[llvm] f50ce31 - [llvm][NFC] `APFloat`: Add missing semantics to enum (#117291)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Dec 4 14:59:03 PST 2024

Author: Matthias Springer
Date: 2024-12-04T14:58:59-08:00
New Revision: f50ce316ec434f1e2f061287a48d85acde801a3d

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/f50ce316ec434f1e2f061287a48d85acde801a3d
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/f50ce316ec434f1e2f061287a48d85acde801a3d.diff

LOG: [llvm][NFC] `APFloat`: Add missing semantics to enum (#117291)

* Add missing semantics to the `Semantics` enum.
* Move all documentation of the semantics to the header file.
* Also rename some functions for consistency.




diff  --git a/llvm/include/llvm/ADT/APFloat.h b/llvm/include/llvm/ADT/APFloat.h
index 4ca928bf4f49e3..bf80fa5a06580b 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/ADT/APFloat.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/ADT/APFloat.h
@@ -155,7 +155,41 @@ struct APFloatBase {
+    // The IBM double-double semantics. Such a number consists of a pair of
+    // IEEE 64-bit doubles (Hi, Lo), where |Hi| > |Lo|, and if normal,
+    // (double)(Hi + Lo) == Hi. The numeric value it's modeling is Hi + Lo.
+    // Therefore it has two 53-bit mantissa parts that aren't necessarily
+    // adjacent to each other, and two 11-bit exponents.
+    //
+    // Note: we need to make the value 
diff erent from semBogus as otherwise
+    // an unsafe optimization may collapse both values to a single address,
+    // and we heavily rely on them having distinct addresses.
+    // These are legacy semantics for the fallback, inaccurate implementation
+    // of IBM double-double, if the accurate semPPCDoubleDouble doesn't handle
+    // the operation. It's equivalent to having an IEEE number with consecutive
+    // 106 bits of mantissa and 11 bits of exponent.
+    //
+    // It's not equivalent to IBM double-double. For example, a legit IBM
+    // double-double, 1 + epsilon:
+    //
+    // 1 + epsilon = 1 + (1 >> 1076)
+    //
+    // is not representable by a consecutive 106 bits of mantissa.
+    //
+    // Currently, these semantics are used in the following way:
+    //
+    //   semPPCDoubleDouble -> (IEEEdouble, IEEEdouble) ->
+    //   (64-bit APInt, 64-bit APInt) -> (128-bit APInt) ->
+    //   semPPCDoubleDoubleLegacy -> IEEE operations
+    //
+    // We use bitcastToAPInt() to get the bit representation (in APInt) of the
+    // underlying IEEEdouble, then use the APInt constructor to construct the
+    // legacy IEEE float.
+    //
+    // TODO: Implement all operations in semPPCDoubleDouble, and delete these
+    // semantics.
+    S_PPCDoubleDoubleLegacy,
     // 8-bit floating point number following IEEE-754 conventions with bit
     // layout S1E5M2 as described in https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.05433.
@@ -214,7 +248,7 @@ struct APFloatBase {
     // types, there are no infinity or NaN values. The format is detailed in
     // https://www.opencompute.org/documents/ocp-microscaling-formats-mx-v1-0-spec-final-pdf
+    // TODO: Documentation is missing.
     S_MaxSemantics = S_x87DoubleExtended,
@@ -228,6 +262,7 @@ struct APFloatBase {
   static const fltSemantics &IEEEdouble() LLVM_READNONE;
   static const fltSemantics &IEEEquad() LLVM_READNONE;
   static const fltSemantics &PPCDoubleDouble() LLVM_READNONE;
+  static const fltSemantics &PPCDoubleDoubleLegacy() LLVM_READNONE;
   static const fltSemantics &Float8E5M2() LLVM_READNONE;
   static const fltSemantics &Float8E5M2FNUZ() LLVM_READNONE;
   static const fltSemantics &Float8E4M3() LLVM_READNONE;
@@ -688,7 +723,7 @@ class IEEEFloat final {
   APInt convertDoubleAPFloatToAPInt() const;
   APInt convertQuadrupleAPFloatToAPInt() const;
   APInt convertF80LongDoubleAPFloatToAPInt() const;
-  APInt convertPPCDoubleDoubleAPFloatToAPInt() const;
+  APInt convertPPCDoubleDoubleLegacyAPFloatToAPInt() const;
   APInt convertFloat8E5M2APFloatToAPInt() const;
   APInt convertFloat8E5M2FNUZAPFloatToAPInt() const;
   APInt convertFloat8E4M3APFloatToAPInt() const;
@@ -709,7 +744,7 @@ class IEEEFloat final {
   void initFromDoubleAPInt(const APInt &api);
   void initFromQuadrupleAPInt(const APInt &api);
   void initFromF80LongDoubleAPInt(const APInt &api);
-  void initFromPPCDoubleDoubleAPInt(const APInt &api);
+  void initFromPPCDoubleDoubleLegacyAPInt(const APInt &api);
   void initFromFloat8E5M2APInt(const APInt &api);
   void initFromFloat8E5M2FNUZAPInt(const APInt &api);
   void initFromFloat8E4M3APInt(const APInt &api);

