[compiler-rt] [scudo] Add EnableMultiRegions mode (PR #98076)

Christopher Ferris via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Dec 16 17:40:07 PST 2024

@@ -155,82 +176,111 @@ template <typename Config> class SizeClassAllocator64 {
   void unmapTestOnly() {
     for (uptr I = 0; I < NumClasses; I++) {
-      RegionInfo *Region = getRegionInfo(I);
-      {
-        ScopedLock ML(Region->MMLock);
-        MemMapT MemMap = Region->MemMapInfo.MemMap;
+      auto RegionInfoIter = RegionInfoManager.getRegionInfoIter(I);
+      do {
+        ScopedLock ML(RegionInfoIter->MMLock);
+        MemMapT MemMap = RegionInfoIter->MemMapInfo.MemMap;
         if (MemMap.isAllocated())
           MemMap.unmap(MemMap.getBase(), MemMap.getCapacity());
-      }
-      *Region = {};
+        RegionInfo *OldRegion = RegionInfoIter.get();
+        ++RegionInfoIter;
+        *OldRegion = {};
+      } while (!RegionInfoIter.end());
   // When all blocks are freed, it has to be the same size as `AllocatedUser`.
   void verifyAllBlocksAreReleasedTestOnly() {
+    uptr NumRegionInfo = 0;
+    // TODO: Verify all pointers are belong to the right region
     // `BatchGroup` and `TransferBatch` also use the blocks from BatchClass.
     uptr BatchClassUsedInFreeLists = 0;
     for (uptr I = 0; I < NumClasses; I++) {
       // We have to count BatchClassUsedInFreeLists in other regions first.
       if (I == SizeClassMap::BatchClassId)
-      RegionInfo *Region = getRegionInfo(I);
-      ScopedLock ML(Region->MMLock);
-      ScopedLock FL(Region->FLLock);
-      const uptr BlockSize = getSizeByClassId(I);
-      uptr TotalBlocks = 0;
-      for (BatchGroupT &BG : Region->FreeListInfo.BlockList) {
-        // `BG::Batches` are `TransferBatches`. +1 for `BatchGroup`.
-        BatchClassUsedInFreeLists += BG.Batches.size() + 1;
-        for (const auto &It : BG.Batches)
-          TotalBlocks += It.getCount();
-      }
+      auto RegionInfoIter = RegionInfoManager.getRegionInfoIter(I);
+      do {
+        ++NumRegionInfo;
+        ScopedLock ML(RegionInfoIter->MMLock);
+        ScopedLock FL(RegionInfoIter->FLLock);
+        const uptr BlockSize = getSizeByClassId(I);
+        uptr TotalBlocks = 0;
+        for (BatchGroupT &BG : RegionInfoIter->FreeListInfo.BlockList) {
+          // `BG::Batches` are `TransferBatches`. +1 for `BatchGroup`.
+          BatchClassUsedInFreeLists += BG.Batches.size() + 1;
+          for (const auto &It : BG.Batches)
+            TotalBlocks += It.getCount();
+        }
-      DCHECK_EQ(TotalBlocks, Region->MemMapInfo.AllocatedUser / BlockSize);
-      DCHECK_EQ(Region->FreeListInfo.PushedBlocks,
-                Region->FreeListInfo.PoppedBlocks);
+        DCHECK_EQ(TotalBlocks,
+                  RegionInfoIter->MemMapInfo.AllocatedUser / BlockSize);
+        DCHECK_EQ(RegionInfoIter->FreeListInfo.PushedBlocks,
+                  RegionInfoIter->FreeListInfo.PoppedBlocks);
+        ++RegionInfoIter;
+      } while (!RegionInfoIter.end());
-    RegionInfo *Region = getRegionInfo(SizeClassMap::BatchClassId);
-    ScopedLock ML(Region->MMLock);
-    ScopedLock FL(Region->FLLock);
-    const uptr BlockSize = getSizeByClassId(SizeClassMap::BatchClassId);
-    uptr TotalBlocks = 0;
