[llvm] [LV][VPlan] Extract the implementation of transform Recipe to EVLRecipe into a small function. NFC (PR #119510)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Dec 17 22:16:44 PST 2024

@@ -1438,13 +1438,105 @@ void VPlanTransforms::addActiveLaneMask(
+// Convert each widen Recipe to a widen EVLRecipe in VectorLoopRegion.
+// \p HeaderMask  Header Mask.
+// \p CurRecipe   Recipe to be transform.
+// \p TypeInfo    VPlan-based type analysis.
+// \p AllOneMask  The vector mask parameter of vector-predication intrinsics.
+// \p EVL         The explicit vector length parameter of vector-predication
+// intrinsics.
+static VPRecipeBase *createEVLRecipe(VPValue *HeaderMask,
+                                     VPRecipeBase &CurRecipe,
+                                     VPTypeAnalysis &TypeInfo,
+                                     VPValue &AllOneMask, VPValue &EVL) {
+  using namespace llvm::VPlanPatternMatch;
+  auto GetNewMask = [&](VPValue *OrigMask) -> VPValue * {
+    assert(OrigMask && "Unmasked recipe when folding tail");
+    return HeaderMask == OrigMask ? nullptr : OrigMask;
+  };
+  return TypeSwitch<VPRecipeBase *, VPRecipeBase *>(&CurRecipe)
+      .Case<VPWidenLoadRecipe>([&](VPWidenLoadRecipe *L) {
+        VPValue *NewMask = GetNewMask(L->getMask());
+        return new VPWidenLoadEVLRecipe(*L, EVL, NewMask);
+      })
+      .Case<VPWidenStoreRecipe>([&](VPWidenStoreRecipe *S) {
+        VPValue *NewMask = GetNewMask(S->getMask());
+        return new VPWidenStoreEVLRecipe(*S, EVL, NewMask);
+      })
+      .Case<VPWidenRecipe>([&](VPWidenRecipe *W) -> VPRecipeBase * {
+        unsigned Opcode = W->getOpcode();
+        if (!Instruction::isBinaryOp(Opcode) && !Instruction::isUnaryOp(Opcode))
+          return nullptr;
+        return new VPWidenEVLRecipe(*W, EVL);
+      })
+      .Case<VPReductionRecipe>([&](VPReductionRecipe *Red) {
+        VPValue *NewMask = GetNewMask(Red->getCondOp());
+        return new VPReductionEVLRecipe(*Red, EVL, NewMask);
+      })
+      .Case<VPWidenIntrinsicRecipe>(
+          [&](VPWidenIntrinsicRecipe *CInst) -> VPRecipeBase * {
+            auto *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(CInst->getUnderlyingInstr());
LiqinWeng wrote:

There is currently no test case to cover it,do you have any way to construct a test for this scenario?


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