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Support/APFloat.cpp b/llvm/lib/Support/APFloat.cpp
index 81e297c3ab033e..c9adfca8b3b768 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Support/APFloat.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Support/APFloat.cpp
@@ -164,42 +164,7 @@ static constexpr fltSemantics semFloat4E2M1FN = {
     2, 0, 2, 4, fltNonfiniteBehavior::FiniteOnly};
 static constexpr fltSemantics semX87DoubleExtended = {16383, -16382, 64, 80};
 static constexpr fltSemantics semBogus = {0, 0, 0, 0};
-/* The IBM double-double semantics. Such a number consists of a pair of IEEE
-   64-bit doubles (Hi, Lo), where |Hi| > |Lo|, and if normal,
-   (double)(Hi + Lo) == Hi. The numeric value it's modeling is Hi + Lo.
-   Therefore it has two 53-bit mantissa parts that aren't necessarily adjacent
-   to each other, and two 11-bit exponents.
-   Note: we need to make the value 
diff erent from semBogus as otherwise
-   an unsafe optimization may collapse both values to a single address,
-   and we heavily rely on them having distinct addresses.             */
 static constexpr fltSemantics semPPCDoubleDouble = {-1, 0, 0, 128};
-/* These are legacy semantics for the fallback, inaccrurate implementation of
-   IBM double-double, if the accurate semPPCDoubleDouble doesn't handle the
-   operation. It's equivalent to having an IEEE number with consecutive 106
-   bits of mantissa and 11 bits of exponent.
-   It's not equivalent to IBM double-double. For example, a legit IBM
-   double-double, 1 + epsilon:
-     1 + epsilon = 1 + (1 >> 1076)
-   is not representable by a consecutive 106 bits of mantissa.
-   Currently, these semantics are used in the following way:
-     semPPCDoubleDouble -> (IEEEdouble, IEEEdouble) ->
-     (64-bit APInt, 64-bit APInt) -> (128-bit APInt) ->
-     semPPCDoubleDoubleLegacy -> IEEE operations
-   We use bitcastToAPInt() to get the bit representation (in APInt) of the
-   underlying IEEEdouble, then use the APInt constructor to construct the
-   legacy IEEE float.
-   TODO: Implement all operations in semPPCDoubleDouble, and delete these
-   semantics.  */
 static constexpr fltSemantics semPPCDoubleDoubleLegacy = {1023, -1022 + 53,
                                                           53 + 53, 128};
@@ -217,6 +182,8 @@ const llvm::fltSemantics &APFloatBase::EnumToSemantics(Semantics S) {
     return IEEEquad();
   case S_PPCDoubleDouble:
     return PPCDoubleDouble();
+  case S_PPCDoubleDoubleLegacy:
+    return PPCDoubleDoubleLegacy();
   case S_Float8E5M2:
     return Float8E5M2();
   case S_Float8E5M2FNUZ:
@@ -261,6 +228,8 @@ APFloatBase::SemanticsToEnum(const llvm::fltSemantics &Sem) {
