[libc] [llvm] [libc] Remove memcpy (PR #118775)

Guillaume Chatelet via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Dec 5 01:31:01 PST 2024

https://github.com/gchatelet created https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/118775

- **[reland][libc][bazel] Enable software prefetching for memcpy**
- **[libc] Remove automemcpy folder**

>From 65e03146f5948f31071984e81c128b000651a338 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Guillaume Chatelet <gchatelet at google.com>
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2024 15:16:38 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] [reland][libc][bazel] Enable software prefetching for

This will affect only Bazel configuration for now.
This is a reland of #108939 which has been reverted because of codegen
issues fixed by https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/113161.
 .../bazel/llvm-project-overlay/libc/libc_configure_options.bzl  | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/utils/bazel/llvm-project-overlay/libc/libc_configure_options.bzl b/utils/bazel/llvm-project-overlay/libc/libc_configure_options.bzl
index f65da9e98226b6..96d7fa86e9ddf2 100644
--- a/utils/bazel/llvm-project-overlay/libc/libc_configure_options.bzl
+++ b/utils/bazel/llvm-project-overlay/libc/libc_configure_options.bzl
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ LIBC_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS = [
     # Documentation in libc/src/string/memory_utils/...
     # Documentation in libc/docs/dev/printf_behavior.rst

>From 512ffbb28a08460afbec7b17c864fbec413e052b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Guillaume Chatelet <gchatelet at google.com>
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2024 09:27:42 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] [libc] Remove automemcpy folder

The build is currently broken and we don't have the resources to keep it up to date :-/
 libc/benchmarks/CMakeLists.txt                |   2 -
 libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/CMakeLists.txt     |  12 -
 libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/README.md          | 111 ---
 .../automemcpy/include/automemcpy/CodeGen.h   |  26 -
 .../include/automemcpy/FunctionDescriptor.h   | 159 -----
 .../automemcpy/RandomFunctionGenerator.h      |  62 --
 .../include/automemcpy/ResultAnalyzer.h       | 109 ---
 libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/lib/CMakeLists.txt |  37 -
 libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/lib/CodeGen.cpp    | 644 ------------------
 .../benchmarks/automemcpy/lib/CodeGenMain.cpp |  29 -
 .../lib/RandomFunctionGenerator.cpp           | 280 --------
 .../automemcpy/lib/ResultAnalyzer.cpp         | 204 ------
 .../automemcpy/lib/ResultAnalyzerMain.cpp     | 175 -----
 .../automemcpy/unittests/CMakeLists.txt       |   9 -
 .../automemcpy/unittests/CodeGenTest.cpp      | 226 ------
 .../unittests/ResultAnalyzerTest.cpp          | 191 ------
 libc/docs/dev/source_tree_layout.rst          |   3 +-
 17 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 2278 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/CMakeLists.txt
 delete mode 100644 libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/README.md
 delete mode 100644 libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/include/automemcpy/CodeGen.h
 delete mode 100644 libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/include/automemcpy/FunctionDescriptor.h
 delete mode 100644 libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/include/automemcpy/RandomFunctionGenerator.h
 delete mode 100644 libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/include/automemcpy/ResultAnalyzer.h
 delete mode 100644 libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/lib/CMakeLists.txt
 delete mode 100644 libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/lib/CodeGen.cpp
 delete mode 100644 libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/lib/CodeGenMain.cpp
 delete mode 100644 libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/lib/RandomFunctionGenerator.cpp
 delete mode 100644 libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/lib/ResultAnalyzer.cpp
 delete mode 100644 libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/lib/ResultAnalyzerMain.cpp
 delete mode 100644 libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/unittests/CMakeLists.txt
 delete mode 100644 libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/unittests/CodeGenTest.cpp
 delete mode 100644 libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/unittests/ResultAnalyzerTest.cpp

diff --git a/libc/benchmarks/CMakeLists.txt b/libc/benchmarks/CMakeLists.txt
index 52e3f942d16ea3..5cd612a14b5402 100644
--- a/libc/benchmarks/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/libc/benchmarks/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -212,5 +212,3 @@ target_link_libraries(libc.benchmarks.memory_functions.opt_host
diff --git a/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/CMakeLists.txt b/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ef9b4218c8d617..00000000000000
--- a/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-  return ()
-  MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Building llvm-libc automemcpy requires Z3")
diff --git a/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/README.md b/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 8583368993ef06..00000000000000
--- a/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-This folder contains an implementation of [automemcpy: A framework for automatic generation of fundamental memory operations](https://research.google/pubs/pub50338/).
-It uses the [Z3 theorem prover](https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3) to enumerate a subset of valid memory function implementations. These implementations are then materialized as C++ code and can be [benchmarked](../) against various [size distributions](../distributions). This process helps the design of efficient implementations for a particular environnement (size distribution, processor or custom compilation options).
-This is not enabled by default, as it is mostly useful when working on tuning the library implementation. To build it, use `LIBC_BUILD_AUTOMEMCPY=ON` (see below).
-## Prerequisites
-You may need to install `Z3` from source if it's not available on your system.
-Here we show instructions to install it into `<Z3_INSTALL_DIR>`.
-You may need to `sudo` to `make install`.
-mkdir -p ~/git
-cd ~/git
-git clone https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3.git
-python scripts/mk_make.py --prefix=<Z3_INSTALL_DIR>
-cd build
-make -j
-make install
-## Configuration
-mkdir -p <BUILD_DIR>
-cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang \
- -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang++ \
-## Targets and compilation
-There are three main CMake targets
- 1. `automemcpy_implementations`
-    - runs `Z3` and materializes valid memory functions as C++ code, a message will display its ondisk location.
-    - the source code is then compiled using the native host optimizations (i.e. `-march=native` or `-mcpu=native` depending on the architecture).
- 2. `automemcpy`
-    - the binary that benchmarks the autogenerated implementations.
- 3. `automemcpy_result_analyzer`
-    - the binary that analyses the benchmark results.
-You may only compile the binaries as they both pull the autogenerated code as a dependency.
-make -C <BUILD_DIR> -j automemcpy automemcpy_result_analyzer
-## Running the benchmarks
-Make sure to save the results of the benchmark as a json file.
-<BUILD_DIR>/bin/automemcpy --benchmark_out_format=json --benchmark_out=<RESULTS_DIR>/results.json
-### Additional useful options
- - `--benchmark_min_time=.2`
-     By default, each function is benchmarked for at least one second, here we lower it to 200ms.
- - `--benchmark_filter="BM_Memset|BM_Bzero"`
-     By default, all functions are benchmarked, here we restrict them to `memset` and `bzero`.
-Other options might be useful, use `--help` for more information.
-## Analyzing the benchmarks
-Analysis is performed by running `automemcpy_result_analyzer` on one or more json result files.
-<BUILD_DIR>/bin/automemcpy_result_analyzer <RESULTS_DIR>/results.json
-What it does:
-  1. Gathers all throughput values for each function / distribution pair and picks the median one.\
-  This allows picking a representative value over many runs of the benchmark. Please make sure all the runs happen under similar circumstances.
-  2. For each distribution, look at the span of throughputs for functions of the same type (e.g. For distribution `A`, memcpy throughput spans from 2GiB/s to 5GiB/s).
-  3. For each distribution, give a normalized score to each function (e.g. For distribution `A`, function `M` scores 0.65).\
-  This score is then turned into a grade `EXCELLENT`, `VERY_GOOD`, `GOOD`, `PASSABLE`, `INADEQUATE`, `MEDIOCRE`, `BAD` - so that each distribution categorizes how function perform according to them.
-  4. A [Majority Judgement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Majority_judgment) process is then used to categorize each function. This enables finer analysis of how distributions agree on which function is better. In the following example, `Function_1` and `Function_2` are rated `EXCELLENT` but looking at the grade's distribution might help decide which is best.
-| Function_1 |     7     |     1     |   2  |          |            |          |     |
-| Function_2 |     6     |     4     |      |          |            |          |     |
-The tool outputs the histogram of grades for each function. In case of tie, other dimensions might help decide (e.g. code size, performance on other microarchitectures).
-EXCELLENT  |█▁▂    |  Function_0
-EXCELLENT  |█▅     |  Function_1
-VERY_GOOD  |▂█▁ ▁  |  Function_2
-GOOD       | ▁█▄   |  Function_3
-PASSABLE   | ▂▆▄█  |  Function_4
-INADEQUATE |  ▃▃█▁ |  Function_5
-MEDIOCRE   |    █▆▁|  Function_6
-BAD        |    ▁▁█|  Function_7
diff --git a/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/include/automemcpy/CodeGen.h b/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/include/automemcpy/CodeGen.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 389e8249f93993..00000000000000
--- a/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/include/automemcpy/CodeGen.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-//===-- C++ code generation from NamedFunctionDescriptors -------*- C++ -*-===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-#include "automemcpy/FunctionDescriptor.h"
-#include <llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h>
-#include <llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h>
-#include <vector>
-namespace llvm {
-namespace automemcpy {
-// This function serializes the array of FunctionDescriptors as a C++ file.
-void Serialize(raw_ostream &Stream, ArrayRef<FunctionDescriptor> FD);
-} // namespace automemcpy
-} // namespace llvm
diff --git a/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/include/automemcpy/FunctionDescriptor.h b/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/include/automemcpy/FunctionDescriptor.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 65477d9d72a0ee..00000000000000
--- a/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/include/automemcpy/FunctionDescriptor.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-//===-- Pod structs to describe a memory function----------------*- C++ -*-===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-#include <climits>
-#include <cstddef>
-#include <llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h>
-#include <llvm/ADT/Hashing.h>
-#include <llvm/ADT/StringRef.h>
-#include <optional>
-#include <tuple>
-namespace llvm {
-namespace automemcpy {
-// Boilerplate code to be able to sort and hash types.
-#define COMPARABLE_AND_HASHABLE(T, ...)                                        \
-  inline auto asTuple() const { return std::tie(__VA_ARGS__); }                \
-  bool operator==(const T &O) const { return asTuple() == O.asTuple(); }       \
-  bool operator<(const T &O) const { return asTuple() < O.asTuple(); }         \
-  struct Hasher {                                                              \
-    std::size_t operator()(const T &K) const {                                 \
-      return llvm::hash_value(K.asTuple());                                    \
-    }                                                                          \
-  };
-// Represents the maximum value for the size parameter of a memory function.
-// This is an `int` so we can use it as an expression in Z3.
-// It also allows for a more readable and compact representation when storing
-// the SizeSpan in the autogenerated C++ file.
-static constexpr int kMaxSize = INT_MAX;
-// This mimics the `Arg` type in libc/src/string/memory_utils/elements.h without
-// having to depend on it.
-enum class AlignArg { _1, _2, ARRAY_SIZE };
-// Describes a range of sizes.
-// We use the begin/end representation instead of first/last to allow for empty
-// range (i.e. Begin == End)
-struct SizeSpan {
-  size_t Begin = 0;
-  size_t End = 0;
-// Describes a contiguous region.
-// In such a region all sizes are handled individually.
-// e.g. with Span = {0, 2};
-// if(size == 0) return Handle<0>();
-// if(size == 1) return Handle<1>();
-struct Contiguous {
-  SizeSpan Span;
-// This struct represents a range of sizes over which to use an overlapping
-// strategy. An overlapping strategy of size N handles all sizes from N to 2xN.
-// The span may represent several contiguous overlaps.
-// e.g. with Span = {16, 128};
-// if(size >= 16 and size < 32) return Handle<Overlap<16>>();
-// if(size >= 32 and size < 64) return Handle<Overlap<32>>();
-// if(size >= 64 and size < 128) return Handle<Overlap<64>>();
-struct Overlap {
-  SizeSpan Span;
-// Describes a region using a loop handling BlockSize bytes at a time. The
-// remaining bytes of the loop are handled with an overlapping operation.
-struct Loop {
-  SizeSpan Span;
-  size_t BlockSize = 0;
-// Same as `Loop` but starts by aligning a buffer on `Alignment` bytes.
-// A first operation handling 'Alignment` bytes is performed followed by a
-// sequence of Loop.BlockSize bytes operation. The Loop starts processing from
-// the next aligned byte in the chosen buffer. The remaining bytes of the loop
-// are handled with an overlapping operation.
-struct AlignedLoop {
-  Loop Loop;
-  size_t Alignment = 0;            // Size of the alignment.
-  AlignArg AlignTo = AlignArg::_1; // Which buffer to align.
