[llvm] [CodeGen][NewPM] Port RegAllocEvictionAdvisor analysis to NPM (PR #117309)

Mircea Trofin via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Dec 4 12:47:44 PST 2024

@@ -191,13 +193,66 @@ class RegAllocEvictionAdvisorAnalysis : public ImmutablePass {
   const AdvisorMode Mode;
+/// Common provider for legacy and new pass managers.
+/// This keeps the state for logging, and sets up and holds the provider.
+/// The legacy pass itself used to keep the logging state and provider,
+/// so this extraction helps the NPM analysis to reuse the logic.
+class RegAllocEvictionAdvisorProvider {
+  enum class AdvisorMode : int { Default, Release, Development };
+  RegAllocEvictionAdvisorProvider(AdvisorMode Mode) : Mode(Mode) {}
+  virtual ~RegAllocEvictionAdvisorProvider() = default;
+  virtual bool doInitialization(Module &M) { return false; }
+  virtual void logRewardIfNeeded(const MachineFunction &MF,
+                                 llvm::function_ref<float()> GetReward) {}
+  virtual std::unique_ptr<RegAllocEvictionAdvisor>
+  getAdvisor(const MachineFunction &MF, const RAGreedy &RA) = 0;
+  /// Set the analyses that the advisor needs to use as they might not be
+  /// available before the advisor is created.
+  virtual void setAnalyses(std::initializer_list<llvm::Any> AnalysisP) {}
+  AdvisorMode getAdvisorMode() const { return Mode; }
+  const AdvisorMode Mode;
+RegAllocEvictionAdvisorProvider *createReleaseModeAdvisorProvider();
mtrofin wrote:

> Or - just separate out the ML advisor initialization in the new analysis to the `MLRegAlloc..cpp`?

Yes, each analysis would instantiate its provider as its implementation detail.


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