[llvm] Reland (#120419):[Exegesis][RISCV] Add RISCV support for llvm-exegesis (PR #120467)

Kazu Hirata via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Dec 18 12:10:19 PST 2024

kazutakahirata wrote:

> > @dybv-sc Thanks for the update! When I try out your patch, I am getting:
> > ```
> > CMake Error at cmake/modules/LLVMProcessSources.cmake:113 (message):
> >   Found erroneous configuration for source file RISCVCounters.cpp
> > 
> >   LLVM's build system enforces that all source files are added to a build
> >   target, that exactly one build target exists in each directory, and that
> >   this target lists all files in that directory.  If you want multiple
> >   targets in the same directory, add PARTIAL_SOURCES_INTENDED to the target
> >   specification, though it is discouraged.
> > ```
> >   
> > I'm guessing that `llvm/tools/llvm-exegesis/lib/RISCV/CMakeLists.txt` should somehow mention `RISCVCounters.cpp`. Thoughts?
> Hi,
> Have you applied all of the patches there are in this request? We used to have this file, but after some discussion, we removed it (with the intention to rework and bring it back in some later request). Currently there should be no this file on top of our branch.

Huh.  When I applied `https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/120467.patch` locally, that didn't work.  When I applied `https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/120467.diff`, however, that did work.  I didn't know there was a difference between `patch` and `diff`.

Anyway, thank you for updating the patch!


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