-  COMPARABLE_AND_HASHABLE(AlignedLoop, Loop, Alignment, AlignTo)
-// Some processors offer special instruction to handle the memory function
-// completely, we refer to such instructions as accelerators.
-struct Accelerator {
-  SizeSpan Span;
-// The memory functions are assembled out of primitives that can be implemented
-// with regular scalar operations (SCALAR), with the help of vector or bitcount
-// instructions (NATIVE) or by deferring it to the compiler (BUILTIN).
-enum class ElementTypeClass {
-// A simple enum to categorize which function is being implemented.
-enum class FunctionType {
-  BCMP,
-// This struct describes the skeleton of the implementation, it does not go into
-// every detail but is enough to uniquely identify the implementation.
-struct FunctionDescriptor {
-  FunctionType Type;
-  std::optional<Contiguous> Contiguous;
-  std::optional<Overlap> Overlap;
-  std::optional<Loop> Loop;
-  std::optional<AlignedLoop> AlignedLoop;
-  std::optional<Accelerator> Accelerator;
-  ElementTypeClass ElementClass;
-  COMPARABLE_AND_HASHABLE(FunctionDescriptor, Type, Contiguous, Overlap, Loop,
-                          AlignedLoop, Accelerator, ElementClass)
-  inline size_t id() const { return llvm::hash_value(asTuple()); }
-// Same as above but with the function name.
-struct NamedFunctionDescriptor {
-  StringRef Name;
-  FunctionDescriptor Desc;
-template <typename T> llvm::hash_code hash_value(const ArrayRef<T> &V) {
-  return llvm::hash_combine_range(V.begin(), V.end());
-template <typename T> llvm::hash_code hash_value(const T &O) {
-  return llvm::hash_value(O.asTuple());
-} // namespace automemcpy
-} // namespace llvm
diff --git a/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/include/automemcpy/RandomFunctionGenerator.h b/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/include/automemcpy/RandomFunctionGenerator.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 28756e8f86c0ee..00000000000000
--- a/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/include/automemcpy/RandomFunctionGenerator.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-//===-- Generate random but valid function descriptors  ---------*- C++ -*-===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-#include "automemcpy/FunctionDescriptor.h"
-#include <cstddef>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h>
-#include <llvm/ADT/StringRef.h>
-#include <optional>
-#include <vector>
-#include <z3++.h>
-namespace llvm {
-namespace automemcpy {
-// Holds the state for the constraint solver.
-// It implements a single method that returns the next valid description.
-struct RandomFunctionGenerator {
-  RandomFunctionGenerator();
-  // Get the next valid FunctionDescriptor or std::nullopt.
-  std::optional<FunctionDescriptor> next();
-  // Returns an expression where `Variable` is forced to be one of the `Values`.
-  z3::expr inSetConstraint(z3::expr &Variable, ArrayRef<int> Values) const;
-  // Add constaints to `Begin` and `End` so that they are:
-  // - between 0 and kMaxSize (inclusive)
-  // - ordered (begin<=End)
-  // - amongst a set of predefined values.
-  void addBoundsAndAnchors(z3::expr &Begin, z3::expr &End);
-  // Add constraints to make sure that the loop block size is amongst a set of
-  // predefined values. Also makes sure that the loop that the loop is iterated
-  // at least `LoopMinIter` times.
-  void addLoopConstraints(const z3::expr &LoopBegin, const z3::expr &LoopEnd,
-                          z3::expr &LoopBlockSize, int LoopMinIter);
-  z3::context Context;
-  z3::solver Solver;
-  z3::expr Type;
-  z3::expr ContiguousBegin, ContiguousEnd;
-  z3::expr OverlapBegin, OverlapEnd;
-  z3::expr LoopBegin, LoopEnd, LoopBlockSize;
-  z3::expr AlignedLoopBegin, AlignedLoopEnd, AlignedLoopBlockSize,
-      AlignedAlignment, AlignedArg;
-  z3::expr AcceleratorBegin, AcceleratorEnd;
-  z3::expr ElementClass;
-} // namespace automemcpy
-} // namespace llvm
diff --git a/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/include/automemcpy/ResultAnalyzer.h b/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/include/automemcpy/ResultAnalyzer.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d4bf2725827671..00000000000000
--- a/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/include/automemcpy/ResultAnalyzer.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-//===-- Analyze benchmark JSON files ----------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-#include "automemcpy/FunctionDescriptor.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
-#include <array>
-#include <vector>
-namespace llvm {
-namespace automemcpy {
-// A Grade as in the Majority Judgment voting system.
-struct Grade {
-  enum GradeEnum {
-    GOOD,
-    BAD,
-  };
-  // Returns a human readable string of the enum.
-  static StringRef getString(const GradeEnum &GE);
-  // Turns 'Score' into a GradeEnum.
-  static GradeEnum judge(double Score);
-// A 'GradeEnum' indexed array with counts for each grade.
-using GradeHistogram = std::array<size_t, Grade::ARRAY_SIZE>;
-// Identifies a Function by its name and type. Used as a key in a map.
-struct FunctionId {
-  StringRef Name;
-  FunctionType Type;
-  COMPARABLE_AND_HASHABLE(FunctionId, Type, Name)
-struct PerDistributionData {
-  std::vector<double> BytesPerSecondSamples;
-  double BytesPerSecondMedian;   // Median of samples for this distribution.
-  double BytesPerSecondMean;     // Mean of samples for this distribution.
-  double BytesPerSecondVariance; // Variance of samples for this distribution.
-  double Score;                  // Normalized score for this distribution.
-  Grade::GradeEnum Grade;        // Grade for this distribution.
-struct FunctionData {
-  FunctionId Id;
-  StringMap<PerDistributionData> PerDistributionData;
-  double ScoresGeoMean;           // Geomean of scores for each distribution.
-  GradeHistogram GradeHisto = {}; // GradeEnum indexed array
-  Grade::GradeEnum FinalGrade = Grade::BAD; // Overall grade for this function
-// Identifies a Distribution by its name. Used as a key in a map.
-struct DistributionId {
-  StringRef Name;
-  COMPARABLE_AND_HASHABLE(DistributionId, Name)
-// Identifies a Sample by its distribution and function. Used as a key in a map.
-struct SampleId {
-  FunctionId Function;
-  DistributionId Distribution;
-  COMPARABLE_AND_HASHABLE(SampleId, Function.Type, Function.Name,
-                          Distribution.Name)
-// The type of Samples as reported by the Google Benchmark's JSON result file.
-// We are only interested in the "iteration" samples, the "aggregate" ones
-// represent derived metrics such as 'mean' or 'median'.
-enum class SampleType { UNKNOWN, ITERATION, AGGREGATE };
-// A SampleId with an associated measured throughput.
-struct Sample {
-  SampleId Id;
-  SampleType Type = SampleType::UNKNOWN;
-  double BytesPerSecond = 0;
-// This function collects Samples that belong to the same distribution and
-// function and retains the median one. It then stores each of them into a
-// 'FunctionData' and returns them as a vector.
-std::vector<FunctionData> getThroughputs(ArrayRef<Sample> Samples);
-// Normalize the function's throughput per distribution.
-void fillScores(MutableArrayRef<FunctionData> Functions);
-// Convert scores into Grades, stores an histogram of Grade for each functions
-// and cast a median grade for the function.
-void castVotes(MutableArrayRef<FunctionData> Functions);
-} // namespace automemcpy
-} // namespace llvm
diff --git a/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/lib/CMakeLists.txt b/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/lib/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e66b9045b6074a..00000000000000
--- a/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/lib/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-add_library(automemcpy_codegen CodeGen.cpp)
-target_link_libraries(automemcpy_codegen PUBLIC LLVMSupport)
-target_include_directories(automemcpy_codegen PUBLIC ${LIBC_AUTOMEMCPY_INCLUDE_DIR})
-add_executable(automemcpy_codegen_main CodeGenMain.cpp RandomFunctionGenerator.cpp)
-target_link_libraries(automemcpy_codegen_main PUBLIC automemcpy_codegen ${Z3_LIBRARIES})
-set(Implementations "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Implementations.cpp")
-    OUTPUT ${Implementations}
-    COMMAND "${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/automemcpy_codegen_main" > "${Implementations}"
-    COMMAND echo "automemcpy implementations generated in ${Implementations}"
-    DEPENDS automemcpy_codegen_main
-add_library(automemcpy_implementations "${Implementations}")
-target_link_libraries(automemcpy_implementations PUBLIC LLVMSupport libc-memory-benchmark)
-target_include_directories(automemcpy_implementations PRIVATE 
-                           ${LIBC_SOURCE_DIR} ${LIBC_AUTOMEMCPY_INCLUDE_DIR})
-target_compile_options(automemcpy_implementations PRIVATE ${LIBC_COMPILE_OPTIONS_NATIVE} "SHELL:-mllvm -combiner-global-alias-analysis" -fno-builtin)
-add_executable(automemcpy EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ${LIBC_SOURCE_DIR}/benchmarks/LibcMemoryGoogleBenchmarkMain.cpp)
-target_link_libraries(automemcpy PRIVATE libc-memory-benchmark benchmark_main automemcpy_implementations)
-add_library(automemcpy_result_analyzer_lib EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ResultAnalyzer.cpp)
-target_link_libraries(automemcpy_result_analyzer_lib PUBLIC LLVMSupport)
-target_include_directories(automemcpy_result_analyzer_lib PUBLIC ${LIBC_AUTOMEMCPY_INCLUDE_DIR})
-add_executable(automemcpy_result_analyzer EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ResultAnalyzerMain.cpp)
-target_link_libraries(automemcpy_result_analyzer PRIVATE automemcpy_result_analyzer_lib automemcpy_implementations)
diff --git a/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/lib/CodeGen.cpp b/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/lib/CodeGen.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d1336eaf31f340..00000000000000
--- a/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/lib/CodeGen.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,644 +0,0 @@
-//===-- C++ code generation from NamedFunctionDescriptors -----------------===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-// This code is responsible for generating the "Implementation.cpp" file.
-// The file is composed like this:
-// 1. Includes
-// 2. Using statements to help readability.
-// 3. Source code for all the mem function implementations.
-// 4. The function to retrieve all the function descriptors with their name.
-//      llvm::ArrayRef<NamedFunctionDescriptor> getFunctionDescriptors();
-// 5. The functions for the benchmarking infrastructure:
-//      llvm::ArrayRef<MemcpyConfiguration> getMemcpyConfigurations();
-//      llvm::ArrayRef<MemcmpOrBcmpConfiguration> getMemcmpConfigurations();
-//      llvm::ArrayRef<MemcmpOrBcmpConfiguration> getBcmpConfigurations();
-//      llvm::ArrayRef<MemsetConfiguration> getMemsetConfigurations();
-//      llvm::ArrayRef<BzeroConfiguration> getBzeroConfigurations();
-// Sections 3, 4 and 5 are handled by the following namespaces:
-// - codegen::functions
-// - codegen::descriptors
-// - codegen::configurations
-// The programming style is functionnal. In each of these namespace, the
-// original `NamedFunctionDescriptor` object is turned into a different type. We
-// make use of overloaded stream operators to format the resulting type into
-// either a function, a descriptor or a configuration. The entry point of each
-// namespace is the Serialize function.
-// Note the code here is better understood by starting from the `Serialize`
-// function at the end of the file.
-#include "automemcpy/CodeGen.h"
-#include "src/__support/macros/config.h"
-#include <cassert>
-#include <llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h>
-#include <llvm/ADT/StringSet.h>
-#include <llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h>
-#include <llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h>
-#include <optional>
-#include <set>
-namespace llvm {
-namespace automemcpy {
-namespace codegen {
-// The indentation string.
-static constexpr StringRef kIndent = "  ";
-// The codegen namespace handles the serialization of a NamedFunctionDescriptor
-// into source code for the function, the descriptor and the configuration.
-namespace functions {
-// This namespace turns a NamedFunctionDescriptor into an actual implementation.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// e.g.
-// static void memcpy_0xB20D4702493C397E(char *__restrict dst,
-//                                       const char *__restrict src,
-//                                       size_t size) {
-//   using namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE::x86;
-//   if(size == 0) return;
-//   if(size == 1) return copy<_1>(dst, src);
-//   if(size < 4) return copy<HeadTail<_2>>(dst, src, size);
-//   if(size < 8) return copy<HeadTail<_4>>(dst, src, size);
-//   if(size < 16) return copy<HeadTail<_8>>(dst, src, size);
-//   if(size < 32) return copy<HeadTail<_16>>(dst, src, size);
-//   return copy<Accelerator>(dst, src, size);
-// }
-// The `Serialize` method turns a `NamedFunctionDescriptor` into a
-// `FunctionImplementation` which holds all the information needed to produce
-// the C++ source code.