     return S_IEEEquad;
   else if (&Sem == &llvm::APFloat::PPCDoubleDouble())
     return S_PPCDoubleDouble;
+  else if (&Sem == &llvm::APFloat::PPCDoubleDoubleLegacy())
+    return S_PPCDoubleDoubleLegacy;
   else if (&Sem == &llvm::APFloat::Float8E5M2())
     return S_Float8E5M2;
   else if (&Sem == &llvm::APFloat::Float8E5M2FNUZ())
@@ -299,6 +268,9 @@ const fltSemantics &APFloatBase::IEEEquad() { return semIEEEquad; }
 const fltSemantics &APFloatBase::PPCDoubleDouble() {
   return semPPCDoubleDouble;
+const fltSemantics &APFloatBase::PPCDoubleDoubleLegacy() {
+  return semPPCDoubleDoubleLegacy;
 const fltSemantics &APFloatBase::Float8E5M2() { return semFloat8E5M2; }
 const fltSemantics &APFloatBase::Float8E5M2FNUZ() { return semFloat8E5M2FNUZ; }
 const fltSemantics &APFloatBase::Float8E4M3() { return semFloat8E4M3; }
@@ -3574,7 +3546,7 @@ APInt IEEEFloat::convertF80LongDoubleAPFloatToAPInt() const {
   return APInt(80, words);
-APInt IEEEFloat::convertPPCDoubleDoubleAPFloatToAPInt() const {
+APInt IEEEFloat::convertPPCDoubleDoubleLegacyAPFloatToAPInt() const {
   assert(semantics == (const llvm::fltSemantics *)&semPPCDoubleDoubleLegacy);
@@ -3796,7 +3768,7 @@ APInt IEEEFloat::bitcastToAPInt() const {
     return convertQuadrupleAPFloatToAPInt();
   if (semantics == (const llvm::fltSemantics *)&semPPCDoubleDoubleLegacy)
-    return convertPPCDoubleDoubleAPFloatToAPInt();
+    return convertPPCDoubleDoubleLegacyAPFloatToAPInt();
   if (semantics == (const llvm::fltSemantics *)&semFloat8E5M2)
     return convertFloat8E5M2APFloatToAPInt();
@@ -3900,7 +3872,7 @@ void IEEEFloat::initFromF80LongDoubleAPInt(const APInt &api) {
-void IEEEFloat::initFromPPCDoubleDoubleAPInt(const APInt &api) {
+void IEEEFloat::initFromPPCDoubleDoubleLegacyAPInt(const APInt &api) {
   uint64_t i1 = api.getRawData()[0];
   uint64_t i2 = api.getRawData()[1];
   opStatus fs;
@@ -4119,7 +4091,7 @@ void IEEEFloat::initFromAPInt(const fltSemantics *Sem, const APInt &api) {
   if (Sem == &semIEEEquad)
     return initFromQuadrupleAPInt(api);
   if (Sem == &semPPCDoubleDoubleLegacy)
-    return initFromPPCDoubleDoubleAPInt(api);
+    return initFromPPCDoubleDoubleLegacyAPInt(api);
   if (Sem == &semFloat8E5M2)
     return initFromFloat8E5M2APInt(api);
   if (Sem == &semFloat8E5M2FNUZ)
@@ -4145,7 +4117,7 @@ void IEEEFloat::initFromAPInt(const fltSemantics *Sem, const APInt &api) {
   if (Sem == &semFloat4E2M1FN)
     return initFromFloat4E2M1FNAPInt(api);
-  llvm_unreachable(nullptr);
+  llvm_unreachable("unsupported semantics");
 /// Make this number the largest magnitude normal number in the given


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