-    for (BatchGroupT &BG : Region->FreeListInfo.BlockList) {
-      if (LIKELY(!BG.Batches.empty())) {
-        for (const auto &It : BG.Batches)
-          TotalBlocks += It.getCount();
-      } else {
-        // `BatchGroup` with empty freelist doesn't have `TransferBatch` record
-        // itself.
-        ++TotalBlocks;
+    auto RegionInfoIter =
+        RegionInfoManager.getRegionInfoIter(SizeClassMap::BatchClassId);
+    do {
+      ++NumRegionInfo;
+      ScopedLock ML(RegionInfoIter->MMLock);
+      ScopedLock FL(RegionInfoIter->FLLock);
+      const uptr BlockSize = getSizeByClassId(SizeClassMap::BatchClassId);
+      uptr TotalBlocks = 0;
+      for (BatchGroupT &BG : RegionInfoIter->FreeListInfo.BlockList) {
+        if (LIKELY(!BG.Batches.empty())) {
+          for (const auto &It : BG.Batches)
+            TotalBlocks += It.getCount();
+        } else {
+          // `BatchGroup` with empty freelist doesn't have `TransferBatch`
+          // record itself.
+          ++TotalBlocks;
+        }
-    }
-    DCHECK_EQ(TotalBlocks + BatchClassUsedInFreeLists,
-              Region->MemMapInfo.AllocatedUser / BlockSize);
-    DCHECK_GE(Region->FreeListInfo.PoppedBlocks,
-              Region->FreeListInfo.PushedBlocks);
-    const uptr BlocksInUse =
-        Region->FreeListInfo.PoppedBlocks - Region->FreeListInfo.PushedBlocks;
-    DCHECK_EQ(BlocksInUse, BatchClassUsedInFreeLists);
+      DCHECK_EQ(TotalBlocks + BatchClassUsedInFreeLists,
+                RegionInfoIter->MemMapInfo.AllocatedUser / BlockSize);
+      DCHECK_GE(RegionInfoIter->FreeListInfo.PoppedBlocks,
+                RegionInfoIter->FreeListInfo.PushedBlocks);
+      const uptr BlocksInUse = RegionInfoIter->FreeListInfo.PoppedBlocks -
+                               RegionInfoIter->FreeListInfo.PushedBlocks;
+      DCHECK_EQ(BlocksInUse, BatchClassUsedInFreeLists);
+      ++RegionInfoIter;
+    } while (!RegionInfoIter.end());
+    RegionInfoAllocator.verifyTheNumberOfAllocatedRegionInfo(NumRegionInfo);
   u16 popBlocks(CacheT *C, uptr ClassId, CompactPtrT *ToArray,
                 const u16 MaxBlockCount) {
     DCHECK_LT(ClassId, NumClasses);
-    RegionInfo *Region = getRegionInfo(ClassId);
+    auto RegionInfoIter = RegionInfoManager.getRegionInfoIter(ClassId);
     u16 PopCount = 0;
-    {
-      ScopedLock L(Region->FLLock);
-      PopCount = popBlocksImpl(C, ClassId, Region, ToArray, MaxBlockCount);
-      if (PopCount != 0U)
-        return PopCount;
-    }
+    do {
+      {
+        ScopedLock FL(RegionInfoIter->FLLock);
+        PopCount = popBlocksImpl(C, ClassId, RegionInfoIter.get(), ToArray,
+                                 MaxBlockCount);
+        if (PopCount != 0U)
+          return PopCount;
+      }
+      ++RegionInfoIter;
+    } while (!RegionInfoIter.end());
     bool ReportRegionExhausted = false;
-    if (conditionVariableEnabled()) {
+    RegionInfo *Region = RegionInfoManager.getCurRegionInfo(ClassId);
+    // TODO(chiahungduan): Support multiple-regions with condition variable.
cferris1000 wrote:

Similar question, can we add  DCHECK that will fail if condition is enabled but isn't supported.

Better if it could be a static_assert to cause a compilation failure.


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