-// An Element with its size (e.g. `_16` in the example above).
-struct ElementType {
-  size_t Size;
-// The case `if(size == 0)` is encoded as a the Zero type.
-struct Zero {
-  StringRef DefaultReturnValue;
-// An individual size `if(size == X)` is encoded as an Individual type.
-struct Individual {
-  size_t IfEq;
-  ElementType Element;
-// An overlap strategy is encoded as an Overlap type.
-struct Overlap {
-  size_t IfLt;
-  ElementType Element;
-// A loop strategy is encoded as a Loop type.
-struct Loop {
-  size_t IfLt;
-  ElementType Element;
-// An aligned loop strategy is encoded as an AlignedLoop type.
-struct AlignedLoop {
-  size_t IfLt;
-  ElementType Element;
-  ElementType Alignment;
-  StringRef AlignTo;
-// The accelerator strategy.
-struct Accelerator {
-  size_t IfLt;
-// The Context stores data about the function type.
-struct Context {
-  StringRef FunctionReturnType; // e.g. void* or int
-  StringRef FunctionArgs;
-  StringRef ElementOp; // copy, three_way_compare, splat_set, ...
-  StringRef FixedSizeArgs;
-  StringRef RuntimeSizeArgs;
-  StringRef DefaultReturnValue;
-// A detailed representation of the function implementation mapped from the
-// NamedFunctionDescriptor.
-struct FunctionImplementation {
-  Context Ctx;
-  StringRef Name;
-  std::vector<Individual> Individuals;
-  std::vector<Overlap> Overlaps;
-  std::optional<Loop> Loop;
-  std::optional<AlignedLoop> AlignedLoop;
-  std::optional<Accelerator> Accelerator;
-  ElementTypeClass ElementClass;
-// Returns the Context for each FunctionType.
-static Context getCtx(FunctionType FT) {
-  switch (FT) {
-  case FunctionType::MEMCPY:
-    return {"void",
-            "(char *__restrict dst, const char *__restrict src, size_t size)",
-            "copy",
-            "(dst, src)",
-            "(dst, src, size)",
-            ""};
-  case FunctionType::MEMCMP:
-    return {"int",
-            "(const char * lhs, const char * rhs, size_t size)",
-            "three_way_compare",
-            "(lhs, rhs)",
-            "(lhs, rhs, size)",
-            "0"};
-  case FunctionType::MEMSET:
-    return {"void",
-            "(char * dst, int value, size_t size)",
-            "splat_set",
-            "(dst, value)",
-            "(dst, value, size)",
-            ""};
-  case FunctionType::BZERO:
-    return {"void",           "(char * dst, size_t size)",
-            "splat_set",      "(dst, 0)",
-            "(dst, 0, size)", ""};
-  default:
-    report_fatal_error("Not yet implemented");
-  }
-static StringRef getAligntoString(const AlignArg &AlignTo) {
-  switch (AlignTo) {
-  case AlignArg::_1:
-    return "Arg::P1";
-  case AlignArg::_2:
-    return "Arg::P2";
-  case AlignArg::ARRAY_SIZE:
-    report_fatal_error("logic error");
-  }
-static raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &Stream, const ElementType &E) {
-  return Stream << '_' << E.Size;
-static raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &Stream, const Individual &O) {
-  return Stream << O.Element;
-static raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &Stream, const Overlap &O) {
-  return Stream << "HeadTail<" << O.Element << '>';
-static raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &Stream, const Loop &O) {
-  return Stream << "Loop<" << O.Element << '>';
-static raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &Stream, const AlignedLoop &O) {
-  return Stream << "Align<" << O.Alignment << ',' << O.AlignTo << ">::Then<"
-                << Loop{O.IfLt, O.Element} << ">";
-static raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &Stream, const Accelerator &O) {
-  return Stream << "Accelerator";
-template <typename T> struct IfEq {
-  StringRef Op;
-  StringRef Args;
-  const T ∈
-template <typename T> struct IfLt {
-  StringRef Op;
-  StringRef Args;
-  const T ∈
-static raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &Stream, const Zero &O) {
-  Stream << kIndent << "if(size == 0) return";
-  if (!O.DefaultReturnValue.empty())
-    Stream << ' ' << O.DefaultReturnValue;
-  return Stream << ";\n";
-template <typename T>
-static raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &Stream, const IfEq<T> &O) {
-  return Stream << kIndent << "if(size == " << O.Element.IfEq << ") return "
-                << O.Op << '<' << O.Element << '>' << O.Args << ";\n";
-template <typename T>
-static raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &Stream, const IfLt<T> &O) {
-  Stream << kIndent;
-  if (O.Element.IfLt != kMaxSize)
-    Stream << "if(size < " << O.Element.IfLt << ") ";
-  return Stream << "return " << O.Op << '<' << O.Element << '>' << O.Args
-                << ";\n";
-static raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &Stream,
-                               const ElementTypeClass &Class) {
-  switch (Class) {
-  case ElementTypeClass::SCALAR:
-    return Stream << "scalar";
-  case ElementTypeClass::BUILTIN:
-    return Stream << "builtin";
-  case ElementTypeClass::NATIVE:
-    // FIXME: the framework should provide a `native` namespace that redirect to
-    // x86, arm or other architectures.
-    return Stream << "x86";
-  }
-static raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &Stream,
-                               const FunctionImplementation &FI) {
-  const auto &Ctx = FI.Ctx;
-  Stream << "static " << Ctx.FunctionReturnType << ' ' << FI.Name
-         << Ctx.FunctionArgs << " {\n";
-  Stream << kIndent << "using namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE::" << FI.ElementClass
-         << ";\n";
-  for (const auto &I : FI.Individuals)
-    if (I.Element.Size == 0)
-      Stream << Zero{Ctx.DefaultReturnValue};
-    else
-      Stream << IfEq<Individual>{Ctx.ElementOp, Ctx.FixedSizeArgs, I};
-  for (const auto &O : FI.Overlaps)
-    Stream << IfLt<Overlap>{Ctx.ElementOp, Ctx.RuntimeSizeArgs, O};
-  if (const auto &C = FI.Loop)
-    Stream << IfLt<Loop>{Ctx.ElementOp, Ctx.RuntimeSizeArgs, *C};
-  if (const auto &C = FI.AlignedLoop)
-    Stream << IfLt<AlignedLoop>{Ctx.ElementOp, Ctx.RuntimeSizeArgs, *C};
-  if (const auto &C = FI.Accelerator)
-    Stream << IfLt<Accelerator>{Ctx.ElementOp, Ctx.RuntimeSizeArgs, *C};
-  return Stream << "}\n";
-// Turns a `NamedFunctionDescriptor` into a `FunctionImplementation` unfolding
-// the contiguous and overlap region into several statements. The zero case is
-// also mapped to its own type.
-static FunctionImplementation
-getImplementation(const NamedFunctionDescriptor &NamedFD) {
-  const FunctionDescriptor &FD = NamedFD.Desc;
-  FunctionImplementation Impl;
-  Impl.Ctx = getCtx(FD.Type);
-  Impl.Name = NamedFD.Name;
-  Impl.ElementClass = FD.ElementClass;
-  if (auto C = FD.Contiguous)
-    for (size_t I = C->Span.Begin; I < C->Span.End; ++I)
-      Impl.Individuals.push_back(Individual{I, ElementType{I}});
-  if (auto C = FD.Overlap)
-    for (size_t I = C->Span.Begin; I < C->Span.End; I *= 2)
-      Impl.Overlaps.push_back(Overlap{2 * I, ElementType{I}});
-  if (const auto &L = FD.Loop)
-    Impl.Loop = Loop{L->Span.End, ElementType{L->BlockSize}};
-  if (const auto &AL = FD.AlignedLoop)
-    Impl.AlignedLoop =
-        AlignedLoop{AL->Loop.Span.End, ElementType{AL->Loop.BlockSize},
-                    ElementType{AL->Alignment}, getAligntoString(AL->AlignTo)};
-  if (const auto &A = FD.Accelerator)
-    Impl.Accelerator = Accelerator{A->Span.End};
-  return Impl;
-static void Serialize(raw_ostream &Stream,
-                      ArrayRef<NamedFunctionDescriptor> Descriptors) {
-  for (const auto &FD : Descriptors)
-    Stream << getImplementation(FD);
-} // namespace functions
-namespace descriptors {
-// This namespace generates the getFunctionDescriptors function:
-// -------------------------------------------------------------
-// e.g.
-// ArrayRef<NamedFunctionDescriptor> getFunctionDescriptors() {
-//   static constexpr NamedFunctionDescriptor kDescriptors[] = {
-//     {"memcpy_0xE00E29EE73994E2B",{FunctionType::MEMCPY,std::nullopt,std::nullopt,std::nullopt,std::nullopt,Accelerator{{0,kMaxSize}},ElementTypeClass::NATIVE}},
-//     {"memcpy_0x8661D80472487AB5",{FunctionType::MEMCPY,Contiguous{{0,1}},std::nullopt,std::nullopt,std::nullopt,Accelerator{{1,kMaxSize}},ElementTypeClass::NATIVE}},
-//     ...
-//   };
-//   return ArrayRef(kDescriptors);
-// }
-static raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &Stream, const SizeSpan &SS) {
-  Stream << "{" << SS.Begin << ',';
-  if (SS.End == kMaxSize)
-    Stream << "kMaxSize";
-  else
-    Stream << SS.End;
-  return Stream << '}';
-static raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &Stream, const Contiguous &O) {
-  return Stream << "Contiguous{" << O.Span << '}';
-static raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &Stream, const Overlap &O) {
-  return Stream << "Overlap{" << O.Span << '}';
-static raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &Stream, const Loop &O) {
-  return Stream << "Loop{" << O.Span << ',' << O.BlockSize << '}';
-static raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &Stream, const AlignArg &O) {
-  switch (O) {
-  case AlignArg::_1:
-    return Stream << "AlignArg::_1";
-  case AlignArg::_2:
-    return Stream << "AlignArg::_2";
-  case AlignArg::ARRAY_SIZE:
-    report_fatal_error("logic error");
-  }
-static raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &Stream, const AlignedLoop &O) {
-  return Stream << "AlignedLoop{" << O.Loop << ',' << O.Alignment << ','
-                << O.AlignTo << '}';
-static raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &Stream, const Accelerator &O) {
-  return Stream << "Accelerator{" << O.Span << '}';
-static raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &Stream, const ElementTypeClass &O) {
-  switch (O) {
-  case ElementTypeClass::SCALAR:
-    return Stream << "ElementTypeClass::SCALAR";
-  case ElementTypeClass::BUILTIN:
-    return Stream << "ElementTypeClass::BUILTIN";
-  case ElementTypeClass::NATIVE:
-    return Stream << "ElementTypeClass::NATIVE";
-  }
-static raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &Stream, const FunctionType &T) {
-  switch (T) {
-  case FunctionType::MEMCPY:
-    return Stream << "FunctionType::MEMCPY";
-  case FunctionType::MEMCMP:
-    return Stream << "FunctionType::MEMCMP";
-  case FunctionType::BCMP:
-    return Stream << "FunctionType::BCMP";
-  case FunctionType::MEMSET:
-    return Stream << "FunctionType::MEMSET";
-  case FunctionType::BZERO:
-    return Stream << "FunctionType::BZERO";
-  }
-template <typename T>
-static raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &Stream,
-                               const std::optional<T> &MaybeT) {
-  if (MaybeT)
-    return Stream << *MaybeT;
-  return Stream << "std::nullopt";
-static raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &Stream,
-                               const FunctionDescriptor &FD) {
-  return Stream << '{' << FD.Type << ',' << FD.Contiguous << ',' << FD.Overlap
-                << ',' << FD.Loop << ',' << FD.AlignedLoop << ','
-                << FD.Accelerator << ',' << FD.ElementClass << '}';
-static raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &Stream,
-                               const NamedFunctionDescriptor &NFD) {
-  return Stream << '{' << '"' << NFD.Name << '"' << ',' << NFD.Desc << '}';
-template <typename T>
-static raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &Stream,
-                               const std::vector<T> &VectorT) {
-  Stream << '{';
-  bool First = true;
-  for (const auto &Obj : VectorT) {
-    if (!First)
-      Stream << ',';
-    Stream << Obj;
-    First = false;
-  }
-  return Stream << '}';
-static void Serialize(raw_ostream &Stream,
-                      ArrayRef<NamedFunctionDescriptor> Descriptors) {
-  Stream << R"(ArrayRef<NamedFunctionDescriptor> getFunctionDescriptors() {
-  static constexpr NamedFunctionDescriptor kDescriptors[] = {
-  for (size_t I = 0, E = Descriptors.size(); I < E; ++I) {
-    Stream << kIndent << kIndent << Descriptors[I] << ",\n";
-  }
-  Stream << R"(  };
-  return ArrayRef(kDescriptors);
-} // namespace descriptors
-namespace configurations {
-// This namespace generates the getXXXConfigurations functions:
-// ------------------------------------------------------------
-// e.g.
