[llvm] 2302142 - [Coroutines][Docs] Add a discussion on the handling of certain parameter attribs (#117183)

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Wed Dec 18 20:47:04 PST 2024

Author: Tyler Nowicki
Date: 2024-12-18T23:47:00-05:00
New Revision: 2302142f2318ba9624b847cd8c1a7e2d255be5c5

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/2302142f2318ba9624b847cd8c1a7e2d255be5c5
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/2302142f2318ba9624b847cd8c1a7e2d255be5c5.diff

LOG: [Coroutines][Docs] Add a discussion on the handling of certain parameter attribs (#117183)

ByVal arguments and Swifterror require special handling in the coroutine
passes. The goal of this section is to provide a description of how
these parameter attributes are handled.




diff  --git a/llvm/docs/Coroutines.rst b/llvm/docs/Coroutines.rst
index 92e138b6893b26..60e32dc467d277 100644
--- a/llvm/docs/Coroutines.rst
+++ b/llvm/docs/Coroutines.rst
@@ -810,6 +810,28 @@ The LLVM IR for a coroutine using a Coroutine with a custom ABI looks like:
     ret ptr %hdl
+Parameter Attributes
+Some parameter attributes, used to communicate additional information about the result or parameters of a function, require special handling.
+A ByVal parameter on an argument indicates that the pointee should be treated as being passed by value to the function.
+Prior to the coroutine transforms loads and stores to/from the pointer are generated where the value is needed.
+Consequently, a ByVal argument is treated much like an alloca.
+Space is allocated for it on the coroutine frame and the uses of the argument pointer are replaced with a pointer to the coroutine frame.
+Swift Error
+Clang supports the swiftcall calling convention in many common targets, and a user could call a function that takes a swifterror argument from a C++ coroutine.
+The swifterror parameter attribute exists to model and optimize Swift error handling.
+A swifterror alloca or parameter can only be loaded, stored, or passed as a swifterror call argument, and a swifterror call argument can only be a direct reference to a swifterror alloca or parameter. 
+These rules, not coincidentally, mean that you can always perfectly model the data flow in the alloca, and LLVM CodeGen actually has to do that in order to emit code.
+For coroutine lowering the default treatment of allocas breaks those rules — splitting will try to replace the alloca with an entry in the coro frame, which can lead to trying to pass that as a swifterror argument.
+To pass a swifterror argument in a split function, we need to still have the alloca around; but we also potentially need the coro frame slot, since useful data can (in theory) be stored in the swifterror alloca slot across suspensions in the presplit coroutine. 
+When split a coroutine it is consequently necessary to keep both the frame slot as well as the alloca itself and then keep them in sync.


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