[llvm] [LLVM] Update cmake maintainer (PR #120542)

Nikita Popov via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Dec 19 02:50:36 PST 2024

nikic wrote:

> One thing that probably would be good to separate from CMake maintenance is the library layering side of this. Historically, this was about helping resolve how dependencies should or shouldn't work and keeping appropriate layering separation from major components of LLVM. That's much less diffuse and heterogeneous than CMake stuff, but not sure who is really active in thinking about those challenges these days?

I agree that CMake and library layering don't have to go together. In this PR I just dropped the layering part entirely, as I'm not sure it really needs a dedicated maintainer nowadays. The layering is pretty fixed, and the prevalence of non-cmake build systems makes sure that violations are found quickly. If I remember correctly, @chapuni is the person who usually flags and reverts layering violations.


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