-// llvm::ArrayRef<MemcpyConfiguration> getMemcpyConfigurations() {
-//   using namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE;
-//   static constexpr MemcpyConfiguration kConfigurations[] = {
-//     {Wrap<memcpy_0xE00E29EE73994E2B>, "memcpy_0xE00E29EE73994E2B"},
-//     {Wrap<memcpy_0x8661D80472487AB5>, "memcpy_0x8661D80472487AB5"},
-//     ...
-//   };
-//   return llvm::ArrayRef(kConfigurations);
-// }
-// The `Wrap` template function is provided in the `Main` function below.
-// It is used to adapt the gnerated code to the prototype of the C function.
-// For instance, the generated code for a `memcpy` takes `char*` pointers and
-// returns nothing but the original C `memcpy` function take and returns `void*`
-// pointers.
-struct FunctionName {
-  FunctionType ForType;
-struct ReturnType {
-  FunctionType ForType;
-struct Configuration {
-  FunctionName Name;
-  ReturnType Type;
-  std::vector<const NamedFunctionDescriptor *> Descriptors;
-static raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &Stream, const FunctionName &FN) {
-  switch (FN.ForType) {
-  case FunctionType::MEMCPY:
-    return Stream << "getMemcpyConfigurations";
-  case FunctionType::MEMCMP:
-    return Stream << "getMemcmpConfigurations";
-  case FunctionType::BCMP:
-    return Stream << "getBcmpConfigurations";
-  case FunctionType::MEMSET:
-    return Stream << "getMemsetConfigurations";
-  case FunctionType::BZERO:
-    return Stream << "getBzeroConfigurations";
-  }
-static raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &Stream, const ReturnType &RT) {
-  switch (RT.ForType) {
-  case FunctionType::MEMCPY:
-    return Stream << "MemcpyConfiguration";
-  case FunctionType::MEMCMP:
-  case FunctionType::BCMP:
-    return Stream << "MemcmpOrBcmpConfiguration";
-  case FunctionType::MEMSET:
-    return Stream << "MemsetConfiguration";
-  case FunctionType::BZERO:
-    return Stream << "BzeroConfiguration";
-  }
-static raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &Stream,
-                               const NamedFunctionDescriptor *FD) {
-  return Stream << formatv("{Wrap<{0}>, \"{0}\"}", FD->Name);
-static raw_ostream &
-operator<<(raw_ostream &Stream,
-           const std::vector<const NamedFunctionDescriptor *> &Descriptors) {
-  for (size_t I = 0, E = Descriptors.size(); I < E; ++I)
-    Stream << kIndent << kIndent << Descriptors[I] << ",\n";
-  return Stream;
-static raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &Stream, const Configuration &C) {
-  Stream << "llvm::ArrayRef<" << C.Type << "> " << C.Name << "() {\n";
-  if (C.Descriptors.empty())
-    Stream << kIndent << "return {};\n";
-  else {
-    Stream << kIndent << "using namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE;\n";
-    Stream << kIndent << "static constexpr " << C.Type
-           << " kConfigurations[] = {\n";
-    Stream << C.Descriptors;
-    Stream << kIndent << "};\n";
-    Stream << kIndent << "return llvm::ArrayRef(kConfigurations);\n";
-  }
-  Stream << "}\n";
-  return Stream;
-static void Serialize(raw_ostream &Stream, FunctionType FT,
-                      ArrayRef<NamedFunctionDescriptor> Descriptors) {
-  Configuration Conf;
-  Conf.Name = {FT};
-  Conf.Type = {FT};
-  for (const auto &FD : Descriptors)
-    if (FD.Desc.Type == FT)
-      Conf.Descriptors.push_back(&FD);
-  Stream << Conf;
-} // namespace configurations
-static void Serialize(raw_ostream &Stream,
-                      ArrayRef<NamedFunctionDescriptor> Descriptors) {
-  Stream << "// This file is auto-generated by libc/benchmarks/automemcpy.\n";
-  Stream << "// Functions : " << Descriptors.size() << "\n";
-  Stream << "\n";
-  Stream << "#include \"LibcFunctionPrototypes.h\"\n";
-  Stream << "#include \"automemcpy/FunctionDescriptor.h\"\n";
-  Stream << "#include \"src/string/memory_utils/elements.h\"\n";
-  Stream << "\n";
-  Stream << "using llvm::libc_benchmarks::BzeroConfiguration;\n";
-  Stream << "using llvm::libc_benchmarks::MemcmpOrBcmpConfiguration;\n";
-  Stream << "using llvm::libc_benchmarks::MemcpyConfiguration;\n";
-  Stream << "using llvm::libc_benchmarks::MemmoveConfiguration;\n";
-  Stream << "using llvm::libc_benchmarks::MemsetConfiguration;\n";
-  Stream << "\n";
-  Stream << "namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE_DECL {\n";
-  Stream << "\n";
-  codegen::functions::Serialize(Stream, Descriptors);
-  Stream << "\n";
-  Stream << "} // namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE_DECL\n";
-  Stream << "\n";
-  Stream << "namespace llvm {\n";
-  Stream << "namespace automemcpy {\n";
-  Stream << "\n";
-  codegen::descriptors::Serialize(Stream, Descriptors);
-  Stream << "\n";
-  Stream << "} // namespace automemcpy\n";
-  Stream << "} // namespace llvm\n";
-  Stream << "\n";
-  Stream << R"(
-using MemcpyStub = void (*)(char *__restrict, const char *__restrict, size_t);
-template <MemcpyStub Foo>
-void *Wrap(void *__restrict dst, const void *__restrict src, size_t size) {
-  Foo(reinterpret_cast<char *__restrict>(dst),
-      reinterpret_cast<const char *__restrict>(src), size);
-  return dst;
-  codegen::configurations::Serialize(Stream, FunctionType::MEMCPY, Descriptors);
-  Stream << R"(
-using MemcmpStub = int (*)(const char *, const char *, size_t);
-template <MemcmpStub Foo>
-int Wrap(const void *lhs, const void *rhs, size_t size) {
-  return Foo(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(lhs),
-             reinterpret_cast<const char *>(rhs), size);
-  codegen::configurations::Serialize(Stream, FunctionType::MEMCMP, Descriptors);
-  codegen::configurations::Serialize(Stream, FunctionType::BCMP, Descriptors);
-  Stream << R"(
-using MemsetStub = void (*)(char *, int, size_t);
-template <MemsetStub Foo> void *Wrap(void *dst, int value, size_t size) {
-  Foo(reinterpret_cast<char *>(dst), value, size);
-  return dst;
-  codegen::configurations::Serialize(Stream, FunctionType::MEMSET, Descriptors);
-  Stream << R"(
-using BzeroStub = void (*)(char *, size_t);
-template <BzeroStub Foo> void Wrap(void *dst, size_t size) {
-  Foo(reinterpret_cast<char *>(dst), size);
-  codegen::configurations::Serialize(Stream, FunctionType::BZERO, Descriptors);
-  Stream << R"(
-llvm::ArrayRef<MemmoveConfiguration> getMemmoveConfigurations() {
-  return {};
-  Stream << "// Functions : " << Descriptors.size() << "\n";
-} // namespace codegen
-// Stores `VolatileStr` into a cache and returns a StringRef of the cached
-// version.
-StringRef getInternalizedString(std::string VolatileStr) {
-  static llvm::StringSet StringCache;
-  return StringCache.insert(std::move(VolatileStr)).first->getKey();
-static StringRef getString(FunctionType FT) {
-  switch (FT) {
-  case FunctionType::MEMCPY:
-    return "memcpy";
-  case FunctionType::MEMCMP:
-    return "memcmp";
-  case FunctionType::BCMP:
-    return "bcmp";
-  case FunctionType::MEMSET:
-    return "memset";
-  case FunctionType::BZERO:
-    return "bzero";
-  }
-void Serialize(raw_ostream &Stream, ArrayRef<FunctionDescriptor> Descriptors) {
-  std::vector<NamedFunctionDescriptor> FunctionDescriptors;
-  FunctionDescriptors.reserve(Descriptors.size());
-  for (auto &FD : Descriptors) {
-    FunctionDescriptors.emplace_back();
-    FunctionDescriptors.back().Name = getInternalizedString(
-        formatv("{0}_{1:X16}", getString(FD.Type), FD.id()));
-    FunctionDescriptors.back().Desc = std::move(FD);
-  }
-  // Sort functions so they are easier to spot in the generated C++ file.
-  std::sort(FunctionDescriptors.begin(), FunctionDescriptors.end(),
-            [](const NamedFunctionDescriptor &A,
-               const NamedFunctionDescriptor &B) { return A.Desc < B.Desc; });
-  codegen::Serialize(Stream, FunctionDescriptors);
-} // namespace automemcpy
-} // namespace llvm
diff --git a/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/lib/CodeGenMain.cpp b/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/lib/CodeGenMain.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f4e6fc0423a18..00000000000000
--- a/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/lib/CodeGenMain.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-#include "automemcpy/CodeGen.h"
-#include "automemcpy/RandomFunctionGenerator.h"
-#include <optional>
-#include <unordered_set>
-namespace llvm {
-namespace automemcpy {
-std::vector<FunctionDescriptor> generateFunctionDescriptors() {
-  std::unordered_set<FunctionDescriptor, FunctionDescriptor::Hasher> Seen;
-  std::vector<FunctionDescriptor> FunctionDescriptors;
-  RandomFunctionGenerator P;
-  while (std::optional<FunctionDescriptor> MaybeFD = P.next()) {
-    FunctionDescriptor FD = *MaybeFD;
-    if (Seen.count(FD)) // FIXME: Z3 sometimes returns twice the same object.
-      continue;
-    Seen.insert(FD);
-    FunctionDescriptors.push_back(std::move(FD));
-  }
-  return FunctionDescriptors;
-} // namespace automemcpy
-} // namespace llvm
-int main(int, char **) {
-  llvm::automemcpy::Serialize(llvm::outs(),
-                              llvm::automemcpy::generateFunctionDescriptors());
diff --git a/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/lib/RandomFunctionGenerator.cpp b/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/lib/RandomFunctionGenerator.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f438e2a405bd0a..00000000000000
--- a/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/lib/RandomFunctionGenerator.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
-//===-- Generate random but valid function descriptors  -------------------===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-#include "automemcpy/RandomFunctionGenerator.h"
-#include <llvm/ADT/StringRef.h>
-#include <llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h>
-#include <optional>
-#include <set>
-namespace llvm {
-namespace automemcpy {
-// Exploration parameters
-// ----------------------
-// Here we define a set of values that will contraint the exploration and
-// limit combinatorial explosion.
-// We limit the number of cases for individual sizes to sizes up to 4.
-// More individual sizes don't bring much over the overlapping strategy.
-static constexpr int kMaxIndividualSize = 4;
-// We limit Overlapping Strategy to sizes up to 256.
-// An overlap of 256B means accessing 128B at once which is usually not
-// feasible by current CPUs. We rely on the compiler to generate multiple
-// loads/stores if needed but higher sizes are unlikely to benefit from hardware
-// acceleration.
-static constexpr int kMaxOverlapSize = 256;
-// For the loop strategies, we make sure that they iterate at least a certain
-// number of times to amortize the cost of looping.
-static constexpr int kLoopMinIter = 3;
-static constexpr int kAlignedLoopMinIter = 2;
-// We restrict the size of the block of data to handle in a loop.
-// Generally speaking block size <= 16 perform poorly.
-static constexpr int kLoopBlockSize[] = {16, 32, 64};
-// We restrict alignment to the following values.
-static constexpr int kLoopAlignments[] = {16, 32, 64};
-// We make sure that the region bounds are one of the following values.
