->getOpcode();
+        if (!Instruction::isBinaryOp(Opcode) && !Instruction::isUnaryOp(Opcode))
+          return nullptr;
+        return new VPWidenEVLRecipe(*W, EVL);
+      })
+      .Case<VPReductionRecipe>([&](VPReductionRecipe *Red) {
+        VPValue *NewMask = GetNewMask(Red->getCondOp());
+        return new VPReductionEVLRecipe(*Red, EVL, NewMask);
+      })
+      .Case<VPWidenIntrinsicRecipe, VPWidenCastRecipe>(
+          [&](auto *CR) -> VPRecipeBase * {
+            Intrinsic::ID VPID;
+            if (auto *CallR = dyn_cast<VPWidenIntrinsicRecipe>(CR))
+              VPID =
+                  VPIntrinsic::getForIntrinsic(CallR->getVectorIntrinsicID());
+            else if (auto *CastR = dyn_cast<VPWidenCastRecipe>(CR))
+              VPID = VPIntrinsic::getForOpcode(CastR->getOpcode());
+            assert(VPID != Intrinsic::not_intrinsic && "Expected VP intrinsic");
+            assert(VPIntrinsic::getMaskParamPos(VPID) &&
+                   VPIntrinsic::getVectorLengthParamPos(VPID) &&
+                   "Expected VP intrinsic");
+            SmallVector<VPValue *> Ops(CR->operands());
+            Ops.push_back(&AllOneMask);
+            Ops.push_back(&EVL);
+            return new VPWidenIntrinsicRecipe(
+                VPID, Ops, TypeInfo.inferScalarType(CR), CR->getDebugLoc());
+          })
+      .Case<VPWidenSelectRecipe>([&](VPWidenSelectRecipe *Sel) {
+        SmallVector<VPValue *> Ops(Sel->operands());
+        Ops.push_back(&EVL);
+        return new VPWidenIntrinsicRecipe(Intrinsic::vp_select, Ops,
+                                          TypeInfo.inferScalarType(Sel),
+                                          Sel->getDebugLoc());
+      })
+      .Case<VPInstruction>([&](VPInstruction *VPI) -> VPRecipeBase * {
+        VPValue *LHS, *RHS;
+        // Transform select with a header mask condition
+        //   select(header_mask, LHS, RHS)
+        // into vector predication merge.
+        //   vp.merge(all-true, LHS, RHS, EVL)
+        if (!match(VPI, m_Select(m_Specific(HeaderMask), m_VPValue(LHS),
+                                 m_VPValue(RHS))))
+          return nullptr;
+        // Use all true as the condition because this transformation is
+        // limited to selects whose condition is a header mask.
+        return new VPWidenIntrinsicRecipe(
+            Intrinsic::vp_merge, {&AllOneMask, LHS, RHS, &EVL},
+            TypeInfo.inferScalarType(LHS), VPI->getDebugLoc());
+      })
+      .Default([&](VPRecipeBase *R) { return nullptr; });
 /// Replace recipes with their EVL variants.
 static void transformRecipestoEVLRecipes(VPlan &Plan, VPValue &EVL) {
-  using namespace llvm::VPlanPatternMatch;
   Type *CanonicalIVType = Plan.getCanonicalIV()->getScalarType();
   VPTypeAnalysis TypeInfo(CanonicalIVType);
   LLVMContext &Ctx = CanonicalIVType->getContext();
-  SmallVector<VPValue *> HeaderMasks = collectAllHeaderMasks(Plan);
+  VPValue *AllOneMask = Plan.getOrAddLiveIn(ConstantInt::getTrue(Ctx));
   for (VPUser *U : Plan.getVF().users()) {
     if (auto *R = dyn_cast<VPReverseVectorPointerRecipe>(U))
@@ -1467,110 +1547,22 @@ static void transformRecipestoEVLRecipes(VPlan &Plan, VPValue &EVL) {
   for (VPValue *HeaderMask : collectAllHeaderMasks(Plan)) {
     for (VPUser *U : collectUsersRecursively(HeaderMask)) {
       auto *CurRecipe = cast<VPRecipeBase>(U);
-      auto GetNewMask = [&](VPValue *OrigMask) -> VPValue * {
-        assert(OrigMask && "Unmasked recipe when folding tail");
-        return HeaderMask == OrigMask ? nullptr : OrigMask;
-      };
-      VPRecipeBase *NewRecipe =
-          TypeSwitch<VPRecipeBase *, VPRecipeBase *>(CurRecipe)
-              .Case<VPWidenLoadRecipe>([&](VPWidenLoadRecipe *L) {
-                VPValue *NewMask = GetNewMask(L->getMask());
-                return new VPWidenLoadEVLRecipe(*L, EVL, NewMask);
-              })
-              .Case<VPWidenStoreRecipe>([&](VPWidenStoreRecipe *S) {
-                VPValue *NewMask = GetNewMask(S->getMask());
-                return new VPWidenStoreEVLRecipe(*S, EVL, NewMask);
-              })
-              .Case<VPWidenRecipe>([&](VPWidenRecipe *W) -> VPRecipeBase * {
-                unsigned Opcode = W->getOpcode();
-                if (!Instruction::isBinaryOp(Opcode) &&
-                    !Instruction::isUnaryOp(Opcode))
-                  return nullptr;
-                return new VPWidenEVLRecipe(*W, EVL);
-              })
-              .Case<VPReductionRecipe>([&](VPReductionRecipe *Red) {
-                VPValue *NewMask = GetNewMask(Red->getCondOp());
-                return new VPReductionEVLRecipe(*Red, EVL, NewMask);
