[llvm] 6fb967e - [memprof] Move Frame::hash and hashCallStack to IndexedMemProfData (NFC) (#120365)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Dec 18 10:56:48 PST 2024

Author: Kazu Hirata
Date: 2024-12-18T10:56:45-08:00
New Revision: 6fb967ec9e13216ee1b4fc15764e0b3df9e5683f

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/6fb967ec9e13216ee1b4fc15764e0b3df9e5683f
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/6fb967ec9e13216ee1b4fc15764e0b3df9e5683f.diff

LOG: [memprof] Move Frame::hash and hashCallStack to IndexedMemProfData (NFC) (#120365)

Now that IndexedMemProfData::{addFrame,addCallStack} are the only
callers of Frame::hash and hashCallStack, respectively, this patch
moves those functions into IndexedMemProfData and makes them private.
With this patch, we can obtain FrameId and CallStackId only through
addFrame and addCallStack, respectively.




diff  --git a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/MemProf.h b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/MemProf.h
index ef96b74c9d400c..883e24d7186152 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/MemProf.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/MemProf.h
@@ -323,21 +323,6 @@ struct Frame {
        << "        Column: " << Column << "\n"
        << "        Inline: " << IsInlineFrame << "\n";
-  // Return a hash value based on the contents of the frame. Here we use a
-  // cryptographic hash function to minimize the chance of hash collisions.  We
-  // do persist FrameIds as part of memprof formats up to Version 2, inclusive.
-  // However, the deserializer never calls this function; it uses FrameIds
-  // merely as keys to look up Frames proper.
-  inline FrameId hash() const {
-    llvm::HashBuilder<llvm::TruncatedBLAKE3<8>, llvm::endianness::little>
-        HashBuilder;
-    HashBuilder.add(Function, LineOffset, Column, IsInlineFrame);
-    llvm::BLAKE3Result<8> Hash = HashBuilder.final();
-    FrameId Id;
-    std::memcpy(&Id, Hash.data(), sizeof(Hash));
-    return Id;
-  }
 // A type representing the index into the table of call stacks.
@@ -775,9 +760,6 @@ class CallStackLookupTrait {
-// Compute a CallStackId for a given call stack.
-CallStackId hashCallStack(ArrayRef<FrameId> CS);
 namespace detail {
 // "Dereference" the iterator from DenseMap or OnDiskChainedHashTable.  We have
 // to do so in one of two 
diff erent ways depending on the type of the hash
@@ -1011,7 +993,7 @@ struct IndexedMemProfData {
   llvm::MapVector<CallStackId, llvm::SmallVector<FrameId>> CallStacks;
   FrameId addFrame(const Frame &F) {
-    const FrameId Id = F.hash();
+    const FrameId Id = hashFrame(F);
     Frames.try_emplace(Id, F);
     return Id;
@@ -1027,6 +1009,25 @@ struct IndexedMemProfData {
     CallStacks.try_emplace(CSId, std::move(CS));
     return CSId;
+  // Return a hash value based on the contents of the frame. Here we use a
+  // cryptographic hash function to minimize the chance of hash collisions.  We
+  // do persist FrameIds as part of memprof formats up to Version 2, inclusive.
+  // However, the deserializer never calls this function; it uses FrameIds
+  // merely as keys to look up Frames proper.
+  FrameId hashFrame(const Frame &F) const {
+    llvm::HashBuilder<llvm::TruncatedBLAKE3<8>, llvm::endianness::little>
+        HashBuilder;
+    HashBuilder.add(F.Function, F.LineOffset, F.Column, F.IsInlineFrame);
+    llvm::BLAKE3Result<8> Hash = HashBuilder.final();
+    FrameId Id;
+    std::memcpy(&Id, Hash.data(), sizeof(Hash));
+    return Id;
+  }
+  // Compute a CallStackId for a given call stack.
+  CallStackId hashCallStack(ArrayRef<FrameId> CS) const;
 struct FrameStat {

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/MemProf.cpp b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/MemProf.cpp
index 1c240c3858cc76..15ab44934bbf0b 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/ProfileData/MemProf.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/ProfileData/MemProf.cpp
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ Expected<MemProfSchema> readMemProfSchema(const unsigned char *&Buffer) {
   return Result;
-CallStackId hashCallStack(ArrayRef<FrameId> CS) {
+CallStackId IndexedMemProfData::hashCallStack(ArrayRef<FrameId> CS) const {
   llvm::HashBuilder<llvm::TruncatedBLAKE3<8>, llvm::endianness::little>
   for (FrameId F : CS)


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