-static constexpr int kAnchors[] = {0,  1,  2,   4,   8,   16,   32,      48,
-                                   64, 96, 128, 256, 512, 1024, kMaxSize};
-// We also allow disabling loops, aligned loops and accelerators.
-static constexpr bool kDisableLoop = false;
-static constexpr bool kDisableAlignedLoop = false;
-static constexpr bool kDisableAccelerator = false;
-// For memcpy, we can also explore whether aligning on source or destination has
-// an effect.
-static constexpr bool kExploreAlignmentArg = true;
-// The function we generate code for.
-// BCMP is specifically disabled for now.
-static constexpr int kFunctionTypes[] = {
-    (int)FunctionType::MEMCPY,
-    (int)FunctionType::MEMCMP,
-    //  (int)FunctionType::BCMP,
-    (int)FunctionType::MEMSET,
-    (int)FunctionType::BZERO,
-// The actual implementation of each function can be handled via primitive types
-// (SCALAR), vector types where available (NATIVE) or by the compiler (BUILTIN).
-// We want to move toward delegating the code generation entirely to the
-// compiler but for now we have to make use of -per microarchitecture- custom
-// implementations. Scalar being more portable but also less performant, we
-// remove it as well.
-static constexpr int kElementClasses[] = {
-    // (int)ElementTypeClass::SCALAR,
-    (int)ElementTypeClass::NATIVE,
-    // (int)ElementTypeClass::BUILTIN
-    : Solver(Context), Type(Context.int_const("Type")),
-      ContiguousBegin(Context.int_const("ContiguousBegin")),
-      ContiguousEnd(Context.int_const("ContiguousEnd")),
-      OverlapBegin(Context.int_const("OverlapBegin")),
-      OverlapEnd(Context.int_const("OverlapEnd")),
-      LoopBegin(Context.int_const("LoopBegin")),
-      LoopEnd(Context.int_const("LoopEnd")),
-      LoopBlockSize(Context.int_const("LoopBlockSize")),
-      AlignedLoopBegin(Context.int_const("AlignedLoopBegin")),
-      AlignedLoopEnd(Context.int_const("AlignedLoopEnd")),
-      AlignedLoopBlockSize(Context.int_const("AlignedLoopBlockSize")),
-      AlignedAlignment(Context.int_const("AlignedAlignment")),
-      AlignedArg(Context.int_const("AlignedArg")),
-      AcceleratorBegin(Context.int_const("AcceleratorBegin")),
-      AcceleratorEnd(Context.int_const("AcceleratorEnd")),
-      ElementClass(Context.int_const("ElementClass")) {
-  // All possible functions.
-  Solver.add(inSetConstraint(Type, kFunctionTypes));
-  // Add constraints for region bounds.
-  addBoundsAndAnchors(ContiguousBegin, ContiguousEnd);
-  addBoundsAndAnchors(OverlapBegin, OverlapEnd);
-  addBoundsAndAnchors(LoopBegin, LoopEnd);
-  addBoundsAndAnchors(AlignedLoopBegin, AlignedLoopEnd);
-  addBoundsAndAnchors(AcceleratorBegin, AcceleratorEnd);
-  // We always consider strategies in this order, and we
-  // always end with the `Accelerator` strategy, as it's typically more
-  // efficient for large sizes.
-  // Contiguous <= Overlap <= Loop <= AlignedLoop <= Accelerator
-  Solver.add(ContiguousEnd == OverlapBegin);
-  Solver.add(OverlapEnd == LoopBegin);
-  Solver.add(LoopEnd == AlignedLoopBegin);
-  Solver.add(AlignedLoopEnd == AcceleratorBegin);
-  // Fix endpoints: The minimum size that we want to copy is 0, and we always
-  // start with the `Contiguous` strategy. The max size is `kMaxSize`.
-  Solver.add(ContiguousBegin == 0);
-  Solver.add(AcceleratorEnd == kMaxSize);
-  // Contiguous
-  Solver.add(ContiguousEnd <= kMaxIndividualSize + 1);
-  // Overlap
-  Solver.add(OverlapEnd <= kMaxOverlapSize + 1);
-  // Overlap only ever makes sense when accessing multiple bytes at a time.
-  // i.e. Overlap<1> is useless.
-  Solver.add(OverlapBegin == OverlapEnd || OverlapBegin >= 2);
-  // Loop
-  addLoopConstraints(LoopBegin, LoopEnd, LoopBlockSize, kLoopMinIter);
-  // Aligned Loop
-  addLoopConstraints(AlignedLoopBegin, AlignedLoopEnd, AlignedLoopBlockSize,
-                     kAlignedLoopMinIter);
-  Solver.add(inSetConstraint(AlignedAlignment, kLoopAlignments));
-  Solver.add(AlignedLoopBegin == AlignedLoopEnd || AlignedLoopBegin >= 64);
-  Solver.add(AlignedLoopBlockSize >= AlignedAlignment);
-  Solver.add(AlignedLoopBlockSize >= LoopBlockSize);
-  z3::expr IsMemcpy = Type == (int)FunctionType::MEMCPY;
-  z3::expr ExploreAlignment = IsMemcpy && kExploreAlignmentArg;
-  Solver.add(
-      (ExploreAlignment &&
-       inSetConstraint(AlignedArg, {(int)AlignArg::_1, (int)AlignArg::_2})) ||
-      (!ExploreAlignment && AlignedArg == (int)AlignArg::_1));
-  // Accelerator
-  Solver.add(IsMemcpy ||
-             (AcceleratorBegin ==
-              AcceleratorEnd)); // Only Memcpy has accelerator for now.
-  // Element classes
-  Solver.add(inSetConstraint(ElementClass, kElementClasses));
-  if (kDisableLoop)
-    Solver.add(LoopBegin == LoopEnd);
-  if (kDisableAlignedLoop)
-    Solver.add(AlignedLoopBegin == AlignedLoopEnd);
-  if (kDisableAccelerator)
-    Solver.add(AcceleratorBegin == AcceleratorEnd);
-// Creates SizeSpan from Begin/End values.
-// Returns std::nullopt if Begin==End.
-static std::optional<SizeSpan> AsSizeSpan(size_t Begin, size_t End) {
-  if (Begin == End)
-    return std::nullopt;
-  SizeSpan SS;
-  SS.Begin = Begin;
-  SS.End = End;
-  return SS;
-// Generic method to create a `Region` struct with a Span or std::nullopt if
-// span is empty.
-template <typename Region>
-static std::optional<Region> As(size_t Begin, size_t End) {
-  if (auto Span = AsSizeSpan(Begin, End)) {
-    Region Output;
-    Output.Span = *Span;
-    return Output;
-  }
-  return std::nullopt;
-// Returns a Loop struct or std::nullopt if span is empty.
-static std::optional<Loop> AsLoop(size_t Begin, size_t End, size_t BlockSize) {
-  if (auto Span = AsSizeSpan(Begin, End)) {
-    Loop Output;
-    Output.Span = *Span;
-    Output.BlockSize = BlockSize;
-    return Output;
-  }
-  return std::nullopt;
-// Returns an AlignedLoop struct or std::nullopt if span is empty.
-static std::optional<AlignedLoop> AsAlignedLoop(size_t Begin, size_t End,
-                                                size_t BlockSize,
-                                                size_t Alignment,
-                                                AlignArg AlignTo) {
-  if (auto Loop = AsLoop(Begin, End, BlockSize)) {
-    AlignedLoop Output;
-    Output.Loop = *Loop;
-    Output.Alignment = Alignment;
-    Output.AlignTo = AlignTo;
-    return Output;
-  }
-  return std::nullopt;
-std::optional<FunctionDescriptor> RandomFunctionGenerator::next() {
-  if (Solver.check() != z3::sat)
-    return {};
-  z3::model m = Solver.get_model();
-  // Helper method to get the current numerical value of a z3::expr.
-  const auto E = [&m](z3::expr &V) -> int {
-    return m.eval(V).get_numeral_int();
-  };
-  // Fill is the function descriptor to return.
-  FunctionDescriptor R;
-  R.Type = FunctionType(E(Type));
-  R.Contiguous = As<Contiguous>(E(ContiguousBegin), E(ContiguousEnd));
-  R.Overlap = As<Overlap>(E(OverlapBegin), E(OverlapEnd));
-  R.Loop = AsLoop(E(LoopBegin), E(LoopEnd), E(LoopBlockSize));
-  R.AlignedLoop = AsAlignedLoop(E(AlignedLoopBegin), E(AlignedLoopEnd),
-                                E(AlignedLoopBlockSize), E(AlignedAlignment),
-                                AlignArg(E(AlignedArg)));
-  R.Accelerator = As<Accelerator>(E(AcceleratorBegin), E(AcceleratorEnd));
-  R.ElementClass = ElementTypeClass(E(ElementClass));
-  // Express current state as a set of constraints.
-  z3::expr CurrentLayout =
-      (Type == E(Type)) && (ContiguousBegin == E(ContiguousBegin)) &&
-      (ContiguousEnd == E(ContiguousEnd)) &&
-      (OverlapBegin == E(OverlapBegin)) && (OverlapEnd == E(OverlapEnd)) &&
-      (LoopBegin == E(LoopBegin)) && (LoopEnd == E(LoopEnd)) &&
-      (LoopBlockSize == E(LoopBlockSize)) &&
-      (AlignedLoopBegin == E(AlignedLoopBegin)) &&
-      (AlignedLoopEnd == E(AlignedLoopEnd)) &&
-      (AlignedLoopBlockSize == E(AlignedLoopBlockSize)) &&
-      (AlignedAlignment == E(AlignedAlignment)) &&
-      (AlignedArg == E(AlignedArg)) &&
-      (AcceleratorBegin == E(AcceleratorBegin)) &&
-      (AcceleratorEnd == E(AcceleratorEnd)) &&
-      (ElementClass == E(ElementClass));
-  // Ask solver to never show this configuration ever again.
-  Solver.add(!CurrentLayout);
-  return R;
-// Make sure `Variable` is one of the provided values.
-z3::expr RandomFunctionGenerator::inSetConstraint(z3::expr &Variable,
-                                                  ArrayRef<int> Values) const {
-  z3::expr_vector Args(Variable.ctx());
-  for (int Value : Values)
-    Args.push_back(Variable == Value);
-  return z3::mk_or(Args);
-void RandomFunctionGenerator::addBoundsAndAnchors(z3::expr &Begin,
-                                                  z3::expr &End) {
-  // Begin and End are picked amongst a set of predefined values.
-  Solver.add(inSetConstraint(Begin, kAnchors));
-  Solver.add(inSetConstraint(End, kAnchors));
-  Solver.add(Begin >= 0);
-  Solver.add(Begin <= End);
-  Solver.add(End <= kMaxSize);
-void RandomFunctionGenerator::addLoopConstraints(const z3::expr &LoopBegin,
-                                                 const z3::expr &LoopEnd,
-                                                 z3::expr &LoopBlockSize,
-                                                 int LoopMinIter) {
-  Solver.add(inSetConstraint(LoopBlockSize, kLoopBlockSize));
-  Solver.add(LoopBegin == LoopEnd ||
-             (LoopBegin > (LoopMinIter * LoopBlockSize)));
-} // namespace automemcpy
-} // namespace llvm
diff --git a/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/lib/ResultAnalyzer.cpp b/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/lib/ResultAnalyzer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b134f6c83a0dfe..00000000000000
--- a/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/lib/ResultAnalyzer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-//===-- Analyze benchmark JSON files --------------------------------------===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-// This code analyzes the json file produced by the `automemcpy` binary.
-// As a remainder, `automemcpy` will benchmark each autogenerated memory
-// functions against one of the predefined distributions available in the
-// `libc/benchmarks/distributions` folder.
-// It works as follows:
-// - Reads one or more json files.
-// - If there are several runs for the same function and distribution, picks the
-//   median throughput (aka `BytesPerSecond`).
-// - Aggregates the throughput per distributions and scores them from worst (0)
-//   to best (1).
-// - Each distribution categorizes each function into one of the following
-//   BAD.
-// - A process similar to the Majority Judgment voting system is used to `elect`
-//   the best function. The histogram of grades is returned so we can
-//   distinguish between functions with the same final grade. In the following
-//   example both functions grade EXCELLENT but we may prefer the second one.
-//   |            | EXCELLENT | VERY_GOOD | GOOD | PASSABLE | ...
-//   |------------|-----------|-----------|------|----------| ...
-//   | Function_1 |     7     |     1     |   2  |          | ...
