[libc] [llvm] Improve qsort (PR #120450)

Lukas Bergdoll via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Dec 18 13:43:13 PST 2024

@@ -11,96 +11,155 @@
 #include "src/__support/CPP/cstddef.h"
 #include "src/__support/macros/config.h"
+#include "src/string/memory_utils/inline_memcpy.h"
+#include "src/string/memory_utils/inline_memmove.h"
 #include <stdint.h>
 namespace internal {
-using Compare = int(const void *, const void *);
-using CompareWithState = int(const void *, const void *, void *);
-enum class CompType { COMPARE, COMPARE_WITH_STATE };
-struct Comparator {
-  union {
-    Compare *comp_func;
-    CompareWithState *comp_func_r;
-  };
-  const CompType comp_type;
-  void *arg;
-  Comparator(Compare *func)
-      : comp_func(func), comp_type(CompType::COMPARE), arg(nullptr) {}
-  Comparator(CompareWithState *func, void *arg_val)
-      : comp_func_r(func), comp_type(CompType::COMPARE_WITH_STATE),
-        arg(arg_val) {}
-#if defined(__clang__)
-  // Recent upstream changes to -fsanitize=function find more instances of
-  // function type mismatches. One case is with the comparator passed to this
-  // class. Libraries will tend to pass comparators that take pointers to
-  // varying types while this comparator expects to accept const void pointers.
-  // Ideally those tools would pass a function that strictly accepts const
-  // void*s to avoid UB, or would use qsort_r to pass their own comparator.
-  [[clang::no_sanitize("function")]]
-  int comp_vals(const void *a, const void *b) const {
-    if (comp_type == CompType::COMPARE) {
-      return comp_func(a, b);
-    } else {
-      return comp_func_r(a, b, arg);
-    }
+// Returns the max amount of bytes deemed reasonable - based on the target
+// properties - for use in local stack arrays.
+constexpr size_t max_stack_array_size() {
+  // Uses target pointer size as heuristic how much memory is available and
+  // unlikely to run into stack overflow and perf problems.
+  constexpr size_t ptr_diff_size = sizeof(ptrdiff_t);
+  if constexpr (ptr_diff_size >= 8) {
+    return 4096;
-class Array {
-  uint8_t *array;
-  size_t array_size;
+  if constexpr (ptr_diff_size == 4) {
+    return 512;
+  }
+  // 8-bit platforms are just not gonna work well with libc, qsort
+  // won't be the problem.
+  // 16-bit platforms ought to be able to store 64 bytes on the stack.
+  return 64;
Voultapher wrote:

Good to know, since a later commit removes this code I'll mark this as resolved.


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