[llvm] TargetLibraryInfo: Use pointer index size to determine getSizeTSize(). (PR #118747)

Owen Anderson via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Dec 5 13:47:28 PST 2024

@@ -1465,13 +1465,19 @@ unsigned TargetLibraryInfoImpl::getSizeTSize(const Module &M) const {
   // Historically LLVM assume that size_t has same size as intptr_t (hence
   // deriving the size from sizeof(int*) in address space zero). This should
-  // work for most targets. For future consideration: DataLayout also implement
-  // getIndexSizeInBits which might map better to size_t compared to
-  // getPointerSizeInBits. Hard coding address space zero here might be
-  // unfortunate as well. Maybe getDefaultGlobalsAddressSpace() or
-  // getAllocaAddrSpace() is better.
+  // work for most targets. For future consideration: Hard coding address space
+  // zero here might be unfortunate. Maybe getMaxIndexSizeInBits() is better.
resistor wrote:

I don't think there's a huge difference in the approaches here. `getSizeTSize` already takes a `Module` argument specifically to enable target-specific overriding of the default behavior, but as of yet we don't have a target that can't be handle purely by the generic logic.

I'll address @arsenm's feedback and update the comment in this file to make it clear that targets may add overrides in this function.


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