-//   | Function_2 |     6     |     4     |      |          | ...
-#include "automemcpy/ResultAnalyzer.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
-#include <numeric>
-#include <unordered_map>
-namespace llvm {
-namespace automemcpy {
-StringRef Grade::getString(const GradeEnum &GE) {
-  switch (GE) {
-  case EXCELLENT:
-    return "EXCELLENT";
-  case VERY_GOOD:
-    return "VERY_GOOD";
-  case GOOD:
-    return "GOOD";
-  case PASSABLE:
-    return "PASSABLE";
-    return "INADEQUATE";
-  case MEDIOCRE:
-    return "MEDIOCRE";
-  case BAD:
-    return "BAD";
-  case ARRAY_SIZE:
-    report_fatal_error("logic error");
-  }
-Grade::GradeEnum Grade::judge(double Score) {
-  if (Score >= 6. / 7)
-    return EXCELLENT;
-  if (Score >= 5. / 7)
-    return VERY_GOOD;
-  if (Score >= 4. / 7)
-    return GOOD;
-  if (Score >= 3. / 7)
-    return PASSABLE;
-  if (Score >= 2. / 7)
-    return INADEQUATE;
-  if (Score >= 1. / 7)
-    return MEDIOCRE;
-  return BAD;
-static double computeUnbiasedSampleVariance(const std::vector<double> &Samples,
-                                            const double SampleMean) {
-  assert(!Samples.empty());
-  if (Samples.size() == 1)
-    return 0;
-  double DiffSquaresSum = 0;
-  for (const double S : Samples) {
-    const double Diff = S - SampleMean;
-    DiffSquaresSum += Diff * Diff;
-  }
-  return DiffSquaresSum / (Samples.size() - 1);
-static void processPerDistributionData(PerDistributionData &Data) {
-  auto &Samples = Data.BytesPerSecondSamples;
-  assert(!Samples.empty());
-  // Sample Mean
-  const double Sum = std::accumulate(Samples.begin(), Samples.end(), 0.0);
-  Data.BytesPerSecondMean = Sum / Samples.size();
-  // Unbiased Sample Variance
-  Data.BytesPerSecondVariance =
-      computeUnbiasedSampleVariance(Samples, Data.BytesPerSecondMean);
-  // Median
-  const size_t HalfSize = Samples.size() / 2;
-  std::nth_element(Samples.begin(), Samples.begin() + HalfSize, Samples.end());
-  Data.BytesPerSecondMedian = Samples[HalfSize];
-std::vector<FunctionData> getThroughputs(ArrayRef<Sample> Samples) {
-  std::unordered_map<FunctionId, FunctionData, FunctionId::Hasher> Functions;
-  for (const auto &S : Samples) {
-    if (S.Type != SampleType::ITERATION)
-      break;
-    auto &Function = Functions[S.Id.Function];
-    auto &Data = Function.PerDistributionData[S.Id.Distribution.Name];
-    Data.BytesPerSecondSamples.push_back(S.BytesPerSecond);
-  }
-  std::vector<FunctionData> Output;
-  for (auto &[FunctionId, Function] : Functions) {
-    Function.Id = FunctionId;
-    for (auto &Pair : Function.PerDistributionData)
-      processPerDistributionData(Pair.second);
-    Output.push_back(std::move(Function));
-  }
-  return Output;
-void fillScores(MutableArrayRef<FunctionData> Functions) {
-  // A key to bucket throughput per function type and distribution.
-  struct Key {
-    FunctionType Type;
-    StringRef Distribution;
-    COMPARABLE_AND_HASHABLE(Key, Type, Distribution)
-  };
-  // Tracks minimum and maximum values.
-  struct MinMax {
-    double Min = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
-    double Max = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
-    void update(double Value) {
-      if (Value < Min)
-        Min = Value;
-      if (Value > Max)
-        Max = Value;
-    }
-    double normalize(double Value) const { return (Value - Min) / (Max - Min); }
-  };
-  std::unordered_map<Key, MinMax, Key::Hasher> ThroughputMinMax;
-  for (const auto &Function : Functions) {
-    const FunctionType Type = Function.Id.Type;
-    for (const auto &Pair : Function.PerDistributionData) {
-      const auto &Distribution = Pair.getKey();
-      const double Throughput = Pair.getValue().BytesPerSecondMedian;
-      const Key K{Type, Distribution};
-      ThroughputMinMax[K].update(Throughput);
-    }
-  }
-  for (auto &Function : Functions) {
-    const FunctionType Type = Function.Id.Type;
-    for (const auto &Pair : Function.PerDistributionData) {
-      const auto &Distribution = Pair.getKey();
-      const double Throughput = Pair.getValue().BytesPerSecondMedian;
-      const Key K{Type, Distribution};
-      Function.PerDistributionData[Distribution].Score =
-          ThroughputMinMax[K].normalize(Throughput);
-    }
-  }
-void castVotes(MutableArrayRef<FunctionData> Functions) {
-  for (FunctionData &Function : Functions) {
-    Function.ScoresGeoMean = 1.0;
-    for (const auto &Pair : Function.PerDistributionData) {
-      const StringRef Distribution = Pair.getKey();
-      const double Score = Pair.getValue().Score;
-      Function.ScoresGeoMean *= Score;
-      const auto G = Grade::judge(Score);
-      ++(Function.GradeHisto[G]);
-      Function.PerDistributionData[Distribution].Grade = G;
-    }
-  }
-  for (FunctionData &Function : Functions) {
-    const auto &GradeHisto = Function.GradeHisto;
-    const size_t Votes =
-        std::accumulate(GradeHisto.begin(), GradeHisto.end(), 0U);
-    const size_t MedianVote = Votes / 2;
-    size_t CountedVotes = 0;
-    Grade::GradeEnum MedianGrade = Grade::BAD;
-    for (size_t I = 0; I < GradeHisto.size(); ++I) {
-      CountedVotes += GradeHisto[I];
-      if (CountedVotes > MedianVote) {
-        MedianGrade = Grade::GradeEnum(I);
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    Function.FinalGrade = MedianGrade;
-  }
-} // namespace automemcpy
-} // namespace llvm
diff --git a/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/lib/ResultAnalyzerMain.cpp b/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/lib/ResultAnalyzerMain.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 00eef73a3f38a9..00000000000000
--- a/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/lib/ResultAnalyzerMain.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-//===-- Application to analyze benchmark JSON files -----------------------===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-#include "automemcpy/ResultAnalyzer.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/JSON.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
-namespace llvm {
-// User can specify one or more json filenames to process on the command line.
-static cl::list<std::string> InputFilenames(cl::Positional, cl::OneOrMore,
-                                            cl::desc("<input json files>"));
-// User can filter the distributions to be taken into account.
-static cl::list<std::string>
-    KeepOnlyDistributions("keep-only-distributions",
-                          cl::desc("<comma separated list of distribution "
-                                   "names, keeps all if unspecified>"));
-namespace automemcpy {
-// This is defined in the autogenerated 'Implementations.cpp' file.
-extern ArrayRef<NamedFunctionDescriptor> getFunctionDescriptors();
-// Iterates over all functions and fills a map of function name to function
-// descriptor pointers.
-static StringMap<const FunctionDescriptor *> createFunctionDescriptorMap() {
-  StringMap<const FunctionDescriptor *> Descriptors;
-  for (const NamedFunctionDescriptor &FD : getFunctionDescriptors())
-    Descriptors.insert_or_assign(FD.Name, &FD.Desc);
-  return Descriptors;
-// Retrieves the function descriptor for a particular function name.
-static const FunctionDescriptor &getFunctionDescriptor(StringRef FunctionName) {
-  static StringMap<const FunctionDescriptor *> Descriptors =
-      createFunctionDescriptorMap();
-  const auto *FD = Descriptors.lookup(FunctionName);
-  if (!FD)
-    report_fatal_error(
-        Twine("No FunctionDescriptor for ").concat(FunctionName));
-  return *FD;
-// Functions and distributions names are stored quite a few times so it's more
-// efficient to internalize these strings and refer to them through 'StringRef'.
-static StringRef getInternalizedString(StringRef VolatileStr) {
-  static llvm::StringSet StringCache;
-  return StringCache.insert(VolatileStr).first->getKey();
-// Helper function for the LLVM JSON API.
-bool fromJSON(const json::Value &V, Sample &Out, json::Path P) {
-  std::string Label;
-  std::string RunType;
-  json::ObjectMapper O(V, P);
-  if (O && O.map("bytes_per_second", Out.BytesPerSecond) &&
-      O.map("run_type", RunType) && O.map("label", Label)) {
-    const auto LabelPair = StringRef(Label).split(',');
-    Out.Id.Function.Name = getInternalizedString(LabelPair.first);
-    Out.Id.Function.Type = getFunctionDescriptor(LabelPair.first).Type;
-    Out.Id.Distribution.Name = getInternalizedString(LabelPair.second);
-    Out.Type = StringSwitch<SampleType>(RunType)
-                   .Case("aggregate", SampleType::AGGREGATE)
-                   .Case("iteration", SampleType::ITERATION);
-    return true;
-  }
-  return false;
-// An object to represent the content of the JSON file.
-// This is easier to parse/serialize JSON when the structures of the json file
-// maps the structure of the object.
-struct JsonFile {
-  std::vector<Sample> Samples;
-// Helper function for the LLVM JSON API.
-bool fromJSON(const json::Value &V, JsonFile &JF, json::Path P) {
-  json::ObjectMapper O(V, P);
-  return O && O.map("benchmarks", JF.Samples);
-// Global object to ease error reporting, it consumes errors and crash the
-// application with a meaningful message.
-static ExitOnError ExitOnErr;
-// Main JSON parsing method. Reads the content of the file pointed to by
-// 'Filename' and returns a JsonFile object.
-JsonFile parseJsonResultFile(StringRef Filename) {
-  auto Buf = ExitOnErr(errorOrToExpected(
-      MemoryBuffer::getFile(Filename, /*bool IsText=*/true,
-                            /*RequiresNullTerminator=*/false)));
-  auto JsonValue = ExitOnErr(json::parse(Buf->getBuffer()));
-  json::Path::Root Root;
-  JsonFile JF;
-  if (!fromJSON(JsonValue, JF, Root))
-    ExitOnErr(Root.getError());
-  return JF;
-// Serializes the 'GradeHisto' to the provided 'Stream'.
-static void Serialize(raw_ostream &Stream, const GradeHistogram &GH) {
-  static constexpr std::array<StringRef, 9> kCharacters = {
-      " ", "▁", "▂", "▃", "▄", "▅", "▆", "▇", "█"};
-  const size_t Max = *std::max_element(GH.begin(), GH.end());
-  for (size_t I = 0; I < GH.size(); ++I) {
-    size_t Index = (float(GH[I]) / Max) * (kCharacters.size() - 1);
-    Stream << kCharacters.at(Index);
-  }
-int Main(int argc, char **argv) {
-  ExitOnErr.setBanner("Automemcpy Json Results Analyzer stopped with error: ");
-  cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv, "Automemcpy Json Results Analyzer\n");
-  // Reads all samples stored in the input JSON files.
-  std::vector<Sample> Samples;
-  for (const auto &Filename : InputFilenames) {
-    auto Result = parseJsonResultFile(Filename);
-    llvm::append_range(Samples, Result.Samples);
-  }
-  if (!KeepOnlyDistributions.empty()) {
-    llvm::StringSet ValidDistributions;
-    ValidDistributions.insert(KeepOnlyDistributions.begin(),
-                              KeepOnlyDistributions.end());
-    llvm::erase_if(Samples, [&ValidDistributions](const Sample &S) {
-      return !ValidDistributions.contains(S.Id.Distribution.Name);
-    });
-  }
-  // Extracts median of throughputs.
-  std::vector<FunctionData> Functions = getThroughputs(Samples);
-  fillScores(Functions);
-  castVotes(Functions);
-  // Present data by function type, Grade and Geomean of scores.
-  std::sort(Functions.begin(), Functions.end(),
-            [](const FunctionData &A, const FunctionData &B) {
-              const auto Less = [](const FunctionData &FD) {
-                return std::make_tuple(FD.Id.Type, FD.FinalGrade,
-                                       -FD.ScoresGeoMean);
-              };
-              return Less(A) < Less(B);
-            });
-  // Print result.
