[llvm] [SPIR-V] Add SPIRV to LLVM_ALL_TARGETS (PR #119653)

Nathan Gauër via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Dec 17 04:43:39 PST 2024

Keenuts wrote:

Thanks for the input!

> Vulkan flavoured SPIR-V backend is definitely not, as was said above, and there is quite a big difference between the two.

Yes, that's correct. As of today, there is still no way to generate useful vulkan shaders since HLSL resources lowering is still being worked on.

> This should be reflected in the documentation of the backend at least.

Agreeing on this, the fact that a part of the SPIR-V support is still not completely stable should be mentioned in the docs.

> Maybe Vulkan support could be gated under a separate compilation flag, but probably doesn't matter much.

Do you mean gating the VK related triple use behind a compile flag, or the actual Vulkan files/parts of the backend?
For the triple, I wouldn't object to this. Seems fair to say "don't use this triple as it's not stable yet" in a normal LLVM release.
If it's gating some code path between ifdefs, I don't think that would be helpful given the amount of shared code between the OpenCL and Vulkan flavors.


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