-              })
-              .Case<VPWidenIntrinsicRecipe>(
-                  [&](VPWidenIntrinsicRecipe *CallR) -> VPRecipeBase * {
-                    Intrinsic::ID VPID = VPIntrinsic::getForIntrinsic(
-                        CallR->getVectorIntrinsicID());
-                    assert(VPID != Intrinsic::not_intrinsic &&
-                           "Expected vp.casts Instrinsic");
-                    assert(VPIntrinsic::getMaskParamPos(VPID) &&
-                           VPIntrinsic::getVectorLengthParamPos(VPID) &&
-                           "Expected VP intrinsic");
-                    SmallVector<VPValue *> Ops(CallR->operands());
-                    VPValue *Mask =
-                        Plan.getOrAddLiveIn(ConstantInt::getTrue(Ctx));
-                    Ops.push_back(Mask);
-                    Ops.push_back(&EVL);
-                    return new VPWidenIntrinsicRecipe(
-                        VPID, Ops, TypeInfo.inferScalarType(CallR),
-                        CallR->getDebugLoc());
-                  })
-              .Case<VPWidenCastRecipe>(
-                  [&](VPWidenCastRecipe *CastR) -> VPRecipeBase * {
-                    Intrinsic::ID VPID =
-                        VPIntrinsic::getForOpcode(CastR->getOpcode());
-                    assert(VPID != Intrinsic::not_intrinsic &&
-                           "Expected vp.casts Instrinsic");
-                    SmallVector<VPValue *> Ops(CastR->operands());
-                    assert(VPIntrinsic::getMaskParamPos(VPID) &&
-                           VPIntrinsic::getVectorLengthParamPos(VPID) &&
-                           "Expected VP intrinsic");
-                    VPValue *Mask =
-                        Plan.getOrAddLiveIn(ConstantInt::getTrue(Ctx));
-                    Ops.push_back(Mask);
-                    Ops.push_back(&EVL);
-                    return new VPWidenIntrinsicRecipe(
-                        VPID, Ops, TypeInfo.inferScalarType(CastR),
-                        CastR->getDebugLoc());
-                  })
-              .Case<VPWidenSelectRecipe>([&](VPWidenSelectRecipe *Sel) {
-                SmallVector<VPValue *> Ops(Sel->operands());
-                Ops.push_back(&EVL);
-                return new VPWidenIntrinsicRecipe(Intrinsic::vp_select, Ops,
-                                                  TypeInfo.inferScalarType(Sel),
-                                                  Sel->getDebugLoc());
-              })
-              .Case<VPInstruction>([&](VPInstruction *VPI) -> VPRecipeBase * {
-                VPValue *LHS, *RHS;
-                // Transform select with a header mask condition
-                //   select(header_mask, LHS, RHS)
-                // into vector predication merge.
-                //   vp.merge(all-true, LHS, RHS, EVL)
-                if (!match(VPI, m_Select(m_Specific(HeaderMask), m_VPValue(LHS),
-                                         m_VPValue(RHS))))
-                  return nullptr;
-                // Use all true as the condition because this transformation is
-                // limited to selects whose condition is a header mask.
-                VPValue *AllTrue =
-                    Plan.getOrAddLiveIn(ConstantInt::getTrue(Ctx));
-                return new VPWidenIntrinsicRecipe(
-                    Intrinsic::vp_merge, {AllTrue, LHS, RHS, &EVL},
-                    TypeInfo.inferScalarType(LHS), VPI->getDebugLoc());
-              })
-              .Default([&](VPRecipeBase *R) { return nullptr; });
-      if (!NewRecipe)
+      VPRecipeBase *EVLRecipe =
+          createEVLRecipe(HeaderMask, *CurRecipe, TypeInfo, *AllOneMask, EVL);
+      if (!EVLRecipe)
-      [[maybe_unused]] unsigned NumDefVal = NewRecipe->getNumDefinedValues();
+      [[maybe_unused]] unsigned NumDefVal = EVLRecipe->getNumDefinedValues();
       assert(NumDefVal == CurRecipe->getNumDefinedValues() &&
              "New recipe must define the same number of values as the "
           NumDefVal <= 1 &&
           "Only supports recipes with a single definition or without users.");
-      NewRecipe->insertBefore(CurRecipe);
-      if (isa<VPSingleDefRecipe, VPWidenLoadEVLRecipe>(NewRecipe)) {
+      EVLRecipe->insertBefore(CurRecipe);
+      if (isa<VPSingleDefRecipe, VPWidenLoadEVLRecipe>(EVLRecipe)) {
         VPValue *CurVPV = CurRecipe->getVPSingleValue();
-        CurVPV->replaceAllUsesWith(NewRecipe->getVPSingleValue());
+        CurVPV->replaceAllUsesWith(EVLRecipe->getVPSingleValue());
       // Defer erasing recipes till the end so that we don't invalidate the
       // VPTypeAnalysis cache.


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