-  for (const FunctionData &Function : Functions) {
-    outs() << formatv("{0,-10}", Grade::getString(Function.FinalGrade));
-    outs() << " |";
-    Serialize(outs(), Function.GradeHisto);
-    outs() << "| ";
-    outs().resetColor();
-    outs() << formatv("{0,+25}", Function.Id.Name);
-    outs() << "\n";
-  }
-  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
-} // namespace automemcpy
-} // namespace llvm
-int main(int argc, char **argv) { return llvm::automemcpy::Main(argc, argv); }
diff --git a/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/unittests/CMakeLists.txt b/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/unittests/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 35caaac1519ba9..00000000000000
--- a/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/unittests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-    SRCS CodeGenTest.cpp
-    DEPENDS automemcpy_codegen
-    SRCS ResultAnalyzerTest.cpp
-    DEPENDS automemcpy_result_analyzer_lib
diff --git a/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/unittests/CodeGenTest.cpp b/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/unittests/CodeGenTest.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a7fc8570a73b01..00000000000000
--- a/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/unittests/CodeGenTest.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-//===-- Automemcpy CodeGen Test -------------------------------------------===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-#include "automemcpy/CodeGen.h"
-#include "automemcpy/RandomFunctionGenerator.h"
-#include "src/__support/macros/config.h"
-#include "gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-#include <optional>
-using testing::AllOf;
-using testing::AnyOf;
-using testing::ElementsAre;
-using testing::Ge;
-using testing::Gt;
-using testing::Le;
-using testing::Lt;
-namespace llvm {
-namespace automemcpy {
-namespace {
-TEST(Automemcpy, Codegen) {
-  static constexpr FunctionDescriptor kDescriptors[] = {
-      {FunctionType::MEMCPY, std::nullopt, std::nullopt, std::nullopt, std::nullopt,
-       Accelerator{{0, kMaxSize}}, ElementTypeClass::NATIVE},
-      {FunctionType::MEMCPY, Contiguous{{0, 4}}, Overlap{{4, 256}},
-       Loop{{256, kMaxSize}, 64}, std::nullopt, std::nullopt,
-       ElementTypeClass::NATIVE},
-      {FunctionType::MEMCMP, Contiguous{{0, 2}}, Overlap{{2, 64}}, std::nullopt,
-       AlignedLoop{Loop{{64, kMaxSize}, 16}, 16, AlignArg::_1}, std::nullopt,
-       ElementTypeClass::NATIVE},
-      {FunctionType::MEMSET, Contiguous{{0, 2}}, Overlap{{2, 256}}, std::nullopt,
-       AlignedLoop{Loop{{256, kMaxSize}, 32}, 16, AlignArg::_1}, std::nullopt,
-       ElementTypeClass::NATIVE},
-      {FunctionType::MEMSET, Contiguous{{0, 2}}, Overlap{{2, 256}}, std::nullopt,
-       AlignedLoop{Loop{{256, kMaxSize}, 32}, 32, AlignArg::_1}, std::nullopt,
-       ElementTypeClass::NATIVE},
-      {FunctionType::BZERO, Contiguous{{0, 4}}, Overlap{{4, 128}}, std::nullopt,
-       AlignedLoop{Loop{{128, kMaxSize}, 32}, 32, AlignArg::_1}, std::nullopt,
-       ElementTypeClass::NATIVE},
-  };
-  std::string Output;
-  raw_string_ostream OutputStream(Output);
-  Serialize(OutputStream, kDescriptors);
-  EXPECT_STREQ(Output.c_str(),
-               R"(// This file is auto-generated by libc/benchmarks/automemcpy.
-// Functions : 6
-#include "LibcFunctionPrototypes.h"
-#include "automemcpy/FunctionDescriptor.h"
-#include "src/string/memory_utils/elements.h"
-using llvm::libc_benchmarks::BzeroConfiguration;
-using llvm::libc_benchmarks::MemcmpOrBcmpConfiguration;
-using llvm::libc_benchmarks::MemcpyConfiguration;
-using llvm::libc_benchmarks::MemmoveConfiguration;
-using llvm::libc_benchmarks::MemsetConfiguration;
-static void memcpy_0xE00E29EE73994E2B(char *__restrict dst, const char *__restrict src, size_t size) {
-  using namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE::x86;
-  return copy<Accelerator>(dst, src, size);
-static void memcpy_0x7381B60C7BE75EF9(char *__restrict dst, const char *__restrict src, size_t size) {
-  using namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE::x86;
-  if(size == 0) return;
-  if(size == 1) return copy<_1>(dst, src);
-  if(size == 2) return copy<_2>(dst, src);
-  if(size == 3) return copy<_3>(dst, src);
-  if(size < 8) return copy<HeadTail<_4>>(dst, src, size);
-  if(size < 16) return copy<HeadTail<_8>>(dst, src, size);
-  if(size < 32) return copy<HeadTail<_16>>(dst, src, size);
-  if(size < 64) return copy<HeadTail<_32>>(dst, src, size);
-  if(size < 128) return copy<HeadTail<_64>>(dst, src, size);
-  if(size < 256) return copy<HeadTail<_128>>(dst, src, size);
-  return copy<Loop<_64>>(dst, src, size);
-static int memcmp_0x348D7BA6DB0EE033(const char * lhs, const char * rhs, size_t size) {
-  using namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE::x86;
-  if(size == 0) return 0;
-  if(size == 1) return three_way_compare<_1>(lhs, rhs);
-  if(size < 4) return three_way_compare<HeadTail<_2>>(lhs, rhs, size);
-  if(size < 8) return three_way_compare<HeadTail<_4>>(lhs, rhs, size);
-  if(size < 16) return three_way_compare<HeadTail<_8>>(lhs, rhs, size);
-  if(size < 32) return three_way_compare<HeadTail<_16>>(lhs, rhs, size);
-  if(size < 64) return three_way_compare<HeadTail<_32>>(lhs, rhs, size);
-  return three_way_compare<Align<_16,Arg::Lhs>::Then<Loop<_16>>>(lhs, rhs, size);
-static void memset_0x71E761699B999863(char * dst, int value, size_t size) {
-  using namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE::x86;
-  if(size == 0) return;
-  if(size == 1) return splat_set<_1>(dst, value);
-  if(size < 4) return splat_set<HeadTail<_2>>(dst, value, size);
-  if(size < 8) return splat_set<HeadTail<_4>>(dst, value, size);
-  if(size < 16) return splat_set<HeadTail<_8>>(dst, value, size);
-  if(size < 32) return splat_set<HeadTail<_16>>(dst, value, size);
-  if(size < 64) return splat_set<HeadTail<_32>>(dst, value, size);
-  if(size < 128) return splat_set<HeadTail<_64>>(dst, value, size);
-  if(size < 256) return splat_set<HeadTail<_128>>(dst, value, size);
-  return splat_set<Align<_16,Arg::Dst>::Then<Loop<_32>>>(dst, value, size);
-static void memset_0x3DF0F44E2ED6A50F(char * dst, int value, size_t size) {
-  using namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE::x86;
-  if(size == 0) return;
-  if(size == 1) return splat_set<_1>(dst, value);
-  if(size < 4) return splat_set<HeadTail<_2>>(dst, value, size);
-  if(size < 8) return splat_set<HeadTail<_4>>(dst, value, size);
-  if(size < 16) return splat_set<HeadTail<_8>>(dst, value, size);
-  if(size < 32) return splat_set<HeadTail<_16>>(dst, value, size);
-  if(size < 64) return splat_set<HeadTail<_32>>(dst, value, size);
-  if(size < 128) return splat_set<HeadTail<_64>>(dst, value, size);
-  if(size < 256) return splat_set<HeadTail<_128>>(dst, value, size);
-  return splat_set<Align<_32,Arg::Dst>::Then<Loop<_32>>>(dst, value, size);
-static void bzero_0x475977492C218AD4(char * dst, size_t size) {
-  using namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE::x86;
-  if(size == 0) return;
-  if(size == 1) return splat_set<_1>(dst, 0);
-  if(size == 2) return splat_set<_2>(dst, 0);
-  if(size == 3) return splat_set<_3>(dst, 0);
-  if(size < 8) return splat_set<HeadTail<_4>>(dst, 0, size);
-  if(size < 16) return splat_set<HeadTail<_8>>(dst, 0, size);
-  if(size < 32) return splat_set<HeadTail<_16>>(dst, 0, size);
-  if(size < 64) return splat_set<HeadTail<_32>>(dst, 0, size);
-  if(size < 128) return splat_set<HeadTail<_64>>(dst, 0, size);
-  return splat_set<Align<_32,Arg::Dst>::Then<Loop<_32>>>(dst, 0, size);
-} // namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE_DECL
-namespace llvm {
-namespace automemcpy {
-ArrayRef<NamedFunctionDescriptor> getFunctionDescriptors() {
-  static constexpr NamedFunctionDescriptor kDescriptors[] = {
-    {"memcpy_0xE00E29EE73994E2B",{FunctionType::MEMCPY,std::nullopt,std::nullopt,std::nullopt,std::nullopt,Accelerator{{0,kMaxSize}},ElementTypeClass::NATIVE}},
-    {"memcpy_0x7381B60C7BE75EF9",{FunctionType::MEMCPY,Contiguous{{0,4}},Overlap{{4,256}},Loop{{256,kMaxSize},64},std::nullopt,std::nullopt,ElementTypeClass::NATIVE}},
-    {"memcmp_0x348D7BA6DB0EE033",{FunctionType::MEMCMP,Contiguous{{0,2}},Overlap{{2,64}},std::nullopt,AlignedLoop{Loop{{64,kMaxSize},16},16,AlignArg::_1},std::nullopt,ElementTypeClass::NATIVE}},
-    {"memset_0x71E761699B999863",{FunctionType::MEMSET,Contiguous{{0,2}},Overlap{{2,256}},std::nullopt,AlignedLoop{Loop{{256,kMaxSize},32},16,AlignArg::_1},std::nullopt,ElementTypeClass::NATIVE}},
-    {"memset_0x3DF0F44E2ED6A50F",{FunctionType::MEMSET,Contiguous{{0,2}},Overlap{{2,256}},std::nullopt,AlignedLoop{Loop{{256,kMaxSize},32},32,AlignArg::_1},std::nullopt,ElementTypeClass::NATIVE}},
-    {"bzero_0x475977492C218AD4",{FunctionType::BZERO,Contiguous{{0,4}},Overlap{{4,128}},std::nullopt,AlignedLoop{Loop{{128,kMaxSize},32},32,AlignArg::_1},std::nullopt,ElementTypeClass::NATIVE}},
-  };
-  return ArrayRef(kDescriptors);
-} // namespace automemcpy
-} // namespace llvm
-using MemcpyStub = void (*)(char *__restrict, const char *__restrict, size_t);
-template <MemcpyStub Foo>
-void *Wrap(void *__restrict dst, const void *__restrict src, size_t size) {
-  Foo(reinterpret_cast<char *__restrict>(dst),
-      reinterpret_cast<const char *__restrict>(src), size);
-  return dst;
-llvm::ArrayRef<MemcpyConfiguration> getMemcpyConfigurations() {
-  using namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE;
-  static constexpr MemcpyConfiguration kConfigurations[] = {
-    {Wrap<memcpy_0xE00E29EE73994E2B>, "memcpy_0xE00E29EE73994E2B"},
-    {Wrap<memcpy_0x7381B60C7BE75EF9>, "memcpy_0x7381B60C7BE75EF9"},
-  };
-  return llvm::ArrayRef(kConfigurations);
-using MemcmpStub = int (*)(const char *, const char *, size_t);
-template <MemcmpStub Foo>
-int Wrap(const void *lhs, const void *rhs, size_t size) {
-  return Foo(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(lhs),
-             reinterpret_cast<const char *>(rhs), size);
-llvm::ArrayRef<MemcmpOrBcmpConfiguration> getMemcmpConfigurations() {
-  using namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE;
-  static constexpr MemcmpOrBcmpConfiguration kConfigurations[] = {
-    {Wrap<memcmp_0x348D7BA6DB0EE033>, "memcmp_0x348D7BA6DB0EE033"},
-  };
-  return llvm::ArrayRef(kConfigurations);
-llvm::ArrayRef<MemcmpOrBcmpConfiguration> getBcmpConfigurations() {
-  return {};
-using MemsetStub = void (*)(char *, int, size_t);
-template <MemsetStub Foo> void *Wrap(void *dst, int value, size_t size) {
-  Foo(reinterpret_cast<char *>(dst), value, size);
-  return dst;
-llvm::ArrayRef<MemsetConfiguration> getMemsetConfigurations() {
-  using namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE;
-  static constexpr MemsetConfiguration kConfigurations[] = {
-    {Wrap<memset_0x71E761699B999863>, "memset_0x71E761699B999863"},
-    {Wrap<memset_0x3DF0F44E2ED6A50F>, "memset_0x3DF0F44E2ED6A50F"},
-  };
-  return llvm::ArrayRef(kConfigurations);
-using BzeroStub = void (*)(char *, size_t);
-template <BzeroStub Foo> void Wrap(void *dst, size_t size) {
-  Foo(reinterpret_cast<char *>(dst), size);
-llvm::ArrayRef<BzeroConfiguration> getBzeroConfigurations() {
-  using namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE;
-  static constexpr BzeroConfiguration kConfigurations[] = {
-    {Wrap<bzero_0x475977492C218AD4>, "bzero_0x475977492C218AD4"},
-  };
-  return llvm::ArrayRef(kConfigurations);
-llvm::ArrayRef<MemmoveConfiguration> getMemmoveConfigurations() {
-  return {};
-// Functions : 6
-} // namespace
-} // namespace automemcpy
-} // namespace llvm
diff --git a/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/unittests/ResultAnalyzerTest.cpp b/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/unittests/ResultAnalyzerTest.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b67f70eb89cd1..00000000000000
--- a/libc/benchmarks/automemcpy/unittests/ResultAnalyzerTest.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-//===--  Automemcpy Json Results Analyzer Test ----------------------------===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-#include "automemcpy/ResultAnalyzer.h"
-#include "gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-using testing::DoubleNear;
-using testing::ElementsAre;
-using testing::Pair;
-using testing::SizeIs;
-namespace llvm {
-namespace automemcpy {
-namespace {
-TEST(AutomemcpyJsonResultsAnalyzer, getThroughputsOneSample) {
-  static constexpr FunctionId Foo1 = {"memcpy1", FunctionType::MEMCPY};
-  static constexpr DistributionId DistA = {{"A"}};
-  static constexpr SampleId Id = {Foo1, DistA};
-  static constexpr Sample kSamples[] = {
-      Sample{Id, SampleType::ITERATION, 4},
-      Sample{Id, SampleType::AGGREGATE, -1}, // Aggegates gets discarded
-  };
-  const std::vector<FunctionData> Data = getThroughputs(kSamples);
-  EXPECT_THAT(Data, SizeIs(1));
-  EXPECT_THAT(Data[0].Id, Foo1);
-  EXPECT_THAT(Data[0].PerDistributionData, SizeIs(1));
-  // A single value is provided.
