[llvm] [llvm-(min-)tblgen] Avoid redundant source compilation (PR #114494)

Michael Kruse via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Dec 16 02:47:18 PST 2024

Meinersbur wrote:

> Almost good. Please make sure merging onto main before committing.

Any change in a moved/renamed file shows up in a conflict in GitHub, even if nothing in the moved file was changed, so a new conflict showing up between push and reviews is very likely. When merging main, git recogizes the renamed and automatically applies any upstream changes to the new location. GitHub's auto-merge UI does not.

This is also the reason why the code_formatter bot does not pass: it wants to reformat the moved files entirely. If we want them to be formatted, it should be done in a separate "format code" patch. Doing it here would cause actual merge conflicts with the formatted/moved and unformated/original files.


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