-  const auto &DistributionData = Data[0].PerDistributionData.lookup(DistA.Name);
-  EXPECT_THAT(DistributionData.BytesPerSecondMedian, 4);
-  EXPECT_THAT(DistributionData.BytesPerSecondMean, 4);
-  EXPECT_THAT(DistributionData.BytesPerSecondVariance, 0);
-TEST(AutomemcpyJsonResultsAnalyzer, getThroughputsManySamplesSameBucket) {
-  static constexpr FunctionId Foo1 = {"memcpy1", FunctionType::MEMCPY};
-  static constexpr DistributionId DistA = {{"A"}};
-  static constexpr SampleId Id = {Foo1, DistA};
-  static constexpr Sample kSamples[] = {Sample{Id, SampleType::ITERATION, 4},
-                                        Sample{Id, SampleType::ITERATION, 5},
-                                        Sample{Id, SampleType::ITERATION, 5}};
-  const std::vector<FunctionData> Data = getThroughputs(kSamples);
-  EXPECT_THAT(Data, SizeIs(1));
-  EXPECT_THAT(Data[0].Id, Foo1);
-  EXPECT_THAT(Data[0].PerDistributionData, SizeIs(1));
-  // When multiple values are provided we pick the median one (here median of 4,
-  // 5, 5).
-  const auto &DistributionData = Data[0].PerDistributionData.lookup(DistA.Name);
-  EXPECT_THAT(DistributionData.BytesPerSecondMedian, 5);
-  EXPECT_THAT(DistributionData.BytesPerSecondMean, DoubleNear(4.6, 0.1));
-  EXPECT_THAT(DistributionData.BytesPerSecondVariance, DoubleNear(0.33, 0.01));
-TEST(AutomemcpyJsonResultsAnalyzer, getThroughputsServeralFunctionAndDist) {
-  static constexpr FunctionId Foo1 = {"memcpy1", FunctionType::MEMCPY};
-  static constexpr DistributionId DistA = {{"A"}};
-  static constexpr FunctionId Foo2 = {"memcpy2", FunctionType::MEMCPY};
-  static constexpr DistributionId DistB = {{"B"}};
-  static constexpr Sample kSamples[] = {
-      Sample{{Foo1, DistA}, SampleType::ITERATION, 1},
-      Sample{{Foo1, DistB}, SampleType::ITERATION, 2},
-      Sample{{Foo2, DistA}, SampleType::ITERATION, 3},
-      Sample{{Foo2, DistB}, SampleType::ITERATION, 4}};
-  // Data is aggregated per function.
-  const std::vector<FunctionData> Data = getThroughputs(kSamples);
-  EXPECT_THAT(Data, SizeIs(2)); // 2 functions Foo1 and Foo2.
-  // Each function has data for both distributions DistA and DistB.
-  EXPECT_THAT(Data[0].PerDistributionData, SizeIs(2));
-  EXPECT_THAT(Data[1].PerDistributionData, SizeIs(2));
-TEST(AutomemcpyJsonResultsAnalyzer, getScore) {
-  static constexpr FunctionId Foo1 = {"memcpy1", FunctionType::MEMCPY};
-  static constexpr FunctionId Foo2 = {"memcpy2", FunctionType::MEMCPY};
-  static constexpr FunctionId Foo3 = {"memcpy3", FunctionType::MEMCPY};
-  static constexpr DistributionId Dist = {{"A"}};
-  static constexpr Sample kSamples[] = {
-      Sample{{Foo1, Dist}, SampleType::ITERATION, 1},
-      Sample{{Foo2, Dist}, SampleType::ITERATION, 2},
-      Sample{{Foo3, Dist}, SampleType::ITERATION, 3}};
-  // Data is aggregated per function.
-  std::vector<FunctionData> Data = getThroughputs(kSamples);
-  // Sort Data by function name so we can test them.
-  std::sort(
-      Data.begin(), Data.end(),
-      [](const FunctionData &A, const FunctionData &B) { return A.Id < B.Id; });
-  EXPECT_THAT(Data[0].Id, Foo1);
-  EXPECT_THAT(Data[0].PerDistributionData.lookup("A").BytesPerSecondMedian, 1);
-  EXPECT_THAT(Data[1].Id, Foo2);
-  EXPECT_THAT(Data[1].PerDistributionData.lookup("A").BytesPerSecondMedian, 2);
-  EXPECT_THAT(Data[2].Id, Foo3);
-  EXPECT_THAT(Data[2].PerDistributionData.lookup("A").BytesPerSecondMedian, 3);
-  // Normalizes throughput per distribution.
-  fillScores(Data);
-  EXPECT_THAT(Data[0].PerDistributionData.lookup("A").Score, 0);
-  EXPECT_THAT(Data[1].PerDistributionData.lookup("A").Score, 0.5);
-  EXPECT_THAT(Data[2].PerDistributionData.lookup("A").Score, 1);
-TEST(AutomemcpyJsonResultsAnalyzer, castVotes) {
-  static constexpr double kAbsErr = 0.01;
-  static constexpr FunctionId Foo1 = {"memcpy1", FunctionType::MEMCPY};
-  static constexpr FunctionId Foo2 = {"memcpy2", FunctionType::MEMCPY};
-  static constexpr FunctionId Foo3 = {"memcpy3", FunctionType::MEMCPY};
-  static constexpr DistributionId DistA = {{"A"}};
-  static constexpr DistributionId DistB = {{"B"}};
-  static constexpr Sample kSamples[] = {
-      Sample{{Foo1, DistA}, SampleType::ITERATION, 0},
-      Sample{{Foo1, DistB}, SampleType::ITERATION, 30},
-      Sample{{Foo2, DistA}, SampleType::ITERATION, 1},
-      Sample{{Foo2, DistB}, SampleType::ITERATION, 100},
-      Sample{{Foo3, DistA}, SampleType::ITERATION, 7},
-      Sample{{Foo3, DistB}, SampleType::ITERATION, 100},
-  };
-  // DistA Thoughput ranges from 0 to 7.
-  // DistB Thoughput ranges from 30 to 100.
-  // Data is aggregated per function.
-  std::vector<FunctionData> Data = getThroughputs(kSamples);
-  // Sort Data by function name so we can test them.
-  std::sort(
-      Data.begin(), Data.end(),
-      [](const FunctionData &A, const FunctionData &B) { return A.Id < B.Id; });
-  // Normalizes throughput per distribution.
-  fillScores(Data);
-  // Cast votes
-  castVotes(Data);
-  EXPECT_THAT(Data[0].Id, Foo1);
-  EXPECT_THAT(Data[1].Id, Foo2);
-  EXPECT_THAT(Data[2].Id, Foo3);
-  const auto GetDistData = [&Data](size_t Index, StringRef Name) {
-    return Data[Index].PerDistributionData.lookup(Name);
-  };
-  // Distribution A
-  // Throughput is 0, 1 and 7, so normalized scores are 0, 1/7 and 1.
-  EXPECT_THAT(GetDistData(0, "A").Score, DoubleNear(0, kAbsErr));
-  EXPECT_THAT(GetDistData(1, "A").Score, DoubleNear(1. / 7, kAbsErr));
-  EXPECT_THAT(GetDistData(2, "A").Score, DoubleNear(1, kAbsErr));
-  // which are turned into grades BAD,  MEDIOCRE and EXCELLENT.
-  EXPECT_THAT(GetDistData(0, "A").Grade, Grade::BAD);
-  EXPECT_THAT(GetDistData(1, "A").Grade, Grade::MEDIOCRE);
-  EXPECT_THAT(GetDistData(2, "A").Grade, Grade::EXCELLENT);
-  // Distribution B
-  // Throughput is 30, 100 and 100, so normalized scores are 0, 1 and 1.
-  EXPECT_THAT(GetDistData(0, "B").Score, DoubleNear(0, kAbsErr));
-  EXPECT_THAT(GetDistData(1, "B").Score, DoubleNear(1, kAbsErr));
-  EXPECT_THAT(GetDistData(2, "B").Score, DoubleNear(1, kAbsErr));
-  // which are turned into grades BAD, EXCELLENT and EXCELLENT.
-  EXPECT_THAT(GetDistData(0, "B").Grade, Grade::BAD);
-  EXPECT_THAT(GetDistData(1, "B").Grade, Grade::EXCELLENT);
-  EXPECT_THAT(GetDistData(2, "B").Grade, Grade::EXCELLENT);
-  // Now looking from the functions point of view.
-  EXPECT_THAT(Data[0].ScoresGeoMean, DoubleNear(0, kAbsErr));
-  EXPECT_THAT(Data[1].ScoresGeoMean, DoubleNear(1. * (1. / 7), kAbsErr));
-  EXPECT_THAT(Data[2].ScoresGeoMean, DoubleNear(1, kAbsErr));
-  // Note the array is indexed by GradeEnum values (EXCELLENT=0 / BAD = 6)
-  EXPECT_THAT(Data[0].GradeHisto, ElementsAre(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2));
-  EXPECT_THAT(Data[1].GradeHisto, ElementsAre(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0));
-  EXPECT_THAT(Data[2].GradeHisto, ElementsAre(2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
-  EXPECT_THAT(Data[0].FinalGrade, Grade::BAD);
-  EXPECT_THAT(Data[1].FinalGrade, Grade::MEDIOCRE);
-  EXPECT_THAT(Data[2].FinalGrade, Grade::EXCELLENT);
-} // namespace
-} // namespace automemcpy
-} // namespace llvm
diff --git a/libc/docs/dev/source_tree_layout.rst b/libc/docs/dev/source_tree_layout.rst
index 0010f138317b58..bd9d6ca453e084 100644
--- a/libc/docs/dev/source_tree_layout.rst
+++ b/libc/docs/dev/source_tree_layout.rst
@@ -29,8 +29,7 @@ The ``benchmarks`` directory
 The ``benchmarks`` directory contains LLVM-libc's benchmarking utilities. These
-are mostly used for the memory functions. This also includes the automemcpy
-subdirectory for automatic generation of optimized memory functions.
+are mostly used for the memory functions.
 The ``config`` directory

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